

"Boss, it's 22:00."

Jake's voice comes from outside the door.

I look down at my watch and confirm, before cutting the water off.

"I know, just make sure you're ready."

I say and open the door.

"Boss, I have a concern."

Jake says as he backs up.

"You're worried Serena won't be able to pull the trigger, or that she will and it'll change her."

I say as I check my pistols, before making sure the KaBar is in place.

"Yeah... That's actually it."

He says and looks over at me.

"She will and it will."

I say and look over at him.

"She doesn't need to be changed."

Jake says and leans against the wall.

"Nobody wants this at all, but she has to change.

If she wants to survive, then she has to change."

I say and look into his eyes.

"Jake, I gotta tell you something that happened."


He asks and looks at me.

"Do you think there's such a thing as a giver?

Like, they can give some of their powers away."

I lean my head back as I ask.

"I.. I don't know, why?"

He asks and looks at me confused.

"I think I gave Serena some of my powers, or at least I gave her the essence."

I look back at him.

"Why do you think this?"

He asks and checks his pistol.

"She got shot, if you remember?"

I ask and look at the ground.

"Yeah, her 'sister' shot her."

He says and checks the clip.

"Well, I healed that portion of her stomach.

Yesterday she got stabbed, literally took a knife to the stomach...."

I say and look at Jake.

"It broke in half."

"What do you mean it broke in half?"

He asks confused and looks at me.

"I mean, the guy stabbed her in the stomach.

I watched as the blade broke in half."

I say and look back.

"Oh shit."

He says and leans his head back.

"Yeah, I don't know if it was a fluke or what, but the blade literally broke."

I say and look forward.

"I don't know what it is, but there's something about that girl."

Jake says and looks over at me.

"What do you mean?"

I ask a little confused.

"I can't really explain it..."

He says and looks away.

"Try to."

I say and look around, making sure we're alone.

"She has power inside her....

I just don't think she's ready to let it go."

He says as a group of people enter the hallway and heads toward us.

"Let's go."

I say and take off in the opposite direction.

Jake walks beside me and waits for me to respond.

"So, I'm not going crazy and you've felt it too?"

I ask and look over.

"Yeah..... It's odd.... I can almost feel the power building up inside of her."

He says and walks with me.

"I'll watch her."

I say and look ahead.

"Now, go get ready for tonight."

I say and keep walking.

"Yes sir."

Jake says and keeps walking.

I stop and turn around, before walking past the group and heading towards the yard.


I whisper and whistle, as I walk out the door.

Alpha comes running and sits down beside me.

"Good boy."

I say and crouch, rubbing his head.

"You gotta stay here and protect the group tonight."

I say and scratch his head.

He nods and sticks his tongue out.

"Now, go to the room."

I say smiling and pat his back, as I get up and walk towards the back.

I walk outside and don't see Kevin at all.


I ask and look around.

"Yes sir?"

He says from underneath the truck.

"What are you doing under there?"

I ask and squat down.

"Well, I'm finishing the third layer of armor.

Just making sure nothing can get through

This truck will be virtually impenetrable, unless hit with a few explosives."

He says smiling and looks at me.

"What about the .50 cal?"

I ask and look up, seeing an added shield and glow sights.

"Well, the outside attachments are; a shield for the head, glow sights and a hair trigger."

He says and looks at me.

"You gave the .50 cal a hair trigger?"

I ask laughing slightly.

"Hey, you wanted more kick."

He says smiling and looks up at the gun.

"I'm not complaining, but what about internal?"

I ask and climb onto the hood, before looking at the gun.

"Well, in normal terms.

I made the gun fire faster and harder."

He says and climbs up too.

"By harder, how do you mean?"

I ask and look at him.

"Well, most of the time a .50 cal can take out a vehicle's engine."

He says and runs his hand up the barrel.

"You could literally cut a hole in this armored truck."

He adds and looks down.

"Wait, this truck is armored three times.

You said it's virtually impenetrable."

I say confused.

