
An enlightened Simp goes to Anime Worlds

Kirigaya Yuji a normal Otaku boy that learned his lesson after simping on the most beautiful girl in their class. Then he died and reincarnate in Anime world . . . . . Do not read This Fanfic or you will regret it. *cough* i do not own anything here. im just sharing my imagination and The MC might travel in some anime world, novel or manga in a short period of time like 1 chapter XD

Kid_Speech · Anime e quadrinhos
Classificações insuficientes
3 Chs

Kirigaya Yuji Abilities, powers and weapon.

Kirigaya Yuji condition to travel in other Anime world:

1. He needs to defeat the Protagonist of the current world he is residing in.

2. ???

3. ???

Kirigaya Yuki Weapon: IS [Silver Gospel]

The Silverio Gospel has an advanced AI that helps the pilot to assess the situation in quicktime pace, normally displayed in the helmet.

Should the pilot be injured in any manner, the self-defense mechanism kicks in and the AI will handle the enemy itself. It is capable of flying at subsonic speeds over long distances in a few hours. Cecilia has also stated that it can travel at supersonic speeds, with a maximum velocity of over 2450 km/hr, or around Mach 2.

Silver Gospel abilities:

1st shift: Its main armament are its wings, which seemingly generate large balls of beam energy to attack, either in singular direction or a spray attack, both of which deal out major damage. It is also equiped with an energy field that is apparently very sturdy, as it was able to take the brunt of Laura's Railgun attacks. All its abilities are seemingly powered by a very large power source, as the battle lasts for a little over 2 days, with the unit travelling from the testing area to Japan over the Pacific Ocean at subsonic speeds.

2nd Shift: In its 2nd Shift, its metal wings are replaced with ones created seemingly with pure energy, giving the Silver Gospel an image of a Seraph. All its attacks are heavily upgraded, with an additional ability of expanding its wings, each to the size of an IS, and folding its wings around the target and either crush them, or enclosing the area so as to concentrate all the energy attacks into one spot.

3rd Shift: Still in Analysis