2 Chapter 2: I left my Wallet in El Segundo

Page 7

Pane 1

As NORLAN turns. The walls of the room are misshapen, entwined in beautiful hues. It almost like a dream state. The room melds within itself. The entrance to the kitchen like area looks to be a cosmic whirlpool. The outline of the objects are lightly shaded while beaming a burgundy glow which highlight them. In the foreground, KARSO Is seen sitting in his chair as NORLAN looks on.

Panel 2. Same image as before now just with some banter. The only difference is—KARSO is now floating in his chair. Afterimage (motion lines) of Norlan observing the room to looking back at Karso

NORLAN: What the fuck is happening?

KARSO: I knew I wasn't that crazy.

NORLAN: We should call the gang and see if everyo—Are you floating?

Page 8

Panel 1. INT. Home of Karso and Syren-DAY

We switch the scene now to the home of Syren and Karso. There poster and RADICAL paintings on the wall. Syren is speaking off screen.

Caption: So, it's the same for you, huh?

Panel 2. Readers POV looking to Syren. Who is shown holding her son while talking on the phone? They both seem to be focused on something out the window frame. While Syren looks slightly concerned (as They aren't sure if They are full blown nuts) The child, Adisa-Amare (The lucid one who builds) seems overjoyed.

Syren: Adisa seems none the wiser. He's just laughing?

Unknown Caller: Maybe its best, that he doesn't understand the gravity of our situation. Have you tried calling Karso?

Panel 3. Close up of Syren's feet (tatted to all heaven) turning around. The panels start to melt.

Syren: Yeah, He said something about reality caving. And apparently our talks have come to fruition.

Unknown Caller: Well, what do you think?

Panel 4. Close up of Syren's hand, as it clutches the door. Vibrant colors are shown gleaming all around them.

Syren: In all honesty—

Panel 5. This shot should be wide, behind Syren's back. We only see them and Adisa-Amare's Outline. The world around them begins to fold as We see—A Fucking Atomic bomb- with golden halos floating on the top and bottom. It's So close you can almost kiss it. (if you wanted to do that sort of thing.

Syren: We may have been on to something.

Adisa-Amare: Hi!

Syren: …. Of course, you'd greet our end with open arms.

Adisa-Amare: HI!!

Page 9

Panel 1. This will be the rise. Things have started to pick up here but I kinda want the focus to remain on the news. As select cities are shown. (NY, Washington, California, Puerto Rico, Hawaii, and Texas) Certain people (Artist) are seen coping with reality bending or altering as others around them seem none the wiser.

News Caption: We are urging people to remain calm. The Virus seems to have infected countless of people.

Panel 2. Washington

News Caption: There have been siting of those infected claiming that a bomb has been unleashed, yet remain stagnant.

Panel 3. California

News Caption: There have been other cases of Infected seeing changes in our reality.

Panel 4. Puerto Rico

News Caption (Spanish): Again, we ask if you remain calm. if you're either experiencing these symptoms-

Panel 5. Hawaii

News Caption: Or, have witness these cases, contact our hotline or 911. This may be Terrifying times-

Panel 6. Texas

News Caption: We must remain united--

Panel 7.

News caption: In this great country, now more than ever has the importance of civility and charity become apparent.

Panel 8.

News caption: But in our time of need. We must unite as a country. No as a people. And show the world what we're made of!!

Page 10

ZNN News

Headline: Cases of Infected found hanged are appearing over countless metropolis cities. Reported as suicides.

FAX News

Everyone: We are Not animals!

Headline: The DangerousPeople of Color United or POCU March Armed in protest of the President's handlinding of those affected.

Protestor: Enough is enough!

Woman: We were only using our god Given right to defend our home.

Man: I for one am ashamed that people can't understand how vulnerable we we

Headline: "Shotgun" couple are hurt over racist accusations.

WOMAN: You bring your POCU ass pass this hose and we'll send you back to whatever country the infected came from

MAN: How dare you soil this country with your filth. We are god fearing in this state!

