
Ambitious Uchiha

It's a story of an ambitious person transmigrated into the Naruto world, in Sasuke Uchiha's body with an Ai. The story starts with the protagonist transmigrating into Sasuke's body during the Uchiha massacre. After figuring out, he's in the naruto world, he wants to climb to the top of the food chain either by Manipulating other people, Abusing his authority, or killing innocent. He will use any means necessary to achieve his motive in this world. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ This is my first story as an author go easy on me. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ This is not a harem but will have r18 material in it And this is an AU with slight derivation from the original. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ DISCLAIMER: I DON'T OWN NARUTO OR ANY CHARACTERS EXCEPT MY OC. ALSO THE PHOTO ON THE COVER ISN'T MINE.

Among_Yu · Anime e quadrinhos
Classificações insuficientes
14 Chs

Chapter 1

[Let me explain to the host that currently, we are in Naruto world at The Konoha Hospital (also known as Tree Leaf Hospital ) currently in the body of young Sasuke Uchiha. Please look at your current body.]

"I look at my body? My hand's small and my legs it's small. I look around to search for the mirror to look at my reflection then I saw a window near me a few steps away. I moved my body and tried to stand up but suddenly a jolt of pain hit my body making me paralyzed for a few sec but soon it slowly started to wear off and with great difficulty, I slowly walk near the window and saw my reflection."

"I look like a young boy relatively at age 7 with black eyes, spiky black hair with a blue tint. It looks exactly like that character from Naruto. The second protagonist of its serious but a bit too young Sasuke Uchiha then I look around the room and saw this place looks like an old hospital. It truly felt out of date as I look down and saw this young body. I ask myself is this it did I really transmigrated like some protagonist."

'Am I really in the naruto but isn't that an anime how could be possible? how could I be in a friction world but this body isn't my body mine and it feels so real too.'

'It's like those fantasies I use to have in my teen? It's like I am living in fantasy itself again like in my old days albeit, in this case, I would say literally.'

As the man was taking inside his head marveling at his situation the door suddenly open making the Sasuke come out of his thought as he looked at the door.

A middle-aged lady dressed as a nurse came out of the door.

Doctor the Uchiha kid is awake standing near the window. The nurse says to a doctor who was following the nurse.

After that, the doctor follows the nurse with a worried expression towards Sasuke to take a closer look at him.

"You shouldn't stand kid or else you will strain your body." The doctor says to Sasuke urging him to sit in bed then an old man's voice comes out of the door.

"oh, he is already awake?" Said an old man through the door as he makes his way to Sasuke giving him a shock due to the old man's appearance and his blurred memories being cleared. he really recognized this old man.

'Thats third Hokage sarutobi hiruzen from Naruto.' Sasuke thought in his head.

[Yes, Host, Please be careful about your action host. You could be exposed if u act suspiciously which could lead to an undesirable outcome.]

' Wait they could hear u... why? they aren't reacting to your voice.'

[They can't hear me, host. I talk through your brain signal so they can't hear us.]

'OK right, But why is he here. what business does he have with me? oh, right I'm Sasuke right now what did he come here to visit Sasuke were they really that close in anime. I barely even remember the anime it's been 10 years since I stop watching it. what am I going to going to do? '

[Host do u want me to provide u with the information about the current situation.]

'what u can do that?'

[Yes, I do have the capability.]

'Then do it already I don't wanna stand here looking down awkwardly any longer.'

[Transforming information data...dink transfer completed.]

[Today is 22nd July.]

[The day Uchiha no Jiken took place is also known as the Uchiha massacre or Uchiha incident.]

[This massacre was planned out by Danzo Shimura and approved by the executive of Konoha. In this incident, Danzo Shimura play a very important role and was the main force that initiated the incident.]

[The massacre was carried out by two people Itachi Uchiha and Obito Uchiha using alias the name Madara Uchiha. Originally only Itachi was the only one meant to carry out this operation ordered by Danzo Shimura but nevertheless, unbeknown to Danzo.]

[He decided to request the help of another Uchiha for the complete success of this operation. after the success of the operation, Itachi threatened Danzo Shimura to expose the Konoha secret in exchange for the safety of his little brother and took the blame for the massacre all by himself to avoid conflict between Uchiha and other clans in Konoha.]

[After the following incident, the only sole survivor of this incident is Sasuke Uchiha they found Sasuke's body around the corpses still alive so they brought him here to the hospital for treatment.]

' Now I remember it's starting to come to me the infamous Uchiha massacre.'

