
An enlightened Simp goes to Anime Worlds

Kirigaya Yuji a normal Otaku boy that learned his lesson after simping on the most beautiful girl in their class. Then he died and reincarnate in Anime world . . . . . Do not read This Fanfic or you will regret it. *cough* i do not own anything here. im just sharing my imagination and The MC might travel in some anime world, novel or manga in a short period of time like 1 chapter XD

Kid_Speech · Anime e quadrinhos
Classificações insuficientes
3 Chs

Chapter 1

-- Infinite Stratos Episode 12 scenes --


The [Gospel]'s energy wings got sliced by the [Reiraku Byakuya]'s blade.

However, it was hard to slice off both wings. Besides, the 2nd strike got dodged. During this time, the [Gospel] regrew its lost wing and continued to launch a barrage of attacks on Ichika


--Energy left, 20%. Estimated time left: 3 minutes.

Ichika can't tell how much energy a military use IS that doesn't have a limiter has.

In contrast, his machine's almost at its limit. Thinking about this, He started to feel anxious.



"I'm alright! Don't talk, take this!"

Houki's—[Akatsubaki] touched his [Byakushiki].

An electrical-like surge and a burning sensation immediately passed through Ichika body, and His vision started to waver for a bit.

"Wha-What...? My energy—recovered? Houki, this is—"

"Don't think about this now! Go on, Ichika!"


Gathering his concentration, He let [Yukihira Niigata] increase the energy output to the maximum, and brandished the huge sword with both hands as He swung it around.


The [Gospel] spun once and dodged His horizontal slash. It then locked at him within its vision, and the wings of light turned around—got it!



The [Akatsubaki] used both swords to slice down on the [Gospel]'s wings that were aimed at him.


She deployed the [Fold-Out Armor] on her feet, causing the [Gospel] to take a roundhouse kick with emergency acceleration.

Not expecting this initial hit, the [Gospel] lost its balance. Ichika slashed off the remaining wings of light with an uppercut.

And just when Ichika wanted to finish it off, the [Gospel] grew out all its wings on itself and fired at Him.

(It's come down to this. No going back!)

While his body took the rain of bullets, He swung [Reiraku Byakuya] at the [Gospel]'s body.


Ichika felt the energy sword's contact as he increased the boosters output to the maximum.

Even when it's being held down, the [Gospel] continued to reach its hand for Ichika neck. But before the fingers could touch it, this silver IS finally stopped moving.

"Haa, haa, haa...!"

"Did we defeat it?"

Houki felt really exhaust, she stare at the unmoving IS.


-- Unknown Place --

"You really don't care about the consequences?"

A majestic large being is talking to small soul.

"Yes... i do not care if i become your amusement or some kind of entertainment, because no matter what it takes. i want to travel in anime world"

The small soul reply in determined manner to The large majestic being question.

The Large being that is made of light flickers lightly, like he is interested and amused at the same time.


A small portal start to appear near the little soul.

"Im giving you a power to travel in anime worlds THEN!, but there's some conditions and this conditions are.....@#₱&#*#@*#-"

The large being that is made of light approach the unmoving little soul as if looking down on him from above.

"... what...?" The little soul wants to listen a bit more but his vision become a sluggish. then he blackout because he was thrown to the small portal by the Giant being.

"what an interesting individual hehehehe.... Kirigaya Yuji lets see what kind of story you will make"


-- Back to the Infinite Stratos episode 12 scenes --

Ichika put the unmoving [Silver Gospel] to the seaside to check if it.

"Damn it--! is this thing really unmanned"

"That was a hard fight"

Rin finally managed to recover from her injuries and came to Ichika and Houki side. Also, Charl and Laura who fought in the first round with the [Silver Gospel] seem to be alright, even though they aren't completely unscathed.

"It's over."

"Yeah...it's finally over."

Houki and Ichika stood side by side as they looked at the sky.

The blue sky of just now was no longer present. Instead, the sunset gently covers the world.

but they didn't realize in the [Silver Gospel] a small portal opens connected to the void, and human body materialize in it to fit inside the IS.

"Holy sh** where am i why is it so dark here...? and i couldn't move my body..!"

Kirigaya Yuji who suddenly appeard inside the [Silver Gospel] felt uncomfortable.

[Analysing new Host with compatibility with the Infinite Stratos core...]

He suddenly heard a mechanical voice ringing besides his ears.

"what the heck i still couldn't move my body..."

[Analysing complete The new Host have Perfect compatibility]

[Silver Gospel have initiate the activation of 3 shift in 5 mins to save the perfect Host from the enemy]

"infinite stratos, silver Gospel..? those this mean im in Infinite Stratos anime World...? and If im not wrong im inside an IS..?"

All the clue's that he discovered begin to click inside Kirigaya Yuji mind.

"Ichika! i saw this thing hand twitched a little!"


"hmp This thing shield energy have already depleted, so how could it move?!"

Rin have been observing the [Silver Gospel] from start to finish after the fight, and the it really move because of the 3rd shift activation squence, but Laura didn't believe, snorting at her.

"I think your hallucinating from your exhaustion Rin hehehe"

"what did you say?!"

"Ma Ma i think its alright to be careful here"

Cecila said in mocking tone then she chuckles at Rin covering her mouth, Charlotte tried to appease Rin and remind everyone.

Houki and Ichika smile at their interactions but the two of them and everyone becomes serious. They give [Silver Gospel] on the ground some attention.

"The main characters in the anime are here? and they seems just fought with the IS where im trapped iniside right now."

"They also can't hear my voice.... this thing is sound proof..?"

Kirigaya Yuji tried to move again but in the end its useless. He gave up and decided to wait.

[Silver Gospel Activating the 3rd Shift Form in 1 minute ]

Silver Gospel mechanical voice rang in his ears again.

"Its connected Orimora-Sensei!!!"

A virtual screen appears infront of Ichika and the others startling them. Yamada Sensei and Chifuyu the captain of the operation have an anxious expression on their face.

"Chifuyu-ne- i mean Orimura Sensei"

"Orimura Sensei!" X5

Houki, Laura, Rin, Charlotte and Cecilia greets her in a stiff manner because they thought Chifuyu is angry at them from disobeying her orders to stand by at the base.

"Orimura SENSEI!!!! the Energy level of [Silver Gospel] is still rising!!

Yamada informs Chifuyu in panic because she saw in the hologram that [Silver Gospel] energy graphs are getting higher. signifying its going to explode.

"we have just received from the data analysis. That silver Gospel might be trying to self destruct. so THIS IS AN ORDER ICHIKA LEAVE THAT PLACE WITH THE OTHERS IMMEDIATELY"

Chifuyu shouted at them from the virtual screen.

"Lets go!!"

Ichika and the others immediately response to go away there in their fastest speed. after signaling at each others with their eyes.

The Calm Kirigaya Yuji inside the [Silver Gospel] began to panic a bit too. when he heard the word self destruct from chifuyu.

[Silver Gospel 3rd Shift form will be Activate in 10]

Mechanical voice rang again beside his ears again calming him down, but something unexpected happened again.

{{The World Traveler Kirigiya Yuji made the Main characters of this World run away from him. signifying their defeat.}}

{{The Condition to travel in another anime world have been complete}}

Before Kirigaya Yuji say anything a portal swallowed him again! disappearing there with the [Silver Gospel] IS.

im confused as fvck.

Kid_Speechcreators' thoughts