
ancient vampire in twilight

Bella Swan had arrived in Forks, Washington to live with her father, a town filled with supernatural, but what if, she had already met a supernatural creature before arriving at forks, what if she had met an ancient vampire from a different world altogether,

ryan1234 · Outros
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11 Chs

the awakening of the bio-weapon

sometime after the incident, Edward drove the car at a very fast speed as if trying to get away from something chasing him,

"Edward what happened with Alex? Why are you so afraid?" Bella asked to which Edwards replied,

"Bella, you have to get away from him, professor Alex is dangerous," he said to which Bella smirked,

"so, my boyfriend who is a vampire, the 'strongest predator in the world', is afraid of my human adopted brother-" before she completed, she was interrupted by terrified looking Edward,

"he is not human, whatever he is he is not human" he shouted to which Bella showed a stupefied face,

"no, that is not possible, i have known him for years, he is not a supernatural being, he never displayed anything that would mark him as not human!!!" she shouted to which Edward stayed silent, but it was not because he did not trust Bella, but he did not want to ruin the mood more then he already has,

the drive towards the field was quite after that, but soon enough their mood improved,

Bella was stunned at how the Cullens played baseball, each of their hits sounded like thunder strike, she also saw how fast Edward was compared to the other vampires, but although she was successfully distracted, the things that Edward said about Alex never left her mind, these things led to her remembering everything from the very beginning,

she had met Alex over 4 and a half years ago, but thinking about it now, he had not aged a single day since they met,

sometimes he talks as of he is from an ancient time,

his obsession with her dressing as a 'proper lady' was something similar to how people in old times used to think,

his red eyes had always captivated her interest, but now she realized that they were not human eyes at all,

he was also inhumanly attractive and handsome along with a great body structure that was too perfect for a human to achieve,

sometimes he would appear beside her from thin air but when she asked, he would say he was always there, now she realized that he was literally saying the truth,

sometimes he showed great strength like the time when she had first joined high school and ended up almost being crushed by a steel pillar, thinking back on it, Bella remembered seeing a fist mark a few inches deep in the steel,

just as she was thinking these things, she notices the Cullens suddenly stop moving and turn towards a single direction, immediately all the vampires came towards Bella and Edwards tried to hide her smell,

soon out of the woods, three vampires came walking out, one woman and two men,

the middle one raised his hand in which was the ball that the Cullens had hit before,

"i believe this is yours," he said and tossed it to Carlisle who thanked him,

"i am Laurent, this is victoria," he said while pointing towards the woman, " and James" he nodded towards the blond man,

soon the three began to talk with Carlisle to let them play with the Cullens to which he agreed,

however, things took a turn for the worst,

a draft carried Bella's sent to James who became excited at the thought of tasting her blood,

he tried to attack Bella but was pushed back by Edward,

"a human?" Laurent mumbled,

then suddenly, Bella's weird luck came into play, thanks to Alex forcing her to eat healthy food that morning, her blood was much more appetizing than before, so James lost control and tried to attack her,

however then something happened that made Bella doubt everything that she knew about Alex,

out of nowhere, Alex materialized in front of James, but this was not the Alex that every one of this world knew, no, this was the Alex that was once known as the Dacula, the god slayer,

his pale face highlighted the hideous looking red veins on his face that thrummed with power, his eyes, red as blood surrounded by the black sclera, his teeth looking like the teeth of a shark, razor-sharp and ready to tear anything apart,

his muscles much more pronounced than normal, his ears becoming pointed like an elf or a demon,

this is what Bella and the Cullens saw,

Laurent, who had already sensed the killing intent that Alex was releasing, feld the area with haste, victoria had also fled the place in terror, however just as a traumatized James was about to run, Alex held him by the throat and strangled him in the air as his feet left the ground,

"you don't get off that easy" Alex said in a demonic voice which terrified Bella who had, for the first time, see the monster that was her adopted brother,

slowly, Alex opened his mouth inhumanly wide as James screamed, but soon enough those cries stopped as he disintegrated into particles and flew into Alex's mouth,

once he was done, he slowly shifted back into his human form,

Carlisle asked what was on everyone's mind,

"what are you??"

"i am Dracula" Alex replied with a smirk as the vampires looked stupefied