"Yeah, that should explain the power in this baby."

He says smiling.

"She'll have perfect recoil, along with perfect aim."

He rubs the barrel once more.

"Good, go get some rest."

I say and pat his back, before hopping down.

"Sir, there's one more thing."

He says and moves around to the back.

I follow and wait for an explanation, not knowing exactly what I'm looking for.

"Well, I have a design for a weapon, but it requires electricity."

He says and opens the trunk.

"What kind of weapon are we talking?"

I ask and look at him slightly confused.

"You know how a stun gun works right?"

He asks and looks at me.

"Sorta, I skimmed over a portion in a book about them."

I say and look at him confused.

"Well, you know about those the prongs and how it shocks you right?"

He asks and looks in the trunk.

"Yeah, it's connected to a wire which is used as a conductor."

I say and watch him.

"Correct, but what if you could make a stun gun, without the wires.

So, you could have a mag of stun ammo?"

He asks and looks at me.

"How could you do this?"

I ask and watch him.

"First, I'd need some electricity.

After that it's just me making the repeating current."

He says and pulls out a rifle, it's black and there's wires embedded in the metal.

"How would this work?"

I ask and look at him.

"You know how if a car gets struck by lightning, you have to toss a stick on it?

Or something that doesn't conduct."

He says and looks over, as he hands the weapon to me.


I say and run my hands over the smooth service, realizing it's not metal but ceramic.

"Well, in a lighting bolt there are at least one billion volts of electricity.

The rifle would have two billion volts.

The little metal prongs would be shot through the current, making electricity pass to them.

The amount based on which setting."

He says and points to a switch.

"Far left is 70,000 volts, which is stun.

Middle is 500,000 volts.

Far right is two billion volts."

He says smiling.

"Two billion?

That's enough to fry someone."

I say amazed and look at him.

"Or enough to cook an Alpha past the point of self-healing."

He says smiling more.

"You made a gun that can be used to stun and kill, I'm very impressed."

I say and pat his back.

"Yeah, it doesn't work though."

He says sadly and looks down.

"How could we get it to work, so that we could test it?"

I ask and look at him.

"Just by putting raw current into it, the generator inside will do the rest."

He says and looks at me intrigued.

"Do you have some electricity?"

I smile and focus, before feeling the power flow through my hands.

I look down as I feel the rifle start to slightly hum.

"Holy shit, you did it...

You took him down and you were compatible."

He says smiling like a kid, as he watches his rifle come to life.

"Good job, it feels fine."

I say and hand it to him.

"Now put it on the lowest rating and shoot me."

I smile and step back.

"What?!!! No!"

He says and backs away.

"Either you shoot me, or I call

Vet outside and he shoots me."

I say and look at him.

"What? You're Fucking insane, it could malfunction and fire all two billion."

He yells and looks at me like I'm crazy.

"Do you trust your work?"

I ask and look at him.

"What, why are you asking?"

He says confused and grips the rifle.

"Do you trust your work enough, to send me out in the field with it?

Not knowing if it'll explode in my hands or kill the person I'm trying to stun."

I say and look into his eyes.

"Yes, I trust it."

He says and looks down.

"Then put it on 50,000 and shoot me in the fucking chest."

I say and watch him.

Sydney walks out to my demand and runs to the truck.

"What the hells going on here?"

She yells and looks down.

"Kevin won't shoot me with the stun gun."

I say smiling and look up.

"Oh dear lord."

She mutters and walks around.

"What is up with you and wanting to be shot or poisoned?"

She says and punches my arm.

"We need to test it and I have the strongest healing abilities here."

I say laughing and rub my arm.

"You can shoot me if you want, don't tell me you haven't thought about tazing me?"

I say smiling and poke her side.

She smiles slightly and quickly hides it.

"NO! I do not wanna taze you, you're my BF and no matter how bad you piss me off I don't wanna taze you."

She says in a pouty tone and punches me again.

"Fine, I'll get Serena to shoot me.

She's probably dying to give me some payback for training."

