
American Adventure

Majestic five millennia of Chinese civilization, marred by a mere century of humiliation. How many treasures have been lost overseas? Fine porcelain, exquisite jade, all taken away! From the Orient, from the Occident, all are mine! If you've eaten what's mine, regurgitate it; if you've taken what's mine, return it! Antiques, curios, delicacies, beauties, none shall escape my grasp! Behold how Jin Muchen, with his golden eyes and indomitable spirit, rises against all odds in the land of America!

jojokria · Urbano
Classificações insuficientes
65 Chs

018 Beautiful scenery-food-beauties

The proprietor, a gentleman of Cuban descent, was swiftly carving a piece of pork head meat. With practiced skill, he then stuffed the pork head meat into two slices of bread, garnished with lettuce and condiments, swiftly creating a delectable Cuban delicacy - the pork head sandwich.

It's worth noting that finding a place to eat pork head meat in America is quite rare. This small stall sells one of Cuba's traditional delicacies, the pork head sandwich.

For just two dollars, I bought a sandwich and quickly devoured it. The pork head meat was well-roasted, crispy on the outside and tender within, with a taste distinct from the braised flavor commonly found in China.

A few steps ahead, there was a stall run by an African American gentleman. He was selling freshly grilled ribs, marinated with special sauce. The aroma of the fresh pork ribs, mixed with the fragrance of honey, quickly attracted many food enthusiasts.

Americans don't consume pork as much, partly because they prefer beef and partly because their pork often carries a strong odor. If not handled properly, the taste can be quite unpleasant for most people.

When Jin Muchen first arrived in America, he was unaware of the pork situation here. Seeing the cheap prices in the supermarket, he bought a lot, intending to cook Chinese dishes. However, the smell of the pork after cooking was so unpleasant that he couldn't even bear to taste it, let alone eat it.

Since then, he hasn't sold much pork on his own. Later, after spending some time here, he learned that the taste of pork here is so different from that in China mainly because of two reasons: firstly, pigs here are never castrated like they are in China, and secondly, due to the activities of animal rights activists, pigs are not slaughtered in the same way as in China, where they are first bled out, but instead are electrocuted or killed by other means. As a result, the blood remains in the meat, giving the pork here a very strong odor that is hard to tolerate.

However, the ribs sold by the African American gentleman were obviously carefully marinated, and the taste was not as strong. In fact, they smelled particularly fragrant and sweet.

Of course, Jin Muchen didn't hold back and spent five dollars on a large rib. As he walked along, he savored the taste, which was quite good. After finishing, he threw the rib bone directly into the trash can, licked his lips, and commented, "If only it had some cumin and chili powder sprinkled on top, it would be perfect..."

A few steps ahead, there was a stall selling traditional American food - authentic hamburgers. Fresh handmade beef patties, unlike those made from scraps in fast food joints, were cooked on a griddle and served with large toasted buns from a bread slicer, fresh lettuce, tomatoes, pickles, and two thick slices of cheese, smeared with mayonnaise, mustard, and ketchup, quickly completing an authentic American hamburger.

As a meat lover, this was an absolute must-try for Jin Muchen. He specifically requested the addition of Italian black pepper sausage and bacon to his burger set because how could one forget them while enjoying a burger?

With each bite, the juicy beef patty, the aroma of the melted cheese, the special tanginess of the black pepper sausage, and the salty bacon blended together, creating a delightful taste experience.

After devouring a large burger, Jin Muchen's stomach, which was only half full just moments ago, finally reached a satisfying six out of ten fullness.

Sunshine, blue skies, white clouds, bustling streets, and lush greenery!

Scenic beauty, delicious food, beautiful women - if one didn't know how to enjoy such moments, they would be the biggest fool in the world!

"Muchen, I hate you!"


Jin Muchen swallowed his burger in one gulp, his eyes widening.

"When I brought you here, it was to see antiques, but since we entered this street, all you've been doing is eating. You never even look at antiques. Don't you ever worry about getting fat?"

Standing beside him, Candice, with her blue eyes, looked at Jin Muchen with a hint of complexity. Yesterday, she specifically researched the places they were going to visit today, so she brought him here on purpose. But this guy seemed more interested in food here than anything else.

"Well, okay, sorry Candice. Actually, I did look at the antiques here, but I haven't found anything that interests me yet. As for getting fat, don't forget what I do for a living. This stuff is just appetizers for me."