While Sasuke was focusing on the information staring down blankly at the floor. The doctor was worriedly shaking him to wake up then soon after Sasuke digested the information about his current information. He took a deep breath thinking about how to handle this situation.

"Hey, Kid are u okay answer me. Cmon kid Snap out of it okay." The Doctor said

Meanwhile, The Hokage's expression has already started to turn worriedly every second. "Is he okay doctor did he suffer serious trauma."

"Yes, lord Hokage it must have been the trauma of the incident making him space out. It must have been too much for a kid to handle the incident." The doctor said to him but Hokage had already lost in his own thought seeing the young boy.

' Danzo was this truly necessary was there not a peaceful resolution for this situation. Every Uchiha was massacred today and even the last surviving Uchiha is in this pitiful state whose I had promised to protect him. How it had come to be this state in Konoha. The village which was originally founded to stop bloodshed now is formal the shadow of its past. '

'No, it maybe has become even worse. Sensei was the right choice to leave me in charge to protect Konoha. '

While the Hokage was thinking doctor had already moved closer to Sasuke trying desperately to call out to Sasuke from his daze expression but to no available.

After a few seconds try while Hokage was still lost in his own thought. Sasuke finally nod to the doctor's response, seeing that made him instantly happy.

"Thank god for a second, I thought he had a brain injury. If that actually happens then, I would have no idea what to do with him, Hey, Kid can u hear me." the doctor calls out to Sasuke.

"If u can hear me then stay in the bed okay don't get out until we give permission okay." The doctor says to Sasuke.

Sasuke barely nods at the doctor and changes his face to a sad expression and quietly without speaking walks to the bed and sits on it seeing that the doctor quickly starts to ask some questions to Sasuke, then the Hokage who had come out of his thought also starts questioning Sasuke.

"What happens in the Uchiha clan?"

"who did this?"

"Did u recognize any of the attackers?" Hokage asks Sasuke.

Then Sasuke replies." It was Itachi. he killed everyone even the mother and father and made me watch through his genjutsu continuously. "

After hearing the name Itachi Hokage gives a shocked face but nothing less continues asking questions even further this time adoring a serious face.

"Did he tell u the reason why he did this?"

"He said that he did this to test his limit and just for that reason he kill everybody and spare me just so I could be his opponent," Sasuke says while maintaining an angry face.

When Sasuke finishes talking there in the room created a silent atmosphere in which everybody stayed in their place digesting information no one said anything but ultimately it was the Hokage who broke the silence first.

"First, you should rest some Sasuke u must be tired take asleep. I will try my best to find Itachi and bring justice to the Uchiha clan, then, I leave him to u doctor." Hokage says to the doctor and immediately leaves the room saying goodbye to everybody.

But when Hokage leaves through the door, He suddenly stops a few steps away from the door and calls Dog.

A human comes out of nowhere with white hair wearing a dog mask and his uniform consists of black clothing, a grey flak jacket, metal arm guards and gloves, ninja sandals, three ninja pouches on his back-waist, and a signature spiral tattoo on his shoulder.

"Yes, Lord Hokage." Replies Dog

"I want u to guard Sasuke for time being don't let anyone besides the doctor and nurse go into his room."

"As u wish Lord Hokage."

After saying that Hokage lefts the building and return to his office to continue his paperwork. meanwhile, Doctor also took his leave with a nurse from Sasuke's room after a few checkups.

"Woah that was intense they came out of nowhere and gave me quite a surprise. I could have been found out. if I hadn't acted fast enough at the moment."

"By the way, how do u know about the incident in such a detailed manner did God give u the knowledge about the naruto world?"

'If that's were the case then it would certainly help me tremendously in this world' Sasuke thinks in his head.

[Correct host, God gave me the knowledge of this world but it's limited.]

"what do u mean?"

[God gave me the knowledge about the world but they were from your memories of the show in the past stored in my data storage.]

"I see, but before u said that god created u to help me can u further explain it. How are you going to help me?"

[Yes, Host.]

[ When I was created god gave me two abilities to assist the host. The abilities were storage and data analysis.]

[Then God fused me directly to the host brain making me the part of the host permanently through this process I was connected to the host brain neural which helps us synchronize with each other even further with this every bit of information analyzed through the host senses will become a part of host thought process and data storage will become the host memory.]

[Those are the two main functions of mine but I'm sure when the host gets stronger there will be other practical uses for me.]

