
Got to New Jersey.

<General perspective>

After a few hours, Ava arrived in New Jersey, then proceeded to Anna's apartment complex.


In Ava's apartment, Elena was having lunch with Regina.

Elena looked at her watch and said, "She should be back today, right?" Regina nodded.

Elena sighed and said, "You know, my relationship just started 3 days ago, but I still miss her." As Regina was about to say something, they heard a voice from the door, "Oh, Elena missed me." Elena turned and saw Ava standing there with two briefcases.

Elena ran towards Ava and hugged her, saying, "So, how was your research?" Ava replied with a wary smile, "Great, it's been a very different experience," as she remembered all the turn of events. Ava asked, "So, how are your legs?" as she tried to examine Elena.

Elena stopped Ava and said, "I am all fit and fine. But you might be exhausted. Freshen up; I have ordered lunch for you."

Ava nodded and went to the bathroom, but before that, she placed her briefcases in the bedroom.

After Ava went to the bathroom, Regina looked at Elena and asked, "Elena, I wanted to ask you before, but I forgot."

Elena looked back at Regina and said, "And what's that?"

Regina asked, "Is Ava your boss or a scientist?"

Elena started laughing and said, "That's something I can't answer. It's a mystery for me too." Regina got confused by Elena's response.

Ava splashed cold water on her face and thought, 'These serums aren't safe here; I think it's time to return.' Ava said while looking at the mirror, "Katie, do we own shares in any airline company?"

[Yes, miss, we own 19.54% shares in Oracle Airlines.]

Ava smiled and said, "Contact them. I want to book a private flight to Los Angeles today for 3 people, and I want it customs-free."

After a few minutes, Katie replied [Miss, I contacted the superior of the airline. They said, 'A private flight without any customs can't be arranged today, but it can be arranged tomorrow morning at 6:00 AM, as at that time, they can neglect some rules for us as we are their biggest individual shareholder.']

Ava nodded as she wanted to pass the airport with 2 briefcases filled with genetic serum. She said, "Okay, book it, but I want to pass security without any checking."

[Got it, miss. It's done.]

Ava exited the bathroom and said, "So what are you two talking about?" Before Elena could say anything, Regina hastily replied, "Nothing. We were just having a casual talk."

Ava nodded and said, "So where is my lunch?" Elena took out two cheeseburgers and a milkshake and placed them in front of Ava, saying, "Here's your favorite lunch."

Ava looked at the cheeseburgers, then turned to Elena and asked in surprise, "How do you know?"

Elena replied with a smirk, "I asked Anna about everything she knows about you." Ava nodded with a smile and started munching on the cheeseburgers.

After finishing her lunch, Ava looked at Regina and said, "Regina, you only have 11 days until you are free."

Regina nodded as Ava continued while looking at both Elena and Regina, "Pack your bags; we are going to Los Angeles."

Elena and Regina both got surprised as Elena asked, "Why all of a sudden?"

Ava thought and replied, "Well, I was planning this from the first day I met you, but my research got in between so I postponed it."

Elena nodded and said, "Okay, I will get my bags packed. So when are we leaving?"

Ava replied, "Tomorrow at 6:00 AM, so we have to get to the airport before 5:30."

Regina looked at Ava and asked, "Does that include me?"

Ava got near Regina and put her hand on her shoulder and said, "How could I forget my girlfriend, even if it's for a short time?"

Ava and Regina were looking into each other's eyes as their faces were about to get close. Elena separated them while standing between them and said, "Of course, how could Ava forget you? After all, you are like a sister to me," as Elena turned to Ava and continued, "Right, Ava?"

Ava nodded and said with a smile, "Yeah, you are like a sister to Elena."

Elena looked at Ava and said, "Ava, can you get me my laptop? It's in our room. I want to show you the progress on my project."

Ava nodded and went to their room to get Elena's laptop.

Elena looked at Regina with a smile and whispered in her ear, "You don't have to thank me."

Regina nodded, but internally she wanted to feel that kiss again.

Ava retrieved Elena's laptop from their room and said, "Here you go."

Elena took the laptop and started showing her progress to Ava while Regina was strolling through her phone.


<Elena perspective>

At the end of the day after dinner, Regina was sleeping in the guest room, while Ava and I were still talking. I looked at Ava with a pouting expression and said, "You didn't tell me that you have such great songs recorded."

Ava chuckled and said, "I recorded them for my grandma, and they are the only songs that I ever recorded."

I looked at Ava and asked, "But why do you make your music 100% charitable? I don't understand why someone would make a 100% charitable account."

Ava patted my head and said, "I have so much money that I can even spend it in my whole life, so I tried to do charity without letting them know it's me. After you complete Calisto, you can have anything you want with your own money."

Ava and I looked into each other's eyes.

After a while, I heard, "You're overthinking, Elena." The sound of my name surprised me. The sound of her voice almost made me recoil. I realized I didn't know how long I'd been staring into her eyes. I looked at Ava's warm smile.

"Um... yeah. I'm sorry. This is just strange to me, I guess," I said, trying to express my feelings.

"What is strange?" I knew Ava was concerned about me.

"Well, you... and I don't mean any offense... but why did you choose to date Regina, and now you are taking her with us to LA?" I wanted to know.

To be Continued....

[Author's note: Please write a review; it motivates me to write.]

[Author's note: Please write a review; it motivates me to write.]

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