
Prepare for trouble, make it double....

"Fuck off Feron.."

The low growl that accompanied those words sent a chill down Kelly's back as he watched the familiar scene play out before him.

Kelly looked at both boys anxiously as the tension surrounded them thickened. Feron glared at his opponent, his fangs lengthening without his permission.

"Guys?..." Kelly's voice was shaking as he looked between them, his arms were tightly hugging a black sketchbook to his chest while he shrunk further into his oversized yellow hoodie, trying to dissapear. The amount of people starting to gather were terrifying and he was barely holding himself together.

Alex glared at the bloodsucker before him. His growling had rised in volume as his claws extended.

Kelly let out a pained whimper pulling the guys out of their rage. They both turned their gazes to him, making him flinch and pull his hoodie over his head in response. It was taking everything in him to remain standing as he thought about the attention their disagreement brought him. He wanted to melt right into the ground but knew he couldn't actually escape without collapsing.

Kelly hated attention. One would go as far to say that he was deathly alergic to the mear thought of anyone aknowledging his existence. The sixteen year old had been homeschooled all of his early life because of this fact and he silently cursed his parents for making him step foot into the outside world at all. He was perfectly content being locked in his room all day drawing or attending classes online. Why did he even let them talk him into starting school now? He was only here for a week and already this happened.

He felt a slightly cold hand on his shoulder followed by a short growl that made him flinch. He was a bit worried by the contact but relaxed a little when he remembered he was wearing a long sleeved hoodie. He clenched his fist a little to remind himself he also had his gloves on. He felt a pressence directly infront of him but didn't dare look up, opting to keep his eyes shut as he was gently engulfed in a hug and led off. He could hear Alex telling the crowd to move along in a not too polite manner and he briefly wondered where he was going while counting from one to one hundred in his head.

He only got to thirty whe they suddenly stopped walking and a soft, hypnotic voice called out to him.

"Could you open your eyes for me?"

Kelly found himself obeying without much hesitation and his purple eyes met a dazling red pair. He looked around, relaxing slightly when he realized they were in an empty classroom. He was alone with the two guys who had approached him before. Kelly let out a deep breath as he clamed himself down. He could deal with two people.

"I'm sorry about earlier. I cannot speak for that barbarian, but I did not mean to scare you." The boy with the red eyes spoke as if he was talking to a scared animal, his tone unnaturally soothing. His skin was noticeably pale and his face was angular and chiseled. he looked a bit too perfect, his features unnervingly beautiful in a way that was definitely not human. Kelly was not really surprised. This world was filled with many fantastic creatures, with this school being one of the many that were made up of both human and non human alike.

"Barbarian?! You're the one who butt into our conversation!" The "barbarian" in question raised his voice in anger. A stark contrast to the pale otherworldly beauty of the boy beside him, his features were ruggedly handsome. In a bad-boy-biker-gang-member type of way. He was tan skinned and dressed simply in jeans and a tshirt. The boy beside him was dressed a bit flasher, sporting a long sleeved dress shirt and black dress pants. His clothes were fitted perfectly to his figure and the red of the dress shirt really acented his eyes.

Kelly looked at them and sighed. Just his luck to be caught between a werewolf and a vampire.

"So.... I'm Feron. What's your name?" the vampire ignored the werewolf looking at him in contempt and carried out a short introduction.

"I'm Kelly.... and you are?" Kelly turned to the werewolf.

"Alex. I'm Alex."

Kelly nodded at pushed back his hood, trying to ignore the sudden need in their eyes as he did so. Fortunately, they seemed to have some control. Normally, people would already start panting if he so much as looked at them. It's not like most could help it, he was an Incubus after all.

"You're a...." Feron paused as his fangs lengthened once more.

Kelly sighed and frowned as he nodded begrudgingly. This was why he hated people and also why he stayed as far away from them as possible. His aura was unusually strong by the standards of his kind and even though he was actively controlling it, this still happened everytime he was in contact with anyone.

Feron swallowed involuntarily and took a deep breath. He soon regretted it as the most wonderful smell he had ever experienced attacked his senses.

Incubus. The boy before him was an Incubus. He was surprised. That particular species was rare. Only three families of sex demons existed and they were all small in number, choosing to live separately from society. He had heard a group of them had relocated to the area but thought they'd keep to themselves.

Alex was in a similar situation. His pupils were dilated and his urge to devour the small boy before him was strong. He dug his claws into his palms, forcing himself to focus on the pain.

Kelly reigned in his aura a bit more than usual, watching them both closely. He could feel his own instincts rising. These boys before him were definitely attractive. His lust was rarely ever active and he was a little surprised how hard it was for him to ignore their desire for him.

"What did you want with me?"

The question went unanswered for a second as all three regained their composure.

"I only wanted to introduce myself and get to know the mysterious new student everyone was talking about," Feron managed to force himself to speak with his normal, hypnotic tone.

"I just thought you were cute." Alex offered a wide smile as he said this, a hand rubbing his neck nervously.

Kelly blushed at the compliment but was now struck by the akwardness of the entire situation. He shrunk his body into his sweater again, tugging at the sleeves.

Feron cleared his throat, "I was actually planning to invite you to sit at lunch with me. I noticed you always sat alone...."

Kelly stiffened at the thought of sitting at a table surrounded by people. He could barely tolerate sitting through his classes, no one could expect him to be at a table surrounded by people trying to talk to him. He shook his head apologetically, "I can't be around people..."

Alex looked at him skeptically, "Does it have something to do with you being an Incubus? Can't you control your aura?"

Kelly smiled bitterly, "I am controlling it...."

Alex and Feron exchanged glances. The hostility surrounding them had dissapeared and Kelly couldn't help musing over it.

"Is it safe for you to be at school?..."

Alex looked concerned and Kelly couldn't help but feel slightly worried. Maybe he should leave. It wasn't safe to interact with people for too long. Them being infected by his aura was the last thing he needed, "I should go..."

Kelly hurriedly tried to move to the door but Alex reached for his hand to stop him. Kelly froze as he felt Alex grab his wrist... his uncovered wrist.

Kelly panicked and pulled his hand away. He ran right out of the classroom without a backward glance.

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