Headline: Video leaked of racist couple who shot at protesters.

Headline: White Supremacist Militia or WSM fight to protect their home from the infected and terrorist protestors.

Headline: Police on full alert. Given permission to use excessive force amidst chaos.

Headline: Silence at the White House as the Overlord--President remains silent after speaking with the press days prior.

Page 11

Panel 1. Interior -White house- Night

We switch our narrative now. Who else are we to see but America's Favorite dumbass-- RONALD J. DUMP He is in the war room speaking with his team. Who at this point are uninterested in following his plans to Quarantine the Infected—whom, in book 2, will be considered Hyper Artist?

DUMP: There has to be a way to save my mon—I mean the people right. What about our I.C.E. detention? Couldn't we round them up there?

SECRETARY OF DEFENSE: … No—why would we… Mr. President, have you looked over the briefings of the Cases/Plans at all?

Panel 2. Close up of DUMP with his famous "baboon in heat" thinking face.

Panel 3. DUMP in glorious fashion answers the only way he knows how.

DUMP: Ya know, I've done so much for this country, And I can't believe your sitting here, accusing me of Not reading an Important "document". The Chinese have caused this commotion and if we had've known, this could have been prevented. We need to focus on uniting the Good American people in this great country. We should—

Secretary of Defense: We sent you documents for that as well Mr. President. But my question still remains, have you read the files—The whole basis of this fucking meeting!?

DUMP: … I skimmed it.

Panel 4. The Secretary of Defense, face palms.

Panel 5. The whole team are seen face palming

Panel 6. One of the members of the cabinet speaks to the person on his right.

CABINET MEMBER #1: We're Fucked aren't we?

CABINET MEMBER #2: Without lube or a simple "How d'ya do."


Page 12

Panel 1. Medium shot of a funky looking van (think Scooby Doo x DMC 5) driving along the streets. People are already causing a commotion at stores, as they try to stockpile on materials. For this I want the reader's perspective. So, things seem normal hustle and bustle outside of the van.

NORLAN: And they're okay right?

KARSO: Yeah, Adisa seems to be enjoying the mental break.

NORLAN: HAHa—That's our boy!!

Panel 2. We now change to the Interior of the van. And Shit looks—Phantasmal. It appears as though our characters have fully adjusted to the situation. People on the outside—not so much. This panel's angle should be mid shot side. Here are two pictures that sort of reference that. Karso is driving btw.

KARSO: It's funny, the media tell the people to calm down. And Humanity does what it does best.

NORLAN: Truth. But—to be fair…

KARSO: Please,don't.

NORLAN: We weren't given much information. We were told that it wasn't a big deal.

Panel 3

NORLANturns to KARSO This shot should be KARSO's POV of NORLAN. Meanwhile- in the background- out of the window We see another "Infected" Glowing in a cosmic light. He throws a peace sign as he can see what they see. Only Slightly different.

NORLAN: Perpetuated by our (sarcastic mocking) great overlord. So, it's understandable. Though--not excusable.

KARSO: That—is fair. But, it's still up to us to see through the bullshit. Until we as a society, finally, break through the cage of repression-- while suffocating the toxic Ism's… Maybe then, I'll have some faith. Also--If I may add--wasn't you heartbroken because of a certain fail of a human?

Panel 4. NORLAN's face shifts as he's thinking.

Panel 5. He begins to retort but stops himself.

Panel 6. NORLAN returns to look out the window.

NORLAN: …We Should move on to panel 7.

KARSO: Uh, do I like –turn the or…

Panel 7. NORLAN, who wasn't truly mad, turns to KARSO. This time his aura seems to cooperate with its warring shades.

NORLAN: It's fine, you adopted black bastard. (smirk)

KARSO: Fuck you!! you Light-skinned night bright(smirk)

Panel 8. God's eye view of the van. The viewer. Whose mind should be changing at which point. Is now able to see the panels the same as our Hyper Artist. In the street I want this visual to look as if its staring back at the reader. If that makes sense?

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