
Another Cliche Op Mc with a System (Hiatus)

lSpacel · Anime e quadrinhos
Classificações insuficientes
11 Chs

The Demon Sisters in distress (2/2)

Basara walked outside and called Jin on his phone whil Azazel like he would help walked into his room and sat on his bed waiting to see if Basara would come and get him when they had to go rescue Mio and Maria. Just then there was a knock on Azazels door. "Hey are you in there?" Basara said "Dad said the Mio is in danger and we need to save them"

Azazel stood up and opened the door while saying "Ok but, we go there separate" as he pulled out his keys and thought "Ahh I love driving" he then thought 'although that is what killed me before I got here but, that is fine'

Azazel agreed very quickly when saw a pop-up from his system.

[Quest Started; Demon Damsel in Danger]

Help Basara save Mio and Maria from the attacking demons

Rewards: 100 000 System points

Azazel then asked the system 'Hey system which park is Mio and Maria in?'

[Mio has been marked on the minimap]

'Okay. . . This system is such a cheat' Azazel thought as he zoomed off in the direction of Mio and Maria and was thinking if he should actually show up as he dosen't really want to but, he decides to anyway.

Azazel arrives as he sees Basara catch Mio out of the air as she fell due to demons attacking them

Azazel got out of his car as he stepped over to the demons with Basara holding Mio and Maria having her guard up. Azazel strolled over leisurely as he saw injured Mio.

-------------Flashback Time-------------

Azazel or previously Aaron was born on Earth and had a younger sibling. Everytime his sibling was bullied in school Aaron beat them up as his little brother meant everything to himb but one day Aaron's little brother Nick got hit by a drunk driver. Aaron hated that moment with his entire being and smiled as he was arrested as he got revenge for his 10 year-old brother


Seeing his sibling get hurt after a lifetime of sadness for his long past life Azazel was pissed. Azazel turned off his anti-magic body and stared at the demons. Two dog-lion things with a demon that looks like a grim reaper. Azazel pulled out his trusty weapon, Sheila as he aims the gun at the dog-lions that were about to attack Mio and Maria as Azazel pulled the trigger and unleashed his mana as a familiar scene unfolded as his mana started crystalising on the ground and as that happens the dog looking thing explodes as the bullet pierced it skull, this happened again as he pulled the trigger and kills the other dog instantly as well.

The reaper looked on breathlessly as he dosen't need to breathe.

Azazel looked at him as he adopts a more demonic appearance as his red eyes start shining violently as a slight smile appeared on his face as Basara and co. had chills go down there spine and Azazel speaks a simple one liner, "Ya dun goofed" he says as a magic circle appears around the barrel as an explosion happens and the demon implodes into a swirl of nothing as Azazel looks at Basara and says "Why don't you explain what happened with dad and I will explain my abilities later" Azazel then asks "Do you guys need taken home? I drove here so I'll be in the car I'll give you 5 minutes then im out of here" he said as all of them followed Azazel to the car.

On the way home everyone was dead silent as Azazel terrified them to an extent that has never been reached before but Azazek was silently grinning as based off the Anime Mio, Maria, and Basara are supposed to do a master servant contract, but Azazel was wondering if they were going to ask him for the Master Servant contract instead as he is way stronger and the benefits would be way better for them and he was wondering if Basara was also gping to enter into a contract for more power as right now Basara was way too weak and needs some sort of boost. As Azazel pulled in the driveway Basara was going crazy with the questions like "What are you?" and "What were those abilities" or "Is that a normal gun?"

Azazel the just said "I'll awnser them tomarrow I need sleep"



Name: Azazel (Aaron)

Race; Draconic Nephilimic Elemental Abyss Walker of Destruction and Order

Level: 60

Titles: Abyssal Wanderer, Adventurer, Mass Destruction, Anomaly

Strength: 495

Intelligence: 410

Dexterity: 514

Agility: 460

Awareness: 387

Luck: 526

Charm: 235

Akashic Library (All Magic)

Anti Magic MAX Lvl

Abyss Walker Max Lvl

Eyes of Chaos and Order Max Lvl (Chaos is purple with overlapping pink hexagons and Order is gold with a bunch of overlapping white squares)

I.D Create

Gamers Mind

Gamers Body

Anti Magic Body [On/Off] [On]

Speed boost


Powerful Slash

Reality Bender

God of Cooking

More details next chapter... Wanted to finish this chapter had a bout of depression ans runjibg out of antidepressants so

Have a good one!

lSpacelcreators' thoughts