I say with a grin.

"I swear to god if you call anyone out here to shoot you, I'm gonna kill you."

She says and looks at me like I'm crazy.

"Oh Sere-"

I go to yell, but I'm cutoff as I'm shot in the chest by the rifle.

"You dumbass!!! How does it feel?!!!"

Sydney screams with the rifle in her hands, before punching me in the side.

I stand there as the current flows through me and shake, but is not really enough to hurt me.

"It'd feel a lot better, if at the same time my muscles tensed you didn't punch me."

I say and rub my side.

"Shut up asshole, you deserve it."

She says and punches me again.


I say and rub my side.

"Good work, Kevin."

I say as my body stops shaking.

"Thanks sir."

He says and sets the rifle down, before hurrying inside.

"Some days I don't know why I don't just shoot you myself."

Sydney says smiling and looks into my eyes.

"Because that'd take away all the fun."

I say smiling and pull her close, before kissing her softly.

I pull away and check my watch, it's 22:45.

"Sweetheart, I have some things that need to be taken care of."

I say and look into her eyes.

"Ok baby, just get some sleep tonight."

She says as she turns around and walks inside.

"Send out Jake, Vet and Serena."

I say as she walks in.

"Yes sir."

She says as she passes through the doorway.

I sit at the truck and pick up the rifle, waiting for my team to come out.

Jake, Serena and Vet walk out, before standing in front of me.

"Are you ready?

I need you setup before 00:15."

I ask and look at them.

"Yes sir."

They all respond in unison.

"Weapons ready?"

I ask and look at their packs.

"Yes sir."

They all respond in unison again.

"Good, you're gonna be covering Vet's wife.

As soon as she reaches the truck, you drive faster and harder than you ever have."

I say and look at Vet.

"What? What if you're not with her?"

Vet asks and looks at me confused.

"It doesn't matter, you drive."

I say again and look at him.


I ask and look into his eyes.

"Yes sir."

He says and look down.

"I'm not leaving you."

Serena says and steps forward.

"I'm warning you now, if you do not leave.

You might not make it back alive."

I say and look away, moving to the back of the truck.

"What do you mean?"

Jake asks and steps forward.

"It means that I'm letting The Darkness out, and I don't think he plans on letting anyone leave alive.

I'm gonna hold back as much as possible, but if I have to unleash then I will."

I say and look at them.

"River, you don't have to do this.

We can get a bigger team and take them."

Vet says and steps forward.

"Yes I do, I have to do this."

I say and look into his eyes.

"Ok, well. I'm expecting to see you back here."

He says and holds out his hand.

"Trust me, I'll be back."

I say smiling and shake his hand, before looking over at Jake and Serena.

"Give me ten minutes before following."

I say and look at the group.

"Yes sir."

They say in unison, before climbing into the truck.

Each getting in their designated positions.

"Ten minutes."

I say and focus, feeling my form begin to change.

"Vet, how do I look?"

I ask and look over at him.

"Like a twin."

He says smiling and starts the truck.


I say smiling and take off running, wanting to test my speed and power.

I jump over the wall leading to outside with ease, before using my tendrils to slow my landing.

My feet take off running and become a blur, as I run down the road.

I look back and everything's a blur, so I look forward and see a house.

Ten feet away and closing my fast.....

I let my instincts take control, before speeding up and jumping.

I have my hands forward and fire out two tendrils, using them to slingshot myself over the house.

I look below me and it's almost like I'm flying, everything's so smooth and the air feels amazing.

I'm about fifty feet off the ground, before I start dropping.....

I put my hands out and shoot tendrils out, using them to propel me forward along the ground.

I'm flinging myself at least twenty feet per throw.

I see the private school coming up and down even realize how far I've gone.

I lock my tendrils in the ground and stop myself, landing softly in the parking lot.

I walk toward the hood slowly, not knowing what to expect.

I see a wall and walk closer, trying my best to pull the worried husband act.



Two shots hit the ground in front of me.

"OK!! OK!!"