"I get your role and abilities but didn't just now it took quite a few sec to relay the information about the incident and explanation right now. Your explanation just doesn't match up."

[Your right host this delay is caused by the host's recent fusion of the body and soul. It will take some time for my system to run at full capacity.]

"I see that does make sense I guess but I have a question?"

"If u have become part of me then can u read the memory of my brain or specifically Sasuke's brain. I need his memory. if I don't want to attract suspicious of other people."

"This time. I was saved by you, but it still cause quite the delay in relaying the information until you started running at your capacity, I can't rely upon u."

"So, I want to have a general idea about this kid's habits, likes, and dislikes, circumstances, and relationships with other people."

"So, Can you do it?"

[Yes, I can host.] Ai replies

"Thank god then start the process and also send me all the information about the naruto world too."

As Sasuke was continuously being fed information about the naruto world. The sun had already risen. He took a breath of relief getting the tension out of his body and getting all the information he wanted about naruto world for what's to come in the near future.

It was the second day in this hospital and he had nothing to do So, he request a leaf from the nurse, and as he sit on the bed with the leaf on his head controlling to stick in his head.

It was pretty easy for him in fact, it didn't take much afford for him to sense chakra and control it to his wishes. He inquires about this Ai and found that his talent in chakra control had increased insignificantly due to consuming Sasuke's soul and there should be other benefits but it will take time to show its full effect.

Then the Sasuke had an idea as he was controlling the leaf on his head the leaf suddenly dropped to the bed. The boy starts channeling his chakra to his eyes then slowly opens his eyes revealing his red eyes with 3 tomoe circling his pupil. The boy marvels at his surrounding completely seeing them from a different perspective with his new eyes.

Then he slowly moves from the bed withstanding the pain in his body slowly standing up on the ground he moves near to the window and when he reaches it new surprise dawn on his face seeing the three tomoe Sharingan in the reflection on the window.

"How could it be possible didn't Sasuke had only awaken one tomoe Sharingan then why do I have three tomoe Sharingan was the information wrong was there a mistake perhaps, wait did it something happen to Sasuke's body, is it because of me."

"AI, do u know the cause of it?"

[I do host]

[When Sasuke's soul was fused to the host and the host took over this body. The body reacted to the host especially the eyes your memories of your past cause it to mature into magenkyou sharingen. It also proved to be very beneficial to me, to host.]

"What do you mean?"

[Host, I analyze through your senses. So, If the host's senses increase then my capacity to analyze will too.]

"I see"

After getting an answer from AI, he returned to his bed, Besides this discovery, there was nothing else to do the rest of the day. When he tried to do some exercises he could not due to the strain caused by Itachi genjutsu due to this he resorts to light chakra exercises surprisingly controlling the chakra was quite easy much easier than Sasuke's memory had told him.

The next day was also a monotonous day besides training his chakra control, learning to use the function of Ai, reviewing the information about this world, and thinking about his plan for the future. He couldn't find much to do and just like that a week had gone by in a hospital.

(30th July)

In the building of Hokage there lay an old man writing something on the paper, suddenly a figure came out. It was a dog mask anbu reporting to the old man after completing the mission given to him. In response, the old man only nods toward the Anbu and dismisses him. Briefly signing while looking at the window.

In the hospital, a doctor was examing the patient after a check-up doctor and brought up the topic.

"So, he's leaving today, huh... He recovered quite quickly, I thought he need at least another week to recover completely. It since, I quite underestimate him."

"Yes, Doctor, his recovery was much faster than, we had anticipated." replies the nurse with a smile.

The doctor looks at the window and nods. He stays silent for a few seconds looking at the window and continues.

"Now everyone in the village should have heard about the incident. I hope he will at least be able to live a normal life."

Listening to the doctor, the nurse also comments.

"It was quite a pity about what happened to him, he will be quite lucky. If he's able to live a normal after that, but, I hope he's able to find happiness."

"That very good sentiment Miss rose."

"Doctor, please don't tease me."

The nurse says to the doctor getting a little embarrassed. After their talk, they continue their walk to the next patient.

At the front of the hospital, A kid adores a happy expression finally being free from the hospital after staying a week in a bed, he could finally move and better start his plan for the future. The plan had a risk that could certainly end his life but after carefully thinking about the ups and downs. The risk certainly holds much more benefit than the non-risky plans he had thought through in the span of the 6 days in the hospital.

He didn't know what outcome the decision he made will be nor if it was right or wrong but he was satisfied with his decision and with that, he took his first step from the hospital.