
C1 - The Monastery

"Sister! The cavalry is coming!"

"Again?" The older woman sighed.

"Yes, sister. But this will be already the 3rd time at this very weekend ..."

Two older women stood before the doors of the monastery and waited for the small group of knights to arrive.

"Many greetings for the knights." The one who stood nearer them said while both of them bowed.

"Sister Nula. I didn't expect anyone to approach us in such a manner!" The knight without a helmet laughed out loudly.

However, behind his laugh, the disgust and disrespectful tone clearly reflected back at the sisters.

"What can the sisters of Wumin Monastery do to help the knights?" Sister Nula ignored their behavior and asked them straightforwardly.

"Bring to us 6 sisters of yours." The knight answered in a deeper tone and continued. "You know, that kind of sisters who are 'dirty' and would spend a little time with us."

The knight's lightly yellow teeth showed up in his smile.

"Sister Alica, would you kind ...?" Sister Nula turned her head behind her.

Sister Alica didn't say a word just bowed and moved into the monastery, but before she disappeared, another knight spoke loudly.

"Hey! If you have already gathered them, bring that little lady too! I'd gladly play with her!" The knight laughed loudly as he shouted.

Sister Nula and Sister Alica ignored the last sentence. Sister Alica shortly after her leave arrived back with six women. The knights looked at them well, then they got off their horses. Each of them forcefully embraced a woman and then left the place.

"It will be a hard matter to do anything with these animals" Sister Alica sighed loudly.

"Don't mention them too often. I bet they offended the lord of Lakron so they needed to go elsewhere ..."

"But Sister Nula, they went towards Lakron ..." Sister Alica said.

"As I said, the lord of Lakron, not the city." Sister Nula pointed to her previous sentence.

"And also, where is that girl? She was not in her room."

"You don't need to get nervous about her since Sister Orga take care of her since they arrived here." Sister Nula said to Sister Alica.

After their short talking, they went inside the monastery.

Most of the sisters didn't pay any attention to the girl they mentioned earlier.

The girl they always whispered but never approach called Anna, who was not far away from the monastery at that moment.

She stood on the edge of the Crown Canyon, gazing into the dark abyss.

The girl named Anna was an orphaned and ill child that was brought into the monastery by Sister Orga 4 years ago. At that time, many people escaped from the war which moved the whole world and ended with the fall of Crystalfield Kingdom.

The Chaos Empire conquered most part of it and many people, mostly the nobles and the loyal ones of the Crystalfield Kingdom tried to hide and avoid the wrath of the Chaos Empire.

Sister Orga and Anna arrived in those chaotic times into the monastery. Sister Nula, as the head of the monastery, accepted both of them.

With time, slowly the other sisters became in a good relationship with Orga. However, it was the opposite with Anna.

The child Sister Orga kept always by her side as much as she could do, and mostly, the other sisters always saw a shy, silent, and do-nothing little girl who has never left Sister Orga, like she would be her mother.

As for the kingdom, after its destruction, the soldiers of the empire visited them many times to catch the escaped ones.

Sister Nula had a lot of trouble since they arrived, however, they became part of the life of the monastery. At least Orga, but Sister Nula didn't care too much about Anna since it moved Sister Orga to do everything at the best she can.

The clouds gathered in the sky became darker and darker, the voice of thundering can be heard echoing from the far.

Anna still stood at the edge of Canyon while she raised her head to the sky where thunders colluded without raining.

In a moment, the thunders instead of crashing into each other, fused into one and like a judgment of the heaven, smote down.

The thunder with the thickness of a massive tree struck in the point where Anna stood and a huge explosion echoed in the night.

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