< Plane to Althaire Airport

UTC-3 0110 AM

First Class Seat 2A >

Spencer had been looking forward to getting a nice, relaxing weekend somewhere away from his work. They had served him a nice meal – for a plane – and the wine and extra legroom were just what was needed to end the day in a pleasant atmosphere. There were a few hours left until they would arrive in Althaire, so he might as well have a good sleep before arriving there. Now, he was deeply regretting having checked his e-mails one last time before going to sleep.

His grim face showed all who might pass by that had there been a messenger for the news that had just reached him, he would end up dead. Annoyed and agitated, he rubbed his temples before writing a reply.

"Bad news, sir?" A stewardess asked as she was passing by.

"Nothing for you to worry your pretty little head about. Can you be a sweetheart and get me some more of the crackers from before? And a refill of wine? That'd be lovely, thanks."

"I'm sorry, sir, but a passenger in the back has already claimed all the crackers for himself. But I will get the wine for you momentarily. Please wait just a minute." She gave him a pleasant smile and excused herself.

Great, things were not working out right now. He hated bringing work into his private life, but in this case, he would have to make an exception. In a sudden twist of anger, he turned around, wondering who the bastard in the cheap seats was that had taken the crackers for himself.

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