
An NPC Challenges the Dark Lord(LN)

The universe is ruled not by the gods but by one player Yami. Yami is in search for every skill and has embarked on a path to prevent any other player from becoming as powerful as Yami. Yami is the top player of "Endless Probability", currently the #1 RPG Game on Earth. Later on, the gods become fearful of Yami's creativity with the "endless" mechanics of the game and thus plan to destroy Yami as the Dark Lord grows stronger eliminating players considered as a threat. The gods then figured out to hide Yami's hopeful demise through an NPC. The gods' plan is not guaranteed.

Imbster · Fantasia
Classificações insuficientes
25 Chs

Promises Half-fulfilled

[Begin: Finals Arc]

The Realm of the Gods used to be peaceful until a player came very close to infinite power. The gods regularly appease the player to prevent conflict but have secretly laid out the grand plan for eliminating the most loyal player to the game. This is how the player claiming to be "Dark Lord" abused the skills available in the game.

[Change to Sam's perspective]

I don't wanna fight anymore.

The dojo is too weak. The wooden floors break easily. My classmates cry easily. The teachers are slightly weak.

Only Father is strong but rarely comes home.

I hear the door open. Father? Teacher? Classmate? The guy who brings sushi?

The presence is odd. I can feel it...No...

As I ran through the floors of the dojo, all the rooms are open. Assassins? Am I ready?

All the other children and adults look dead. They look dead because I don't see blood...something black instead has replaced the blood.

I saw an old man with black hair. The face looks old. An old intruder? A perfect victim for the dojo prodigy. I took the practice sword and hit the intruder from behind the back.

"Is this the one? The young one is an NPC...not a player. Only weak skills and perks. Hmmm."

The old man faced me. I can't really see the face. The old man looks down on me and the straw-hat covers the face.

I constantly hit the old man on the face! Nothing happened. I wasn't winning...

But I've always won in this dojo.

"Lose already, you evil old man! Bring my playmates and teachers back to life."

"But they're weak, right?"

"They're fun to play with. Won't you feel sad if you "

"This is for hitting me a lot. Young one."

It hurt.

I'm outside the dojo now looking up to the sky...

I see a large hole through the dojo walls. But he just flicked his finger...

Oh I'm feeling better.

I took my practice sword from the ground and went back in to look for the old guy.

"I will...uhh...fight for my classmates! I'll beat you because you are old now and even older when I've become stronger," Sam was stuttering to the old man he just met.

"The gods would show mercy to you. I'm not a god but-"

"You'll be weak and past your peak!"

"I've wasted my time visiting you."

That was the last time I've seen the old man in all-black glory. I really wanted to fight the man.

The old man's clothes resemble a high rank general but the whole appearance was black and white. The long black hair extended as far as the black cape did. The straw-hat was gray I guess. I'm not sure anymore. I was around 10 years of age so some 10 years more has clouded my memory. Each piece of clothing was just another shade of black.

My father told me that all of the users of Dark Magic are dead so perhaps it was just my imagination and of course sorcerers don't carry swords. If I recall correctly...the dojo disappeared the moment the old man entered.

Everyone fell asleep except me that day.

I'll just take a white kimono today.

Father just wants to keep training when I've already won the District Tournament.

The dolls, the dojo, the dumb ones I have to "keep up" with are not contributing to my strength anymore.

"Fuji, your son is ready. Let him go today."

"My son is far from ready."

I blinked after seeing my father and an acquaintance discuss. A blade cut through the clothing and now after thinking about it, the blade was about to slice my neck.

"Impossible Father, you did not wield your blade. I did not see the family katana at least."

"Master the technique then. If such a simple trick worked, consider yourself ranking dead last in this year's Regional Tournament. I'm disappointed."

"I'm the one who's disappointed Father! You have taught me nothing new! You feed me your underlings who would die the moment they take one step on the battlefield!"

"Men seek strength, boys seek comfort. You were never meant stay immobile and train here. I stayed for a year in this dojo then went on to look for masters. You are FAR too late to train just as your father trained! I'm not watching the Regionals. Your mother would but she's already found her peace."

"Sure. Sure. I am the chaos and unrest in my father's life. Goodbye Father. I will win anyway as promised. Hope you watch the World Finals instead."

I stole the family katana along with me and ran off through the front. I didn't look back to remember the dojo. I don't want to remember how it looks like...

[Yami perspective]

"My son has left. Master."

"The kingdoms' best heroes and evils will end his life surely. I'd rather avoid the battle."

He's just an NPC. I'm being paranoid. The village reminds of a place on Earth. I think Little Kyoto.