I yell and put my hands up.


The voice yells again.


I yell back in a frightened tone.

"Oh shit, it's the bitch's husband.

What are you doing here?!!"

The man says to himself, before yelling again.

"I came to make a deal."

I say as I walk forward.

"What kind of deal?"

The man yells back.

"My wife for The Alpha Omega."

I say and look up at the guy.

"Well well, we got a double crosser."

The man says and opens the gate slowly.

I approach and walk through, letting my guard down purposely.


The butt of the rifle connects with the back of my head, as the man drops from his post.


I say groggily as I roll over.

"Sorry, just a formality."

He says before stomping his boot down on my face.

I wake up slowly, hearing a distant voice.

"Honey! What are you doing here?!"

Sarah's voice pierces my ears.

I open my eyes and try to move my hands, realizing they're bound.

"Fuck, that hurt."

I mumble under my breath, before looking up and seeing Sarah.

Sitting right across from me.

"Honey, are you ok?"

Sarah asks still slightly confused.

"Yes, I'm fine."

I say and look up, not feeling right if I played the charade of Vet.

I listen closely as a door opens, then I watch as the door to our room opens.

"Well, well.

You're the infamous, Vet."

The man says as he stands in front of me.

"Well, if you wanna give me that honor."

I say smiling and look up.

"Shut up!"

He says and punches me in the jaw.


Sarah screams and struggles in her chair.

"You shut up, bitch.

Or yours will be harder."

He snarls and moves towards her.

"I promise, if you lay a hand on her.

Your death will be a lot worse than its already gonna be."

I say growling slightly as I look down and see my watch, it's 23:59.

I focus on creating another form of myself, then wait for the moment he arrives.

"Someone's cocky for a prisoner."

He says smiling and backhands me.

"Someone's a little bitch for a torturer."

I say laughing and spit blood.


He roars before pulling a switchblade, then putting it to my throat.

Just as I feel the blade begin to move, a siren blares throughout the room.

"What the hell?!"

He yells confused and moves back.

"Right on time."

I think as I make a tendril pop out of my finger, cutting the bonds on my hands and feet.

"Wait, how?!"

He screams as he turns and sees me loose.

"Because I'm the one you want."

I say smiling and swipe my hand, watching as his head leaves his body.

I focus and return back to my normal form.

"Wait!!! You're not Vet!"

She yells and tries to scoot away.

"You're with them!!"

She screams and struggles harder.


I say loudly and move over cutting her bonds.

"I can't get you out, if you're gonna bring everyone to us.

Your husbands safe, he's actually waiting to drive you home."

I say and look into her eyes.

"Ok ok, what do I need to do?"

She asks and looks back.

"Just stay behind me and do not move unless I say."

I turn to the door, before changing my arm to an AR-15.

"Got it."

She says and moves beside me.

"Get on that wall."

I say and point to the one beside the door.

She nods and hurries over, before ducking and covering her head.

I look at the door before me, then kick it open and raise my arm.

There's two men and they're trying to raise their weapons.


I fire once and watch the closest brains splatter across the table.


I fire again and watch the second man crumple.

"Let's go."

I say and wave towards her, switching my arm to a Mini-14.

She runs up beside me and gasps at the sight, before looking away quickly.

I move to the next door, as the alarm finally cuts off.

I open the door and look out, seeing nothing.

I check my watch and see that it's 00:10.

"Is everything okay?"

She asks from behind me.

"Yeah, we need to move."

I say and put my left hand up, providing a tendril wall so we have cover.

I move slowly and make sure she stays behind me, before turning as I hear a gunshot.

I raise the rifle and put one bullet through the man's head, because the next one might not miss.

"Oh shiiit."

Sarah squeals and moves forward, getting closer to me.

I realize that I can teleport to the private school, before reaching over and grabbing her arm.

I focus and feel like there's a wall, just completely blocking our escape.


I say and let go, looking over at her.

"What?!! What's wrong?"

She asks and looks at me worried.

