
Another MCU Story

SI. Finding adventure in same old same MCU

Rex_Zatch · Filmes
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33 Chs

Chapter-14 Human Spider or Spider-Man

After we kissed, we get in the car and start the car, we reach her home, and before she got out, we kiss one last time, and she went inside. After that, I also went home. It was already 10 clocks and when I reach home I saw Adam, john, and Eva.

John was giving me a thumbs up while the rest of them were angry. Adam and Eva scold me a little after scolding they ask me how my date went and John teased me by saying I have a lipstick mark left, I hurriedly try to erase the lipstick mark from my mouth but a second later I found he trick me and my face turned red including my ear, soon everybody found out, we kissed in the lips.

After seeing it, I was embarrassed Adam suggested that it is night and tomorrow, I have to go to school, so I should go to sleep. I hurriedly nodded to his suggestion and ran toward my room. They didn't ask for dinner because they knew I had already eaten on my date with Layla. While trying to sleep, I always remember our kiss and even dream about her in my dream.

As I was sleeping peacefully and even having a good dream, somewhere else peter was having his nightmare. In his nightmare uncle, Ben died, and he was at fault and everybody was pointing their finger at him saying 'you had power why did you not stop that thief? Why did you let him go?' while having this nightmare, he was also remembering his uncle's word, 'with great power comes great responsibility.

That night he could not sleep he went out at 11 clocks while walking he heard an old man's voice asking for help. Before he knew what was happening, his foot moved on his own and his heart was beating faster as he approached that location.

When he reaches there, he saw a man wearing a ski mask with a knife threatening an old man to give his money to him. When the man pushed the old man on the wall, Peter could not stand and watch, so he walked out of the alley and shouted "hey, leave that old man alone".

"Huh, who are you dumbass? Trying to be a hero ha…ok let me see what can you do? You want to be the hero" saying the ski mask man left that old man on the road and begin to move toward peter.

When the man came near peter, he swings his knife toward Peter's stomach, but Peter dodged with his agility and spider-sense. Peter moves backward a little after that, he jumped onto the man's face and uses his knee on that man's stomach.

The man screams and shouts loudly "fucking hell I am going to kill you puny insect" saying he swings his knife randomly and peter dodges to left, right, and jumps. Peter uses his agility to do a 180 degrees kick in the guy's face and instantly the man is knocked out.

Peter came toward the knocked-out person and check his pulse, and a sigh of relief washed out of his mouth. "Are spiders insects? No, they're arachnids but why am I even saying to you that you are knocked out...oh that old man, hey man are you ok?" remembering that old man, he went toward that person.

He helped that person stand up. "Thank you young lad for helping this old man, so what do you need? Money? I can give you if you want" saying that old man starts searching in his purse. But Peter stopped him by saying "stop please, I just help because I thought this was the right thing to do, and… Ugh my uncle taught me that with power comes many responsibilities" said peter to that old man.

"Your uncle seems wise man, anyway thank you for helping me if it was not for you, I don't know what would have happened…oh…this old brain of mine I forgot to introduce myself I am Martin Lieber," said the old man while introducing himself to peter.

"Ugh, my name is pet----I mean human spider" peter stopped himself from revealing his true identity because he was wearing the same red dress we wore while he was fighting before for the money.

"So Spider-Man then, thank you, Spider-Man. You are good man Spider-Man; that red and blue suit you, I have to go now Spider-Man." Saying the old man walk from there to who knows where.

"It is not Spider-Man it is...---any way has a safe way home" after Peter said farewell to the old man, he called the cops and said about what happened to the knocked-out person and tied him to the pole with some rope found in a dumpster and return home.

Now, the journey of the friendly neighborhood Spider-Man starts today.

After sleep, I woke up and went to bathe and dressed accordingly, I check my mail on my phone I receive a 'good morning' text from Layla I replied with 'good morning' and she replied with 'did you sleep well last night and I texted back 'I did sleep well and even had a dream about you' and she texted back, and then I texted back, as I was chatting, texting with Layla I forgot about time and soon Adam came to told me to get ready for school.

So, I say my byes to Layla and went downstairs and ate my breakfast with everybody then by saying byes to everybody I went with John in the car, and he dropped me off at the school.

After becoming her boyfriend of Betty, Ned started to hang around most of his time with Betty and her friend. As for peter, Liz starts to hang around with peter more, sometimes with her homework problem, sometimes just to hang around, the reason, why she is not with flash, is because flash broke up with her and went for the captain of the cheerleader who has big B.

And when I found out Iron Man and Spider-Man started to make their debut, I also start making preparation with Ryan 2.0. Robot control by me through VR. This Ryan 2.0 has artificial skin made by me (similar to one punch man genos) who looks like previous me. This robot has a strength of 4.5 tons and is very agile.

In this robot right wrist has a needle that has the prototype pan-01 virus while injected it will fully manifest in one week in injected person and after one week if someone tries to check for the virus they will not find anything in their blood, they will find that they have used harmful drug. This is just the result of pan-01 so, no one will suspect me.

In this robot left wrist also has the needle that has the prototype fer-01 virus it is similar to fear gas which also fully manifests in one month in injected person and after one month if someone tries to check for the virus they will not find anything in their blood, but they will find that they have used harmful drug. Which is just the result of fer-01, and no one will suspect me. Testing has not been done on that one.

Oh, about that man who try to kill uncle Ben, after 13 days in prison he committed suicide in reason he could not stand any more mosquito bites. Thoth has already shown me the video of him killing himself with the small blade used for shavings his beard.

Ryan 2.0 always goes at midnight to stop crime or drug trade etc. he wears a similar to batman suit but without a bat ear or the cape. Ryan 2.0 choice weapon is modified rubber bullet in silver desert eagle, electric Baton, dark modified Kawasaki bike, smoke bomb, and tear gas and every tactical tool needed for the mission, made by your very own.

AN: I need more research on 18+ stuff for me to write about it, so, need to do an experiment on that some more. And on this chapter, I wanted to write about what is new in Peter's life. So on and so forth.

Writing Story for fun.

Was really bored.

Seriously, English is not even my fourth language.

Seriously, how much bored can i be.

Critics go easy on me ok *wink* *wink*, oh my eyes my eyes.

Creation is hard, cheer me up!

Have some idea about my story? Comment it and let me know.

Rex_Zatchcreators' thoughts