
Chapter One

It was a beautiful sunny day in Miami, Florida and it was around noon when I decided to ride my bike to the park. The park was my go-to study spot where it was always peaceful and it was also a place where I could hear my own thoughts. I'm an only child, but I've always wondered what it's like to have older and younger siblings. As soon as I arrived at the park I leaned my bike against a nearby tree then slipped off my backpack.

I set it on the ground and unzipped it, pulling out a small quilt blanket that had a flowery design. My grandmother RuthAnn had sewed it for me so its significant to me especially since she passed away six months ago. I miss her so much, but I know that she's in a better place. She knew that I liked all kinds of flowers, but my favorite flower is the Lily so now I treasure this beautiful quilt that she made for me.

So my name is Lily Dawn Wilson and I'm 19 years old. I'm currently attending the University of Miami. I'm majoring in a Nursing degree so I'm barely a freshman in college since I just started on the third week of August. After I graduated from high school I took a year off of school and went to visit all of my relatives who each live in different states.

Then I recieved my acceptance letter in the mail and moved out here to Miami a week later. So I've been living in Miami in my own apartment off campus for a month. Then I found this park and liked it so much that I decided that this spot would be my study spot. I laid the blanket down on the ground then sat on top of it and took out all of my homework from yesterday.

Since today is Saturday and I don't have any other plans or any friends to hang out with all I can do is study. I managed to survive the first week of college which wasn't too bad. I can't believe how big the University is and how many programs it has especially the amount of students that attend the college. All of the teachers are kind yet strict.

So far my favorite class is Anatomy and Physiology since it's the class where we learn about the human body and how it works which is fascinating stuff. I'm currently not in a relationship because I've had two ex-boyfriends already and I'm not ready to jump into another relationship. I just want to be able to focus on school, that's it. I was studying for one whole hour when I heard some guys' nearby whooping, laughing and yelling at each other.

I looked up and saw about five guys' at least a mile away from where I was sitting. They were kicking a soccer ball to each other, but were joking around too. I looked back down at my textbook and became determined to tune them out. Half an hour later, I heard something land nearby.

I looked up and saw the soccer ball lying a few feet away from me. I looked over at the guys' who were all looking in my direction.

One of them shouted "Hey, kick it over here to me if you can." Then he laughed.

I arched my eyebrow at him. Did he really think that because I was a girl I didn't know how to kick a soccer ball? Since my Dad didn't have a son he taught me how to play all the sports and he taught me self-defense. I stood up and positioned myself behind the ball then backing up a little bit I kicked the ball towards that guy but way further and higher than he had expected.

I sat back down and resumed studying and heard one of the guys' yell "Dude, even she can kick better than you."

A few minutes later it was peaceful again so I assumed that either the guys' had left or they were just taking a break. I heard footsteps getting closer to where I was sitting, but I didn't look up hoping that whoever it was would get the hint and leave me alone. They didn't, instead he or she sat down on the grass in front of me and I could feel their eyes on me. I finally looked up and found myself staring into familiar sky blue eyes.

He spoke first "Hey Lily, long time no see."

I jumped into his arms nearly knocking him over as I hugged him tightly "Kyle! Yeah, it's been a while."

He laughed "So what are you doing all the way down here in Miami? How are your Parents?"

Kyle Matthew Scott who is a year older than me had been my childhood best friend. He moved here to Miami when I was a freshman in high school and he was a sophomore. He was like the older brother I never had and I can't believe he recognized me instantly. My family and I had always treated him like a part of our family so we were pretty close.

He's adopted though, but he considers his adoptive Parents like as if they were his biological ones. I missed him so much when he had left, but I made some new friends and another best friend. She wasn't his replacement though because Kyle meant a lot to me and he still does. I just hope he hasn't changed much because if he did our friendship will have to start anew.

We pulled apart and with a smile I answered "Im attending the University of Miami and my Parents are doing great, how about yours?"

He smiled back "They're great also in fact they're in Paris, France right now. They'll be back at the end of the month next month. I'm also going to the University, how do you like it so far?"

I nodded "So far, so good."

"How about Miami?"

"Mmm yeah, it's beautiful and peaceful here compared to home. I don't think I can ever go back home and leave this place behind."

"So you're planning on sticking around then?"

"That's the plan."

He stood up "Alrighty then, so how about you join my second best friend, my girlfriend and myself tomorrow so that we can catch up and they can both meet you, the sister that I never had."

I grinned "Sure, where should I meet you all?"

"Do you know where the mall is?"

I nod "Yup, I've been there a couple of times."

"Let's meet at the front entrance at 10 a.m., wear some comfortable shoes because we're going to be doing a lot of walking since we're going to be hanging out all day, alright?"

"Okay, I will thank you for the invitation Kyle. It's really good seeing you."

He pulled me into a hug when I stood up and he ruffled my hair which he always used to do when we were younger. We said our goodbyes then parted ways. I was already looking forward to tomorrow because not only was I going to be hanging out with my first best friend, but it was possible that I might even become friends with his friends. There was only one way to find out and that would be until tomorrow.