

"I believe in everything until it's disproved. So I believe in fairies, the myths, dragons. It all exists, even if it's in your mind. Who's to say that dreams and nightmares aren't as real as the here and now?"

― John Lennon.

The instinct not to breath underwater is so strong that it overcomes the agony of running out of air. No matter how desperate I am, I try not to inhale until I am the verge of losing consciousness. At this point, there's so little air in my lungs, it's sophistication, so I involuntary breathe underwater or not. I don't care.

Holding my breath is killing me maybe breathing in might not kill me so, I might as well breath in.

When I take my first involuntary breath, I am conscious which is unfortunate because breathing in water is torturous compared to running out of air.

Water floods my lungs, half-conscious and enfeebled by air depletion. I am in no position to fight back to the surface.

This process of drowning makes it harder to not drawn.

In the end, I sink down bit by bit engulfed by darkness and gloominess, half-aware of my surrounding, I watch some images maybe projections; I don't know because what I see makes me shiver, isn't that my supposed fiancee and half-sister, what are they doing together?!! on the bed...

In the image next, Isn't that me being kicked out of the mansion.

The other projection ..the one next to it too ...

It seems these are my bleak future; discarded by my family, betrayed by my fiancee, outcast by my friends, at the end drowned for some measly shares.


Amoret woke up panting and gasping for breath, she is sweating buckets due to fear and anxiety. The feeling of drowning did not disappear, but she was more shocked and frightened by what she saw in that nightmare.

Is that really her future?

What happened to her dreams?

Is it real?

The problem that she kept having this nightmare for a week now, so she somehow starts to believe that it has some tangibility.

In the end, no matter how she tried to shake the matter as a nightmare with no basic, she could not.

She looked at the clock it 's 4 am. she took a quick shower washing away the remanent of that dreadful dream.

She swiped the water vapour of the mirror and gazed at her reflection, oval face with a pointed chin, smallmouth with shaped full lips, small straight nose and sword-shaped eyebrows but she knew the most notable is her eyes, they were shaped like cat eyes big and although the colour seems dark there was hint of green somewhat, but her eyes were constantly concealed by lenses or glasses, this time she broke the glasses and throw the lenses.

Then she took a strand of hair the that she dyed black because she wanted to blend into the family and be part of it, but if the nightmare has any validity then she is nor she will be part of it.

If that so, she will be better if she comes to be herself.

After coming to this decision, she took hair dye remover and applied it on her hair, black water kept running in the shower while watching it washed away she hoped her fears and sorrows will be washed like that too, she dried it with a towel and let it loose on her shoulders without bothering to put it in any special cut.

After exiting the bathroom, she paid a visit to her wardrobe, there was not a bright, pleasant colour. Everything is either black, grey or brown...

Amoret has to admit that she is really naive. When her stepsister and stepmother recommend these clothes for her she just purchased them without thinking, she did not ever consider if they looked good on her or not. Now, when she thinks about it, she really is stupid.


It is my first time writing anything Romantic so, I will probably make a lot of mistakes.

Help me correct them, please.

rayenesedcreators' thoughts
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