
Amongst the Infernal Empire (Book 1: Alex Remembers)

Alex Stratton had already become accustomed to tragedy at a young age but as the years go by, she eventually enters into college at the age of eighteen which is where she meets Lilith Manchester, a woman of strong character, whom catches the attention of Alex. Just when things are going well, tragedy strikes again as the forces of evil rise up against her family and an ancient evil lurks around every corner. Alex must embrace her mother's legacy in order to save herself, her family and Lilith. Although Alex may have an ancient power that lies within her mother's bloodline, Lilith is the wildcard in Alex's pursuit of protecting those dearest to her. This is a tale of vengeance, blood and power. Alex will know love and hope but not without a great cost. A cost that would be too heavy to bear for most but she must for those dearest to her. She must embrace it until the end. LGBT+, Fantasy, Action, Adventure, Adult Fiction, Romance, Blood, Gore, Nudity, 18+

Dylan_Danger94 · Fantasia
Classificações insuficientes
6 Chs

Prologue: Alex Remembers

The world is filled with good and evil." Or so we thought. This claim gives rise to a notion that there is purity, perfection and opposition when it comes to ethics and morality. Perfection: Nothing more than an empty notion that has no value in both life and death. Ethics and morality are easily compared to light and darkness. There is no black and white. No definitive way of truly claiming what is pure. And so, our story begins…

"I remember what my life was like when I was younger. I was happy with everything that I had or wanted. I didn't get quite everything that I wanted even though my parents had an excess in financial wealth, they wanted to teach me humility, patience and wisdom that would accompany my natural occurring greed. At a much younger age, there was much for me to learn as there is now. I can't allow myself to become too intoxicated with blissful happiness to have taken life seriously. Happiness can make life fulfilling. That is, if you can find it and when you do, fight to keep and sustain it," said a voice unknown.

A dark, mysterious woman sits at a desk with a kerosene lamp, illuminating the dark room. The woman, writing, pauses for a moment to gather her thoughts. She lets out a deep sigh before continuing. "My name is Alexandria Stratton. And this is my story."