

Srsly? What the heck happened? Who is this people? They keep calling me Caliana even tho my name is Aoi?

"My sweet Caliana your so beautiful." Ah... So warm who is she? She's beautiful.

She has a beautiful blue hair and a pink eyes she has a warm smile. And the way she holds me is so gentle.

"Of course honey, she's beautiful just like you our beautiful Caliana." The man next to her is so handsome.

He's looking at me so warmly he's silver hair is so good at him I also like his golden ayes.

"My my hmm.. why is our Caliana so quite? Did you recognize Mommy and Daddy?."

Wait... Mommy? Daddy? Are they telling me that they are my parents?

This dream is so realistic I wanna wake up soon so I can tell this to Mom and Dad.

"Your three brothers is patiently waiting to meet you tomorrow." The man who's calling himself my dad said as he crease my cheeks.

"Hahaha, look at her Elian she love the way you touche her." My mom? I guess I can call them that it's just a dream so it's ok.

"Talana thank you forgiving me such a sweet daughter." They smiled to each other and looked at me.

"Our sweet Caliana is wide awake and been staring at us since she woke up. Hmm do you think she's memorizing our faces?" My mom says.

"Hmm if that's right then our Caliana is genius, her brothers will be trilled." Dad says.

"Hahaha of course I hope they'll get along and protect their little sister." She lift me so her cheeks and mines touches.

"They will, after all our sons been wanting a baby sister." Ahh I wish I can talk to them.

This is longest dream I ever have, I'm sure mom and dad will not believe me if I tell them this dream.

"Hahaha. I still remember How Callum react when Xannon and Xavion was born." My Mom laugh warmly.

"Yeah he was disappointed because the twins are both boys after all he want's a baby sister." My dad crease mom's cheeks and kissed her forehead.

"Did you already told them that Caliana is a girl?"

"No, I told them that they'll know the gender tomorrow."

"Elian your such a bad father." And they both laugh.

Hmm but those names I think I heard of them somewhere I just can't remember.

I'm a little bit tired. My eyes is closing.

"My sweet daughter is finally sleepy."

"Have a pleasant dream our princess. Caliana Yanira Sinclaire Kiev."







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