
Chapter 12 :Narla Beg me

Chapter 12

I shrieked as Maxwell and Ryammel burst into my room. I jumped up from the bed and hugged my hands around myself as a feeling of dread build up in the pits of my stomach. I held the dark ball tightly in my hand and prayed they don't see it. It suddenly got some degrees hotter in the room and it felt smaller with the presence of the two burly men. They were still wearing their training attires and their swords were intactly crasped in their firm grips. They must have picked a shirt each on their way because their well muscled and chiseled torsos were no longer for my eyes to watch much to my dissapointment.

"What did I say about staying in your room female?!" Prince Ryammel angry Malik all but roared as he invaded my space.

His forest green eyes glinted dangerously as he stepped closer to me. His jaw ticked violently and I could bet his teeth were gonna snap any moment. His dark brows were pulled into a deep frown and his pink full lips were set in a thin line.

"I... I... ", I stammered like goddamned fool. My throat was suddenly dry. I stepped back to keep some distance between us but he stepped menacingly closer matching my every retreating step until my body hit the dressing table. His pupils dilated and got even darker at my delayed reply. I set my arms behind me on the table and craned my neck to look at his now towering form.

My heart thundered in my ribcage as I struggled to recorrect my lost ability to speak.

"I.. I sleep walked", I lied through my teeth. "Ry..Your highness", I added quickly remembering formalities. Thank goodness to watching many kingdom based movies I knew how to address a Prince.

Wrong freaking move. His hands tightened on his weapon as he moved impossibly close. His breath fanned my face. His musty manly scent filled my nose and it was becoming hard to breathe for many reasons. His murderous glare did not leave my face for a second and I could feel a layer of sweat drenching my back. I could feel some drops make their way down my back.

"I won't ask again?" He breathed his command.

"I wanted some air", I said hurriedly but when he didn't blink or step back I knew he wasn't buying it. "I swear I just wanted some air I didn't mean to disobey your orders..."

"But you did female", he snapped lowly. "And you distracted my training."

My eyes burned with tears and I felt helpless. I wished Natalia was here to back me up and say 'move away from my baby sister'. I swallowed loudly and tried to fight back the tears as they blurred my vision. I didn't want to go back to the dungeons.

"Brother", Prince Max's voice filled the room. I had almost forgotten we had company. But with one mad prince with a spoon up his ass on my face, It was hard to notice another person's presence. "She's just a human. Don't you think you being too harsh on her?"

"A human, who just gave my entire shadow warriors a strip show!" Ryammel snapped back not sparing his brother a glance. Deep humiliation filled me. My knees felt weak. I hung my head in shame. They all now thought I was some hoe.

"Malik?" Max's voice called his brother. He was now standing close to his brother. "You are overwhelming her. She's crying for heaven's sake."

I wiped my eyes roughly to stop the downpour which seemed to increase at Max's sympathizing voice. I risked a glance at Ryammel and his eyes seemed to have softened a bit and they were slowly returning to their normal colour. He huffed but at least he wasn't as angry. He stepped back and my knees finally gave out as I sank to the cold floor.

"It was careless. She could have been in danger. A Royal demon just put a target on her back and she is or might me our only chance to find Carina" His voice darkened on the last part. He threw me a burning glare that pinned me in place.

"Don't make me lock you in a cell. Because I will", his voice said in all seriousness. I barely registered Max roll his blue orbs. He then turned swiftly on his heels and left the room before banging the door loudly. His footsteps echoed down the hallway till they died.

My body quaked as I cried like a baby. I refused to look at Max and kept my gaze on the floor.

"Narla?" I snapped my glance to Max's rigid form in the middle of the room. "You know there are tear hunters here", he said seriously.

"What? I whispered my eyes going wide with fear. I wiped away the tears with the back of my hand.

"They harvest the tears and use them to do their bidding, you will become their tear slave", He continues his face morphing into one of dread and horror. I shivered as I stood to my feet.

"What do I do now?" I fiddled with my fingers as I stared into his ocean blue eyes.

"You have to stop looking at me like some lost puppy."

