

Hex had left in a huff after chewing out Elaine, and went home. He waited for Owen to bring Din back. He didn't want to face Elaine again after yelling at her like that. He never wanted to see her again anyways. He waited at the kitchen's bar table, his fingers intertwined. He tapped the steel part of the bar stool.

He heard the door open, and Din's image flashed in his mind. He turned around, and there she was. The next thing he knew he was holding her and crying. He felt her thin fingers as they went through his hair. She wasn't dead, he thanked whatever higher being there was for her return.

"It's okay Hex, I'm okay." Din held him tightly.

"Don't ever leave me again, please," he sobbed.

"I won't, I won't," she said.

"There's been a development while you were gone, you might wanna sit down to hear this," Owen said.

"I've got to go sit down now Hex." She patted him on the head.

He reluctantly let her slip from his grasp and let her go sit down. Owen told her about Hex's attempted overdose. She looked at him with a shock look on her face. She hugged him and held him close.

"I'm alright now, but I just didn't want to live without you," he said.

"Don't ever do that again, please," she said.

"I won't, I know better now," he said.

"I only know how many tabs because you told Elaine," Owen said.

"Please don't talk about her right now, I'd rather not hear her name at the moment." He hated Elaine for what she did with a burning passion.

"I never really liked her anyways." Din shrugged.

They went on with their day. Hex tried to forget about what Elaine did, and would have liked if he could forget her completely. Owen and Din talked more about what happened off and on throughout the day, but kept it to a minimum. Hex went to sleep angry, and hungering for revenge.

Read the rest of the book here: https://www.moonquill.com/book/113

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