"Someone's blocking my escape."

I say and look over away.


A voice roars from the center of the base.

"This can't be good."

I say and take her hand, moving quickly and stealthily towards the middle.

I move to the end of a house, before peeking around the corner.

I see a figure standing in the middle, but he's glowing black just like I would.

I turn back to Sarah.

"Stay beside me and no matter what, do not move."

I say and walk out slowly.


The monstrosity yells from the middle of this make-shift arena.


I ask with cold eyes, as I look around at the huge crowd.

They're all armed.

Weapons vary from rifles and pistols to spears and swords.

"I wanna fight you and prove that I'm Darkness's true son.

The true Alpha Omega."

He growls and sits in the middle.

"I'm not gonna fight you, I don't even wanna hurt you."

I say and look down at him.

"Hurt me?"

He snorts as he starts laughing.

"Neither of you are leaving, until you fight me."

He snarls at me.

"No, let us leave.

I don't wanna fight."

I say and stare down at him.

"Oh but you do old pal, you wanna rip him to shreds."

The Darkness's voice echoes in my head.

"Fight or she dies right now."

He growls and moves forward.

I look over at her and watch as she shakes her head no, telling me not to fight.

I look back at this monster before me.

"Fine but she gets to leave first."

I say and look into his eyes.

"Fine, let the bitch go."

He says and snaps.

I grab her arm and focus, before feeling her disappear.

I open my eyes and she's gone, so I look down at him.

"You wanna fight, let's fight."

I say and swipe my hand, shoving him back against the fence.

I jump over and stand there, stretching my legs and arms slightly.

I block The Darkness out and let The Light in.

"That's cute, with your little love taps."

He says with a wicked smile.

I stand there and try to hold The Darkness off, not wanting to unleash.

"Are you ready to die?"

The man across from me says.

"Have been for a while."

I say smiling and stand still.


He roars and closes the distance in milliseconds, before grabbing me and throwing me across the arena.


I say as I spit out blood and reset my nose.

"That all you got?"

I ask as I stand up and wipe the blood from my nose.


He roars and charges again, before just tackling me through the fence.

Using his momentum to make us crash through a building.

I try and focus as my world spins, but everything's moving so fast.

I take a deep breath as I realize he's off of me, looking around I see that he's just a few feet away.

He moves towards me, before lifting me by my shirt.

Punching me multiple times, before throwing me back through the building.

I get up slowly, allowing my broken bones to regenerate.

I stand up and look forward, keeping my hands by my side.

"Why aren't you fighting?!!!!"

The man roars as he steps back through.

"That's a good question, why aren't you fighting River?"

The Darkness's voice practically giggles in my head.

"You could rip him and all his companions to pieces."

His voice says happily as the man in front of me gets ready to attack again.

"I don't want to, not everyone deserves to die."

I say back and prepare myself, as I feel the first blow that breaks my jaw.


He roars back in my head, as I'm thrown through another building.

I open my eyes slowly and get to my knees, letting my bones slowly heal again.

"No, I do."

I say back and wait for the next blow, because the man is making his way through the building.

"Think about Sydney, Jake and the rest of them.

Who's gonna protect them?"

He asks with a cocky tone.

I think about this for a second, before letting just a little of The Darkness in.

My wounds heal faster and I feel my power grow.


A kick sends me back through the building.

I get up faster than last time, allowing The Darkness in more.

"Come on, Pal."

The Darkness's voice comes back.


He roars loudly in my head.

"You have one more chance to stop, before I do something that I'll regret."

I say and let The Darkness fully flood me, allowing my blood to turn black and him take over.

"You won't do anything."

He says laughing as he moves towards me.


I hear his hand move through the air.

Moving smoothly to the left, I grip his grab his fist in midair.

"You see, I tried to let you stop."

I say and twist slightly, breaking his wrist instantly.


He screams and swings the other fist.

I duck smoothly and move up quickly, using my head to break his wrist.


He screams and drops to his knees.

"Like I said, I gave you a chance."

