

A dangerous blizzard struck Tokyo like never before, no one was seen out, and water fountains froze up and turned into icicles of ice. Takumi was still in bed snoring like a baby, Iris already woke up Iris already and her stomach growled. She was hungry, not wanting to disturb Takumi from his sleep; she decided to make her breakfast herself. She walked into the kitchen and to her surprise she saw Michael wearing an apron and making breakfast, he was shirtless, his muscles popped out showing his masculine figure, he also had no trousers on, only tight underwear. She admired his body and at a moment praised it with her eyes. If she's not mistaken; Michael and Takumi are the only guys that she ever met, obviously they are the only guys she's ever met, but they had the greatest body ever known to mankind. It went up to a point the thought Takumi was a stud, that thought usually irritated her, but by looking at Takumi and how he behaved he seems pretty clean. She stood there with thoughts running wildly in her mind really crazy thoughts and Michael looked at her with a corner eye, seeing this she jolted back to her senses.

"Anything the problem love?" he asked with his charming British accent.

"Nothing just surprised to see you here that's all"

"Oh I forgot to mention, my driver wasn't able to pick me up here yesterday night because the blizzard started early, so I guess you guys have me here for a couple hours" he said as he took his apron off. "I guess you're hungry, I made a nice breakfast."

"Where are your clothes?" she asked

"I took them, I prefer to sleep in my underwear, do they look nice? My body I mean" he asked gesturing closer to her, placing her hands on his muscles and the other hand on his d**k.

"What are you doing?" she asked nervously.

"What don't you like it?"

"I do but it's just that Takumi told me that this makes people feel awkward usually men."

"Not men like me"

"Hey what's happening here?" Takumi asked and sees Iris' hand on Michael's manhood and he stands very close to her. "What the f*** dude?" he asked and pushed Michael away from her.

"Thanks" she said.

"And what are you doing here better question where's your clothes?"

"I don't need to answer you"

"Yes you do, this is my house"

"Let's not argue on this, Michael stayed here because of the blizzard and he prefers to sleep in his underwear" Iris explained.

"And I saw him harassing you"

"I was only being a man"

"By trying to rape her"

"To be honest, I flirt a lot you can't blame me"

"Pervert, go put on some clothes and maybe take a bath first, you smell like omelets, I see you already made dinner so we'll wait for you until you finish having a bath and put on some clothes, you look ridiculous" Takumi said sounding like a woman talking to a child.

"Whatever mom" he said and walked away.

"Don't you use that tone on me young man" he realised he sounded weird and sighed.

"The blizzard doesn't seem like it's going to stop" Iris said.

"Tell me about it, good morning" he said and walked to the kitchen counter and scented the aroma of the omelets and bacon. "He's a really good cook" he said while taking a bite from it.

"You do know I'm right here" Michael said as he walked into the kitchen naked and water dripping from his hair.

"What the f*** is your problem? I said put on some clothes not come down here naked, for goodness sake there's a lady in the room"

"I don't care what people think of me, I glorify my shape and admire my body as my god, and I think she likes it" he said as he raised a brow at her

She blushed pink and Takumi covered her eyes with his palms.

"What's your deal man? She doesn't want to see your junk, keep it to yourself"

"Whatever you say, geez" he complained and walked out.

"He does have a good body" she said and Takumi gave her a killing stare and she turned her face. "Hey it's true"

"Let's just forget that" he sneezes.

"You have a cold?" Iris asked.

"No it's just a…." he sneezes again

"You do have a cold" Iris said assured.

"I don't…." he sneezes again. "Okay I do have a cold"

"Don't worry I'll take care of you" she said as she shoved a thermometer into his mouth. "Now just go upstairs and wrap yourself in your blanket and I'll serve you your breakfast"

"No I can handle it" he shivers. "Okay you handle it but don't burn something down and when I say something I mean my house" he said and walked away.

"So how does Takumi make hot cocoa?" she looked into the kitchen cupboards and is confused on what to do. "I think I can do it"

Some moments later.....

"Okay I can't do this" she admitted fell to the ground, her face buried in her palms and Michael walks in.

"What are you doing?" he asked and folded his arms.

"I'm trying to make some hot cocoa for Takumi but I can't do it"

"He didn't teach you how to make hot cocoa?"

"No he usually tells me to sit back and chill while he did all the cooking, he's a really good chef"

"Get up I'll teach you" he said and he went to the cupboard and brings out a box of instant hot chocolate mix and drops it on the counter. "If you don't have the strength to mix the chocolate and milk in a sauce pan just use the instant hot cocoa mix, it's easier"

"Really?" she asked

"Yeah" he smiled and tapped her head like a dog.

In Takumi's room….

The blizzard calmed down a bit and people could be seen in the streets clearing the snow on their front porch. Takumi turned on his bed as he shivered and he stopped for a while as he remembered his moment with Iris in the shower, for some strange reason he smiled and she walks in with a tray, on it was a "I love you mug" of hot chocolate, a plate of bread.

"So what so funny that it makes you smile?" she asked as he dropped the tray beside his bed and sat on his study chair

"Nothing really" he said and sat up straight putting a pillow behind him

"So Michael already left" she added

"He made the hot cocoa didn't he" he said as he sipped from the mug and exhaled.

"Yeah, how'd you know?" she asked

"You don't know how to cook and you never entered the kitchen when I cook, plus the fact you took too much time so it was an easy guess" he explained.

"So how did you learn how to cook? I mean you're such a good cook who thought you?"

"My mother"

"Where is she now?" she asked.

"She's dead"

"That's really sad how'd she die?"

"My dad killed her and then took his own life straight away; I really hated him, always getting drunk and coming back home to turn my mother into his personal punching bag, he was a jackass I even like it that he's gone."

"You must really love your mother so much; I've never seen a picture of her around"

"That's because he burned all of it alongside her body"

"That's really bad"

"I know right, I told myself I'd fall in love with the woman that best resembled my mom, mostly in the cooking aspect, I'd never leave a girl who can cook like her" he explained.

"You'd love a girl who can cook like your mother?" she said to herself silently and is lost in thought. Takumi noticed this recently in her and tapped her laps.

"Anything in mind?" he asked with a charming smile.

"Nothing, just eat your food" she said and gets up "I'll check on you later" she walks out.

"That's strange" Takumi said to himself

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