

In the meantime, the treatment of all of them is completed. The removal of Luciel's mental control is also completed at the same time, and he once again uses his magical eyes to confirm that there is no remaining treatment in their souls.

Whew... ...... so far so good. Still, not close to the number of residents I had heard about. Are there any other evacuation centers?

He searches for the Humans' souls with his magical eyes. Ignoring the civilians who had failed to escape scattered all over the place, he finds a cluster of souls scattered in the back of the town. It seems that there is one shelter on each four directions of the town, including the one where Sena and the others are.

“Your Holiness Ilah. How are the other shelters doing?”

“That is the situation, so there is no way to contact. ....... I am particularly concerned about the eastern part of town, as the scale of the battle is quite large.”