
Androsia - The Queen of Crows

There was a world where the chaos as a merging tsunami flooded every corner of the people's hearts. The world that didn't see any conflicts in nearly the last five hundred years turned upside down. The Crystalfield Kingdom, as the most advanced country in the world, became the center of every envious gaze. Later, a war occurred between the countries and ended with the fall of the Crystalfield Kingdom. Many people escaped from the horror of the war. However, there was a certain someone who was supposed to be dead after the fall of the kingdom. Later, the slumbering hatred and anger emerged from this person's heart and erupted like a volcano. And this person has chosen no other aim but to destroy everything, even leaving a limitless number of corpses and an eternally flowing river of blood behind.

Sharyanna · Fantasia
Classificações insuficientes
27 Chs

C5 - The Spring of The Blood River

As the last knight fell onto the ground in two pieces, only his armor's clanking sound can be heard in the near.

The sisters who just watched the whole event are dead silent.

Anna walked next to Pivald, who lay on the ground unconsciously.

She pointed the strange sword in her hand at the guy's neck, and slowly lifted down, inch to inch.

The moment its top touched his skin, his eyes flipped open in an instant, but as he tried to get up, without realizing it, Pivald pierced his neck halfway with Anna's sword.

He looked up at Anna with teary eyes, shocked by a mountain weighted fear. He tried to slip out the sword from his neck by lying down to the ground again, but Anna's hand followed his movements, keeping the blade halfway inside his body, didn't let him speak or escape.

When he tried this for the third time, Pivald didn't get up from the ground even slightly.

He just looked at the eyes of the girl, whose gaze was as clean as the surface of the sea. You can clearly see the waves on it, but nothing about what can be hidden beneath.

*Crghkhh ...*

Pivald tried to say some words in the hope of saving his life, but he realized his throat will never let him say a word again, only just blood mixed with saliva left his mouth.

Pivald looked at Anna with widely opened eyes, as there should be something to escape.

A moment later, the sword's shape slowly changed while it was in his neck, making a tensive feeling.

The sword's blade slightly grew in every fifth second with millimeters, slowly stretching a nearly ten-centimeter wide-cut vertically on his throat.

The blade's growth stopped, and Anna looked down on Pivald with empty eyes, then crouched next to him, keeping the sword in the same place.

Pivald face soaked in sweat and trembled, he was sure he will die there but didn't want to feel any pain. The only thing he begged for was not his life anymore just a painless death. Even if she left him like that, he would be dead in minutes because the sword's blade was that stopped him die by bleeding out.

Anna then stood up and drew out the sword from Pivald's throat as it would be a sheath for her sword.

The moment the sword got out from his throat, blood squirted from the wound. Pivard coughed roughly reflexively in the hope to get out the blood that already flew down into his lungs, but with each cough, he breathed just another mouthful of blood into his chest.

The veins popped out on his head and neck while his skin turned to a little purplish due to his blood loss.

Anna calmly walked next to the nearly silenced Lewis by his endless screaming while Pivard drowned to death in his own blood.

His body was also very very weak due to the blood loss, however, he somehow still hold himself up to that moment.

She picked up the sword that still lay in his grasp of the cut-off hand, then stood before Lewis.

Even Lewis looked at her again, he couldn't raise his head high enough to see her eyes, not because he had no more power, but the fears that made his body scream to run away.

And this feeling just increased as he saw how Pivald died. As for what happened before with his other men, he had no clue.

Anna stabbed the sword into the ground that Lewis used. She then touched the little gem at the end of the grip that slightly shined up.

Lewis trembled that much he couldn't control his emotions anymore.

"Give me a painless death!" He shouted with tears in his eyes.

Anna raised her sword to lift up Lewis's head. He gritted his teeth because of his nervousness.

Anna opened her mouth and her voice can be heard clearly in the monastery too.

"Those who are aware of me, prepare yourself. The spring of the river of blood that will wash away your empire has erupted from the abyss."

Her voice was as cold as the ice, the words as sharp as a steel sword, and the meaning behind it as heavy as a mountain.

She then tightened her hands around the crystal that broke into pieces, then raised her sword to the sky, letting Lewis head down.

'My God, oh great Gaia. Please, forgive to your unfaithful child.' Lewis mumbled his last words in his mind.

Then Anna smote down, cut in half his body from his left shoulder to the right side of his waist.

She turned around and looked up to the monastery, especially toward a certain someone.

Everyone's face reflected the same fear as the soldiers did, except one person.

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