
Anna Shakespeare

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  • 1 Chs
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What is Anna Shakespeare

Leia o romance Anna Shakespeare escrito pelo autor DaoistLMjMz6 publicado no WebNovel. ...


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In the gripping tale of "Close to the enemy" Audrey embarks on a relentless quest to uncover the truth behind her parents' tragic demise. Little does she know that the killer is much closer than she could have ever imagined. As Audrey finds herself drawn to a suspect she believes is connected to the murderer, she unexpectedly falls in love. Cyrus becomes the focal point of her suspicion, but unknown to Audrey, he is not involved in her parents' tragic fate. Instead, he is well aware of the dangers lurking in her pursuit for revenge, trying desperately to dissuade her from this perilous path. Cyrus believes that justice is best left to a higher power, urging Audrey to leave the vendetta to fate. Audrey's team, comprised of loyal allies Jonathan, Claudia Wesley, and Chelsea, are united in their shared mission. Trusting each other implicitly, their alliance is unshakeable. However, a hidden treachery lies within their midst. Jonathan, unbeknownst to the group, holds a shocking secret - his own father is the true perpetrator behind the murder of Audrey's parents. Struggling with the conflicting desire to protect his father, Jonathan wrestles with the weight of guilt as he cunningly conceals the truth from Sandra and the team. "Close to the enemy" delves deep into the tangled web of deceit, love, and loyalty. As the suspense builds, Audrey determination for justice clashes with her blossoming feelings for Cyrus. The team's unity is shaken as Jonathan grapples with his dark secret, torn between loyalty to his father and doing what is right. Will Audrey discover the truth about her parents' killer before it's too late? Can she find a balance between avenging their deaths and following her heart? "Close To The Enemy" offers a thrilling journey that will keep readers on the edge of their seats, unraveling the mysteries that lie beneath the surface and revealing that sometimes the most dangerous shadows are the ones closest to us.

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Aru, Polly and HiVi are three Omega in three different situation, Aru and Polly grow up together like real blood brother's while HiVi and Aru are twins separated right after birth and never got the chance to know each others existence. Aru was forcefully taken to pay his biological father's debt and left Polly uncared their mother and was married to an old politician, exploiting him to the old man's will and six bodyguards who gives him a slight freedom in exchange for his body. Then HiVi meet Aru and became close friends inside the club, being part of the elite prostitute and the highest paid for their intoxicating beauty and tantalizing body. On Aru's last day of paying his father's debt, HiVi cried bidding his goodbye and followed secretly, there he found out his mate was their own boss, but he was used to close many business deals and suffers, almost died in his mates hands, if not for his unborn childs spirit, always saving him. Then Aru and Polly meet again, but Aru was sold by Polly in exchange for a new identity, escaping his miserable life, but despite what Polly did to him, he can't get angry at him and wish he finds a good life. There he made a negotiation to his new boss where Polly sold him, just to gain his freedom back, but while doing his best to finished the task given to him, to have his freedom. He found out his target was his DESTINED MATE. And his life became a mess, because it turned out his new boss where Polly sold him, has something to do with the death of his mother and manipulation of his ruined life and the one who killed his daughter. Then he lost his memory, and met a girl who looks exactly like him, calling him mom.

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wina_aubre · Fantasia
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Lost In Darkness

2020 Toxic green eyes glare with hatred at her twin. Her whole being and world was in the other womans hands. Her soul. Her life. Her baby boy. Nothing could stop her from killing her family and her ex-fiance now. She was going to leave them alone. To begin a new. Another start at life with just her son and herself. They had enjoyed three peaceful years away from greed and jealously. Away from the animals in human skin that called themselves kin. But now. No. Not anymore. Not after what they have been trying and thank god failing to do. For the years she lived in solitude her family has reapt the fourtunes of her old life. her multi-million dollar company was in their hands. The company she raised from dirt and ash left behind by her beloved grandfather now was no more. They did not know business like her so now the company was in ruin in just three years. Now they want her to return and make them more money or they would take her child. No not anymore was she going to let them walk all over her. Not after being given the chance to come back at this moment. 2042 Her life was hell. Simple as that. She thought that she would be free from her family if she gave them everything but her and her sons life. But that wasn't enough for those despicable pieces of sh*t. No they wanted more. They wanted her as a slave that makes them rich and famous but when she was finally tired of being that slave she ran. She took her child and she ran. Her baby boy that was not even 8 at the time had seen horrors she did not ever want him to experience. He saw how his mothers family tortured her infront of him and she wanted to cry for all the pain they caused him but no tears flowed for there was none to give. After 5 years of torture she had cried her last. Almost 7 years on the run doing nothing but surviving and trying all she could to learn to protect herself and her son her family finally found them. Betrayed by the last human that they cared about. Betrayed by the last person they thought they could trust. They slaughtered her son in front of her and then with demented geins on their hallowed faces they sliced through her neck slowly mixing the blood of mother and son in once last moment before all she saw was darkness and her sons body not three feet from her. His beautiful soft liquid silver eyes transfixed in an expression of horror and pain gazed at nothing a cloud forming over them to dull that vibrant color turning them milky as the life deminished out of them. His soft dark chocolate brown hair splayed across the gound forming a small halo. Her sons features. Oh, his once full of life expressions were blank. There was nothing but his small light pink cupid bow shapped lips forming a 'O' as he was murdered by demons that were suppose to be family infront of his horrified mother. He still remembers the expression on her face as the demons surround him with knives. Her almond shaped emerald green eyes wide with terror as tears ran like rivers down her to pale rounded face. Her soft red lips split open as cries and pleas dropped from them. She shouted anything to make them stop but they never did. And now as he lay here. Cold and shivering he tries to smile at his mother but all that forms is a grimce as he mouths that he loves her one last time before nothing but darkness takes him. Her whole being screamed in pure agony at what had happened to her beautiful son. Her body trembled violently and she vowed with all her might that if she ever had a second chance she would kill them all for the pain and suffering they have caused. So when she opens her eyes and sees her twin with her now seemingly 3 year old son. She knew the Gods had listened to her prayers. But as she thought about it. Maybe it was the Devil himself to send her back since she was going to be sending him many souls.

Azalea0504 · Geral
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  • Atualizando a estabilidade
  • Desenvolvimento de Histórias
  • Design de Personagens
  • Antecedentes do mundo


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