
An Emperor's Heart

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  • 2 Chs
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What is An Emperor's Heart

Leia o romance An Emperor's Heart escrito pelo autor Hadassah_Tor publicado no WebNovel. In a great kingdom. Each century an emperor is chosen from one of the many tribes, but corruption began to spread, and the power began to circulate through the hands of evil, greedy, corrupt and selfi...


In a great kingdom. Each century an emperor is chosen from one of the many tribes, but corruption began to spread, and the power began to circulate through the hands of evil, greedy, corrupt and selfish people. The time came that Emperor Hye-Ji a great, successful and utmost evil emperor rose. Even though he was greedy he kept the royalty line in check and his bloodline was forever known as the Wangjok family or the royalty bloodline. Years came and passed and the fifth king from Emperor Hye-Ji came to power, and he was known as Pagoeui Huang which meant Emperor of destruction. Emperor Pagoe became a very successful king and had two sons Kang-Dae Jin and Chin-Hwa Jin from different woman. In a country already groomed in corruption will the next emperor be a great emperor? To Hei-Ran’s (The emperor’s first wife) displeasure her son Kang-Dae had no interest in politics which made Chin-Hye a guaranteed successor, but Hei-Ran would not give up and swore to make her son the next emperor by all means.

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summerzpoison · Urbano
9 Chs


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An impressive work, few grammatical errors, captivating but a bit confusing storyline. Build up of characters are good but way too many things to process for a first chapter. All in all this is an interesting book. Keep up the good work!😊


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