

ANCIENT Apocalyptic powers meet MODERN Technology. GLORIA, a medical doctor and daughter of an illustrious Biochemist, was kidnapped on a strange night, by three of the children of the biblical Lilith, an ancient yet powerful Queen and first woman created. To fulfil a doomsday prophecy, they resurrected their mother in the body of GLORIA as the villain to usher in the apocalypse. Lilith was LUCIFER'S first human lover when he fell from heaven. But banished him to hell to protect her family. Now, the powerful Queen sought ways in the form of a bloodbath ritual to bring back her lover. The fate of our world rested in the hands of three powerful teenagers birthed on the same day, to different parents, in different locations; MUEJIZHAN a Nigerian, MILIAGRO an American of Mexican descent and PRISSILA the daughter of a late Indian businessman and an American woman. But will they help to save our world or help end it? when one of the three teenagers, is the reincarnation of one of Lilith's original children. Though Lilith's major aim was to bring back her lover, LUCIFER, from hell to rule by her side as leaders of the next generation. Using the body of GLORIA and the advantages of GLORIA's father's company to create a pandemic virus that granted her the bloodbath she needed to bring back the Devil. As a pandemic ravaged the world, the heroes go out of their ways to save all of humanity. Did she succeed and was aided by her child who is destined to help stop the Apocalypse or was she stopped by the powerful force of the Earthly Trinity to preserve our very own existence...?

The_sAge · Ficção Científica
Classificações insuficientes
19 Chs


Muejiz and his crew planted their hideout at one of Abubak'r's farmhouses in Louisiana, America.

"Let's go over this again. All we have to do is go into Wayne's laboratories undetected, grab a sample of the virus and head out?" Muejiz asked carefully, to be sure.

"Yes. And when you bring it I will study the virus and with your help make a vaccine and cure for the plaque. Mystery solved!" Raphael said hopefully.

"It's easier when you say it that way." Milli coughed

"I think we're ready, I mean we've spent the last ten days practising the blueprint of the company like we are some sort of archaeologist," Prissila expressed. "We've read and mastered almost every spell in those books." She completed, pointing to Aisha and Mary's grimoires.

"It's not enough, we need to learn more, even create our own spells and learn to sync our powers together as one," Muejiz revealed, disappointedly.

"Yeah? And while we are doing that my grandma and a lot of others in the world will die." Prissila fired, furiously.

"Your grandma is fine. Muejiz did a reverse effect kind of healing spell on her. She's healing quite well." Milli consoled.

"Fine?! What about countless others who couldn't get the chance to have Muejiz's healing touch on them?" Prissila fired again.

"Get ready. We are going there tonight." Muejiz concluded.

That night, under a heavy thunderstorm, inside Wayne's industries. Muejiz, Milli and Prissila sneaked into Wayne's industries from a vent outside, through an underground tunnel that leads to the facility. While inside, they walked through every door using Raphael's key card.

"We are lucky they haven't disabled his key card." Milli praised.

As they got to the location of the secret laboratory, they used the key card to enter. Once inside, they held their hands together and chanted a spell to direct them to where the virus, or a blueprint of how the virus was made, is kept. They found a vial, containing the virus in serum form, on a rack. Milli rushed and picked it from the rack. Immediately, an emergency alarm started to blare.

"Shit!" Cussed Prissila. "Why did you just pick it without checking for any booby trap, trick wire or something?" She complained.

"We need to go. Now!" Muejiz commanded.

Milli placed the vial containing the virus in his pocket and they left the laboratory, trying to sneak back out of the building, as they heard guards moving around the whole place trying to find the intruder.

"Well! Well! Well! If it isn't the unholy ones..." Gloria's voice called as she appeared before Muejiz and his crew.

"Oh-my-God! She-She... Queen Lilith!" Milli stuttered at the top of his voice.

"You're right little one. I'm Queen Lilith, the most powerful, First woman and witch, Queen of all worlds, and future Queen of hell, mother of demons..." She proclaimed. "And of you!" She completed, turning to Muejiz, as she claimed to be his mother.

Gloria angrily stretched her hands forward and a powerful whirlwind extended from her, towards them. Muejiz grabbed the hands of Prissila and Milli and chanted a word as the wind diverted, hitting the wall nearby, breaking it, and created an opening to a staircase. They ran for it, climbing up the stairs, as Gloria followed them majestically.

As they were running, Milli was suddenly hit by someone on the chest with full force, he flew overboard, crashing to a wall.

"Luke?!" Muejiz called out, running towards Milli and searching around for someone.

Prissila, following behind him. "Who's Luke?" She asked surprised.

"What? I don't know." He replied.

They got to where Milli fell and met him standing up and already trying to keep running up the stairs. Muejiz and Prissila followed suit.

As they got close to an opening, to the top of the roof. a powerful lightning bolt flashed in their direction. Milli rushed forward, stopping it with his left palm as the force from the lightning pushed him out the doorway, straight up the top of the roof. With the lightning still in his hand, he redirected it back to the location it was coming from.

Muejiz and Prissila quickly climbed to the rooftop and stood beside Milli. The arm of his clothes was burnt and torn off from the lightning strike.

A figure ran like the wind towards them, Muejiz simultaneously gave it a high kick and it went, flying back with the same speed it came.

Luke struggled to land on his feet from the kick. "How did you do that?" He asked, with surprise in his eyes.

Celeste and Fey were levitating above them. Fey stretched her hand, and a huge fire blast emanates from it towards them. Almost immediately, Milli again, summoned fire from his palm, blocking Fey's fire halfway.