I say and raise my left arm, changing it into 12 gauge shotgun.

"Last words?"

I ask and look down.

"Please, you don't have to do this."

He says and starts crying.

"Fucking pathetic."

I say and change my arm into a blade, slamming it through his chest.

I can feel the shield be taken down, as the man slowly dies.


The man says as he begins spitting up blood.

I look down and sort of recognize the face, but it's not hitting me yet.

"Son.... I'm sorry.... He made me..."

My dad says as he lays on the ground dying.


I roar as I recognize him.

"Take my powers, you can't let anyone else get them...."

He says through a mouthful of blood, before his eyes roll back.


I roar and feel almost as if a barrier breaks inside me.

That last little thing that was keeping me human, making sure The Darkness couldn't take over.

I change my hand into a blade as tears fall down my face, before jamming it into my father's chest.

Draining his void completely.

"I told you I'd have some fun."

The Darkness's voice giggles in my head.


I roar and lean my head back as my emotions flood me, along with the expansion of my power.

"You'll never kill me, you need me too much."

The Darkness laughs in my head.

"Trust me, I need nothing from you.

Because you just made your own monster.

I'm gonna be your Darkness."

I say smiling a huge smile, finally realizing why The Darkness took to me.

"It needs me.

I can increase my.....

I mean our powers."

I say happily.

"No, you couldn't have.....

I've done everything to prevent it."

The Darkness's voice says shakily in my head.

"But it fucking did."

I say happily.

"I'm coming for you and any of your other minions, My Darkness and I are coming.

Warn them, interfere, do whatever you want.

Because none of it matters, I am

The Alpha Omega.

You will understand what that means."

I say as I look to the crowd around me.

They're all holding their weapons at the ready.

I look to the left and smile at the crowd, before putting up my hand and watching a huge wave of fire shoot out.

I begin to completely incinerate anything that the flame touches.

I turn my head and see the crowd on the right running, so I snap and watch four walls appear....

Trapping them like mice.

I turn to the group that's now completely ash, before turning back to live ones.

"Are any of you innocent?"

I ask and look at the group.

Multiple men raise their hands and so do the women, but I'm scanning each of them.

They're just as guilty as the rest.

My attention moves to a man in the back right-hand corner.

"What about you?"

I ask and move around, looking at him.

"I'm not innocent."

He says and looks down, showing true sadness.

I reach through and pull him out of the box, before looking into his eyes.

"Why not?"

I ask and stare.

"I knew he was your father..... But I didn't say anything."

He says and looks away.

"Any particular reason, because you don't seem like the man to just watch a son kill his father."

I say and turn his face towards me.

"They have my son."

He says sadly and looks down.


I ask and look away, feeling pissed yet understanding.

"I don't know, they've kept him from me...

I'm the one who lead your father here."

He says and starts crying softly.

"Hey, wipe that shit up.

You have a son to find."

I say and smack him softly

He looks at me confused before nodding and stopping.

I turn back to the group of people.

"Whoever knows where his son is, they get a ten second head start."

I say and look at them.

"I DO!!"

A man screams and moves to the wall, before banging his fist on it.

"Far end of this road, just walk in and go to the basement."

He says quickly.

"Thank you very much."

I say and raise my arm, changing it to a beretta and firing once.

"You said he'd get a head start."

The man says and looks at me horrified.

"He did, I never said to where.

He got a head start to hell or maybe heaven."

I say and change both arms to a gatling gun, before unloading on the entire group and watching as the walls turn red.

"Oh my god, you're a monster."

He says and moves away.

"Look who's talking. Now go before I change my mind and kill you and your son."

I say and listen as I hear a truck approaching.

I begin to change my arm into an RPG, before seeing that it's Vet.

They drive up quickly and Jake keeps the gun on a swivel, as the truck comes to a stop.

"You good, Boss?"

He yells down to me.

I turn and look at the man running away, before moving to the truck and climbing in.

"No..... I'm not good."

I say and close my eyes, letting the tears start to flow....