Candice remembered the first time she met this guy, he alone polished off a K set meal. She couldn't help but shake her head.

"Oh my God! You really should join an eating competition!"

"Haha, good idea, I can consider it. But Candice, I think you're jealous, aren't you?"

"Hmph! What am I jealous of?"

Candice frowned, her nose wrinkling slightly. The sunlight fell on her face, a thin golden fuzz making her face look particularly cute.

"Hehe, you're jealous of my appetite, jealous that I can openly enjoy the food here! You know what? The grilled ribs I just had were really good. Let me tell you, the meat was crispy on the outside and tender inside, with a layer of honey on top, and it was even drizzled with pickled cucumber juice, slightly sour..."

"Oh my God, can you please stop? Okay, Sherlock, please, stop talking. You know I've already eaten enough today. If I eat like you, I'll have to do an extra hour of aerobics tonight, do you know that?"

Candice almost jumped as she spoke to Jin Muchen, for some reason, Jin Muchen liked to see her playful side because it made her seem more real.

"Don't think too much, sweetheart. Look at this beautiful weather, and so much delicious food. If we don't embark on a culinary adventure, it's our loss. Don't worry, we can just walk instead of taking the car later, I'll accompany you to the Brooklyn Bridge. You know, if a person can walk six miles a day, no matter how many calories they consume, they won't get fat!"


Candice widened her blue eyes, eager to try. The aroma of those delicacies had already made her impatient, and with a guy next to her who could eat like a horse, she couldn't resist.

"Haha, of course, it's been published in a scientific journal, the folks at UC Berkeley studied data from three thousand people..."

Jin Muchen explained to Candice with a smile.

"Enough talking, boss, give me a burger!"

Without waiting for Jin Muchen to finish, Candice turned around and placed an order with the burger stall's owner...

Candice took the burger, while Jin Muchen pulled her along.

A few steps ahead, there was a small stall with a Spanish flair, selling various seafood snacks. They were definitely not to be missed.

Just taken out of the oven, the grilled fish cakes with a fresh sea aroma, along with fresh lobster rolls, were irresistible.

Candice couldn't move after seeing this. She handed the half-eaten burger to Jin Muchen and went straight to the front

 of the stall herself.

After a few minutes of battle, spending over ten dollars, Jin Muchen finally filled his stomach to eighty percent, while Candice was already patting her belly.

"I can't eat anymore, my stomach is going to burst."

She wrinkled her cute little nose with a hint of worry as she looked at her belly, then looked up at Jin Muchen with a fierce expression.

"Asshole, you better make sure that article you just mentioned is true. Otherwise? Hmph!"

"Hey, they have shaved ice here! In this hot weather, hey, Candice, do you want a bowl?"

Jin Muchen quickly changed the subject. The girl's gaze just now gave him chills.

There happened to be a very good Taiwanese red bean shaved ice here. The weather was hot now, so it was perfect to have a bowl to cool down, get rid of the heat, and refresh oneself. Well, girls seemed to have no resistance to desserts...

After finishing a bowl of red bean shaved ice, dispelling the summer heat, they took a few more steps forward and saw a Mexican vendor selling Mexican popsicles, and they were chili-flavored.

Hey, how novel! Popsicles with chili flavor. Candice couldn't eat anymore, but Jin Muchen couldn't miss out on them. Of course, he had to have one.

Finally, they arrived at a stall with a French flair. Amid Candice's longing gaze, Jin Muchen ordered two ham-flavored macarons.

"Don't you want to try one?"

Jin Muchen held two macarons to Candice's mouth, teasingly asking. Candice's head shook like a tambourine.

"Well, it smells really good, the taste must be right."

Jin Muchen looked into Candice's eyes with a smile, the girl opposite, eager to try but showing a strong restraint, was quite amusing.

"You bastard, oh my God, you should go to hell!"

Before Jin Muchen could enjoy his triumph, Candice suddenly pushed his hand hard, and the macaron in his hand hit him in the face. Then the girl ran away with a crisp laugh...

Jin Muchen laughed and chased after her, the two of them laughing and joking along the way, unaware that it was already noon.

At the end of September, the temperature in New York was still not low, and at this very noon, it was the hottest time of the day, and the market was not as lively as it was when it first opened.

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