The blast from the two fires colliding blew a huge wind, throwing things apart. Muejiz summoned water from the rain and the ones on the floor extinguishing both flames.

Gloria, now appearing from the doorway to the rooftop. "I see you've trained well. But..." She complimented.

Before the word 'But' could completely echo out of her mouth, she was already standing amid Muejiz, Milli and Prissila.

In fear, they jumped high to flee from her. She used a powerful magnetic force, pulling them back close to her. At the same time, she moved her hand in a gesture that suggests raising something from the floor with levitation. The floor itself, broke, rising upwards like spikes, to hit the bodies of Muejiz, Milli and Prissila being drawn close to meet it. All happening in a flash.

"I am God of all Magic," Gloria said, completing her last statement.

Muejiz eyes immediately turned white blank, as though he had been possessed, he stretched his hand and screamed a chant in an entirely old and different language. The spikes were immediately destroyed to dust and the wave pushed Gloria off balance, as she flew overboard, giving Muejiz, Milli and Prissila, a safe footing to land.

Celeste landed from the air, and as her feet touched the ground, a loud screeching sound caused migraines to Milli, Prissila and Muejiz. Prissila eyes changed, becoming all black and the screeching stopped, as Celeste was hit by a wave, reverting her magic against her, she flew overboard, landing on her knees and holding her head down in severe pain.

"Dear Celeste! You always forget your powers are useless against one with the sight." Muejiz, still looking possessed said.

Immediately he finished his last sentence, as a distraction, Muejiz appeared right behind Gloria, amid Luke and Celeste. He was also standing in front of them with Milli and Prissila. He was literally in two places at once.

Prissila, in shock, "How is he..." She lamented

"Damn! I don't know what's going on." Milli cried.

Gloria immediately turned in surprise to the Muejiz behind her. He gripped her by the belt and chanted the same word that turned the rocky spikes into dust. Celeste and Luke jumped high to the air before the spell could take effect, avoiding its destructive nature.

It became clear to Milli and Prissila that the spell is like a bomb that turns everything around it into shreds, as tiny as dust. But the blast starts few meters from the person casting the spell. As Muejiz still stood gripping Gloria by the belt and are both not affected by the blast. The blast expanded out, as far as it can go, as the other Muejiz close to them stopped the blast from hitting them, by stretching his palm towards it.

Muejiz made the same gesture Gloria made earlier, as rocky spikes rose upwards and stabbed Gloria severally, killing her.

The apparition of Muejiz standing beside Prissila and Milli immediately vanished, leaving only the one standing beside Gloria's body. He sighed deeply as he became himself and no longer looking possessed.

Suddenly, a hand touched his shoulder from behind.

"I taught you all you know..." Gloria's voice spoke out behind him.

In a flash, the body of Gloria in front of Muejiz disappeared. Muejiz turned in shock to meet another Gloria standing behind him, with no scratch whatsoever.

"Not all I know!" Gloria finished, as she gripped him by the collar and threw him, with brute strength, off the rooftop.

As Muejiz flew down many stories in mid-air, a thought came out loud to his head.

"They say our whole life flashes right in our eyes before we die. Our plans for the future we now can't see, our hopes and dreams. Everyone keeps asking what it feels like to be dead. When the real question is, What happens when you die?"

Rocky spikes rose from the floor and met his body halfway, piercing through him at positions of various vital organs. His eyes became white blank again as they slowly close in death. And his hair immediately turned all grey.

Prissila and Milli with eyes wide open in shock at what just transpired in their very eyes. Their eyes and body followed Muejiz's body emotionally as it fell several floors of the company's building, landing on the spikes that killed him.

"Nooooo!" Prissila and Milli screamed together and cried in agony at the realization of what was happening. Muejiz's death.

"Woof!" Gloria sighed disappointedly. "So much for your prophecy of preventing the destruction of the world by stopping me." She completed.

"Killing you two will be a lot easier." She proclaimed, facing a devastated Prissila and Milli.

Milli opened his eyes wide, as though he stumbled upon an interesting discovery. "Wait the prophecy!" He cried

"No Milli it's over," Prissila replied in tears.

"No! The prophecy, I-I, it was referring to us, not Lilith. 'One by one, respectively, they shall fall, they shall change their course in the form of betrayal and they shall dessert their part out of confusion. But the three must find themselves and end it all..." He narrated, quoting the prophecy.

"What?" Prissila asked, confused.

"I'm sorry!" He said apologetically. He moved close to Prissila, hugged her, and then pushed her off the roof.

Gloria and her three children, who were coming towards Milli and Prissila's direction, stopped, as they saw Milli pushing Prissila off the building. She stepped forward towards Milli, as he fell on his knees with his head bowed.

"Spare me. I will use my powers to serve you, I'm ready to change course and join you on your mission. I've never had any real family in life, I will be honoured to be a part of this one." Milli said, remorsefully, in tears.

"Oh, poor boy!" Gloria said as she used her right index finger to raise Milli's chin, facing her.

"I see. Well, you're now the last of the chosen. Of course, it'll make sense if you use all that power towards my course," She said, looking through Milli's eyes. And as though, seeing something interesting in him, confessed, "I will spare you. But one tiny mistake, you're gone like the others." She completed, as she turned and started to walk back inside the building.

As Gloria and her children walked back inside the building, Milli stood up to follow them, he then turned back and looked down as lightning stroke, brightening the place where Muejiz had fallen, but the body of Muejiz had disappeared from the spike, he looked around again, trying to find that of Prissila too but was interrupted by Fey's voice.

"Are you coming or what?" She called out to him.

Milli hurriedly ran and joined them. Leaving the now drizzling rain and heavy thunder.