It took a second before I saw red and he burst out laughing. I threw a pillow at his lying ass as he died with laughter. My mouth was still agape with disbelief at how easily he pulled my leg.

"I hate you", I tried hard not to join in his infections laughter. I huffed and sat back on the bed and laughed lightly. "You are not funny"

"You should have seen your face", he laughed harder and sat on the edge of the bed beside me. I scooted away from him and glared at him. He moved closer until there was no space between us.

"I know you like it when I'm closer princess" he winked and I blushed and looked away. Why was he so nice to me?

"You wish", I snickered and rolled my eyes.

"Are you okay?" he asked suddenly and I felt helpless.

"Why do you care?" I snapped and immediately felt guilty. "I'm sorry. All this is too much for me I just want to go home. I just want to be a normal girl. I didn't ask for this. I just wanna be home watching some boring movie as I snuggle in my blanket. I just want to wake up and all this will be just a dream. I don't want a demon hunting me. I don't want an angry king thinking I'm a threat. I don't want Ryammel giving me orders. I just want to be normal", I'm panting by the time I'm done ranting.

I expect to see anger on his face. But his blue orbs are filled with sympathy.

"I'm sorry Narla but we gonna figure this all out soon," He cooed gently. "About Malik. don't worry about him. He's just salty that the guys got to see those goodies" He joked along the last part.

"Stoop", I shrieked and shielded my ears. He laughed like a maniac as he jumped up from bed.

"But seriously you should take precaution. Malik is right. You might be our only chance to find Carina"

"Who is carina?"

"She is our half-sister. The demons took her. More like kidnapped her." A cold chill goes through me and I feel sick.

"The same things like that red eyed one in my dungeon?" I ask even though I dreaded the answer.

"We are not sure...", He trailed off and a cloud of worry fills his eyes. I could imagine how worried he was for his sister.

"What do you mean by you not sure?"

"There are different types of demons, the royals, the fury demons, the berserkers and the sex demons, we were sure it was the fury demons but we are second guessing after the Royal demon entered this realm." He rested his hands on his knees and leaned forward seemingly exhausted.

"Why did they take her?" I ask. It was all I could do not to freak out.

"They wanted to hold up a bargain", He answered back flatly as if the conversation was making him sick.

"What bargain?" I find myself asking again.

He stares into the space for a long time and I almost think he was not going to answer.

"To get passage into the elf realm."

And boom I was lost. Like how the hell did that explain why carina was taken? Were they holding some key to the elf realm? What was a realm anyway? As if reading my mind, His intense gaze rested on me and I have to fight the urge to fidget considering how close we were seated.

"The universe is consistent of different worlds. We refer to them as realms. It's our duty to protect one world from the other. To keep the balance and peace between the realms..."

"So you are like realm bodyguards or something?" I cut him off and I could see he totally didn't appreciate that as his frown deepened.

"Something like that, We are Protectors of Realms."

"So what are you?? Are you like gods??" I tease jokingly but he didn't find it funny.

"Not gods, we are the descendants of the cursed angels."

"Wow", I managed to whisper amongst the chaos in my head. The new found information was too much to take in and my head was beginning to hurt slightly. Some part of me screamed that this was all lies but I had seen so much in a short period and I didn't know the difference between what was real and what was unreal. I felt overwhelmed. Like so cursed angels existed?!

"I should leave you to your time, Just don't do anything stupid. I'd hate to see you in trouble princess" He stood to his full height and stretched like a cat.

"You are leaving?" I almost didn't want him to leave me alone. He was the closest thing I had to a friend in this place.

"As much as you enjoy my company and my sexy body princess, duty calls." His lips curled into a boyish grin as he glided towards the door. 'urgggh!' I groaned and threw a pillow at him. He ducked behind the door and disappeared. His evil but infectious chuckle bounced off the walls as his footsteps echoed down the hallway way.

I needed more pillows to kill this man.

I sank back on the bed and closed my eyes. Almost.

"Did Prince Maxwell just leave your room", scarlet shrieked as she jumped on the bed.

I groaned and buried my head in the pillow.

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