
Chapter 95 : You are no better than me. (2)

But yesterday, they were ordered to remove Aaron from his position because of the rumors.

When they tried to support Aaron, they heard William say,

"It's my company, I will do as I please. Prepare for the voting soon!"

Of course, they had to listen to him.

"Should we remove him because of the rumors?"

The members frowned at this question.

A small smile grew on the board director's face that went unnoticed by others.

Sarah went to see her boss and entered the room with a knock. She froze when she saw a rare smile on her boss's face. Her lips twitched.

Aaron closed the drawer and cleared his throat. His stone-like face made her feel as if it was her imagination.

"Sir, what do we do now?"

"About what?"

He raised his eyebrows at her. Sarah smacked her head mentally for thinking so high about her boss! He was a pain in the ass!

"What would you do if they remove you from the position?"

"My wife works, I will happily become a house-husband."


What the hell? He didn't take even a second to think!

"Sir is..." Is the article about marriage true? She wanted to ask this as she was equally shocked when she saw the news.

But then she remembered the article saying that the marriage was planned to be announced at the banquet.

So, she assumed that it must be true. Otherwise, Aaron wouldn't have allowed Rachel to make an entrance with another man. Also, he wouldn't have taken care of Rachel when she had come to the company. He even canceled all the meetings and risked his position to go out with her yesterday.

Thus, Rachel must be his wife!

"What is it?"

Sarah jolted back from her train of thought.

"Nothing sir. About Ms. Rachel-"

"Get back to work, Ms. Sarah Paul."

His face was not smiling anymore. His tone had an underlined warning.

"Yes sir."

She bent her head down and went out. She might be his secretary but she knew her place.

Aaron picked his mobile and dialed a familiar number. But the other party didn't pick up the phone. He frowned before getting back to work.

Lee mansion,

Rachel took a warm shower in Aaron's room. Despite her struggle, Gina had forced her to take a shower and wear her dress! Taking a shower was fine but a dress? Though it was a new dress that Gina had not worn once, it was still embarrassing!

The light yellow knee-length dress was a little above her knees as Rachel was a few centimeters taller than Gina. The sleeves covered till the elbows, making her hands look slim and fair.

She looked in the mirror and felt like laughing. Just a few minutes ago, she was looking like a beggar in those baggy clothes but now, she looked like a pampered rich girl.

She got ready and went downstairs. She saw Gina in the kitchen, busy preparing something. Gina saw her and beamed.

"Oh my! You look so beautiful."

"Thank you,"

Rachel smiled and replied politely.

"You must be hungry, let's have breakfast."

Breakfast was served on the dining table. Gina just sat there but didn't eat as she had already had breakfast. Even Rachel had had breakfast before leaving, still, she started to eat. She didn't want to disappoint Gina.

Gina said that she would be back in a minute and went to the kitchen to prepare juice.

Rachel sat there alone, stuffing her mouth like a squirrel. Just when she drank a mouthful of water, a face got enlarged in front of her eyes.


Rachel spat the water right onto that face. Her eyes went wide.

"I... Sorry, I'm so sorry!"

Alan didn't react for a good ten seconds. This made Rachel sweat even more. Was he angry? It was clearly his fault!

"Mom!" Alan shouted.


Rachel's mouth twitched. Was he really going to complain? To his mom?

"Mom! Mom!" Alan kept on shouting in the dining hall. Blood almost dropped from Rachel's ears.

This guy was freaking loud!

Alan was still shouting but suddenly someone hit his head from behind.

"Mom, how could you hit me?"

Alan pouted while rubbing the back of his head.

"Then what? Why were you shouting just now?"

Gina glared at her son. He was too much!

"Oh yes, mom, look!"

He excitedly pointed at Rachel that made Rachel gulp a mouthful of saliva.

Gina sighed! Then, she told the entire story of what had happened in the morning. Alan listened to his mom with patience.

In the end, his eyes shone with excitement.

"Yay! I got my SIL! I got my SIL!"

Alan ran forward and hugged Rachel. It shocked her and made her even forget to breathe.

Gina was speechless!

She went forward and yanked her son back.

"Did you hit your head? What sill?"

Alan laughed and explained.

"Mom, it's S-I-L! SIL for sister-in-law!"


Rachel laughed awkwardly. Alan continued enthusiastically.

"I'm your BIL!"


"No, it's B-I-L, BIL for brother-in-law!"

Rachel: "..."

Gina: "..."


Gina wanted to break her son's head to see if the so-called brain was there! She highly doubted he had one!

Just like that, Rachel got her brother-in-law. Oops, it's BIL.

I hope you all are doing well.

Happy reading time.

LOL :)

Joyousbirdcreators' thoughts
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