
All Fixed

With the progression of the story being slow, Jeffery had time to think. It didn't make sense to him that he had witnessed each and every aspect of the story.

There had to be another reason why the dimensions were unstable. With that thought in mind, the scene around him turned black and lots of characters within Chibi's book appeared one after the other.

Everything looked random at first but after paying a closer look, there were holes...plot holes.

Jeffrey's eyes lit up at least his understanding of this ability had been increased.

Each hole led to different parts in the story and since that was three holes, his guess was there were three different plot holes.

With that thought things became simpler since all he had to do now was go through the hole to know where in the plot had a problem.

Jeffrey appeared in a scene where Nala was almost taken advantage of but was rescued by the ML(Male Lead)

There was no need to think about at whole thing since Nala's character shouldn't be subjected to that kind of treatment under the abuse of one man.

'How can she make such a blunder? It should be Nala saving someone from embarrassment'

He kept all these mistakes in mind in order to address them with Caroline later.

The other holes had something similar which made Jeffrey frown. These were simple mistakes that could be avoided by reading through your book.

With all the holes noted, Jeffrey willed his consciousness to be sent to his body and he soon opened his eyes.

He then made a detailed report of the mistakes along with possible solutions before mailing it to Caroline's email.

That was as much as he could do since he couldn't correct the plot holes himself...well not yet at least.

Now that he knew how to fix the dimensions he started considering the fact of entering Evie's comic.

For the next two days, Jeffrey used most of his time trying to detect the plot holes in other books he read, that way the dimension will be stable and he'll stop suffering from the side effect of each read.

After everything he compiled it into different files and sent them to the authors with another account on Discord.

After he was done he called Philip to inform him.

"Sup, still working on your outline?"

"No, I've fixed up the dimensions so we can try out a new book"

He could tell Philip was frozen on the other side since he remained silent for quite a while.

"Seriously, that is awesome...you know I just finished Evie's comic and jeez I still don't believe she's John Lake's daughter"

"Really?" Jeffrey asked surprised. Philip might praise just about any novel but he was a strict comic reader so since he spoke so highly of her book, it couldn't be that bad.

"I was going to try it out anyway"

"Don't do that without me!!, I can only come over tomorrow"

* * *

"Why is he here?" Jeffrey asked as he opened the door for Philip to get in.

"He's my roommate remember, I can't hide anything from him" Philip shrugged and entered with an excited look on her face.

The person they were speaking about could not help but roll his eyes.

"Is Moon home?" Philip asked looking around.

"No, she went to the Viewers Dimension for some experience, I don't know the details"

"Serena told me to ask, anyway let's quickly go...I have a feeling this would be the best adventure yet"

Jeffrey then led Philip and Zakhir to his room. With their help, he also took back many snacks to his room.

The trio sat around in a circle on the bed and waited for Jeffrey to activate his ability. It took more time than usual but then they felt their consciousness slip into somewhere different.

First, they were standing in a black space, watching the strange scene of a sailor trying to sail out of a thunderstorm.

The sailor struggled, perhaps because of the surging sea the ship was out of control. A medium-sized ship but he was all alone on board.

Lightening flashed followed by the never-ending roar of thunder.

Blue light sizzled...and the power within caused the ship to split apart with the raging sea offering a helping hand, the ship was destroyed and the sailor was nowhere to be seen.

The scene changed and they were able to see the unconscious sailor falling to the bottom of the sea leaving behind a trail of bubbles.

Soon though he stopped and floated in the same position for a while before he was then carried by the sea itself to shore.

Philip stared at Jeffrey who had his brows furrowed and smiled, he had already read past this part but it was a different feeling to see everything look so real.

After he was brought to shore, the sailor regained consciousness and was in despair to know he was trapped on an island in the middle of nowhere.

Desperation caused him to ignore his condition and started exploring the island in hopes of finding something.

His search eventually bore fruit but what he found was a map, or more precisely a treasure map.

With that, he forgot his priority and started chasing after the treasure on the map.

The scene once again changed and with no proper detail of what he did next, the sailor was shown outside a cave and his clothes were....well...he was in a much worse state than he was before.

He entered with shaky steps, goodness knows if it was because of hunger since he looked frail or because he was elated to have come close enough to say the treasure was within his grasp.

He walked to the end of the cave and found a treasure pile, there was not even a single trap there...everything was so easy and it made Jeffrey frown in dissatisfaction.

Philip saw it and said. "Be patient will you everything you see had a reason"

"You sound so knowledgeable all of a sudden" Jeffrey said with looking at him.

"Do you have to be so savage..." Philip sighed. "Let me enjoy my moment"

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