
Alpha by Twubs

Autor: Twubs
Literatura e Livros
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  • 5 Chs
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Lupin's transformation, the night Pettigrew escaped, had far reaching consequences. The Wizarding World, and the Boy-Who-Lived, will never be the same. Werewolf/Harry/SI

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Chapter 1Act I: Chapter 1

'Why is everything so loud?'

I tossed in my bed, and pulled the covers over my head to protect them from the yelling going on in the dorms. Why was everyone so rowdy this morning? Nearly all of his year-mates in Gryffindor slept late.

'Wait, yearmates? Gryffindor?'

I shot up in bed and pulled the covers back, looking around the room I found myself in. It's hard to describe the sensory overload that I had at that moment. The sun's rays were unnaturally bright where I found myself and I had to close my eyes. The smell of sterile equipment was all around me and dominated the room. But I also got a hint of sweat and must in other parts of the room.

'I'm in the medical wing, not the dorms.'

'"Harry watch out!"

I turned around to Hermione with a happy look on my face. I had successfully cast the Patronus with enough power to drive off the Dementors. Sirius and my younger self were safe and would live to see another day.

I was unprepared for what was behind me. When I finally realized what was happening, there were jaws on my shoulder, and massive hands that held my arms by my side, not allowing me to move.

A fire erupted in my shoulder at the same time that buckbeak's feathers brushed across my skin and drove my attacker away. '

After the memory, everything slotted into place in my mind.

"I'm fucking Harry Potter…" I whispered to myself.

I saved Sirius and my own life by casting a patronus to drive off all of the dementors attacking us. And then Lupin had shown back up where he normally hadn't during the books or movies. He bit me on my shoulder causing me to blackout.

'And now I'm Harry Potter with 26 years of memories from another universe thrown in the mix. Oh and if my knowledge of lore serves me correctly, I must be a fucking werewolf now…'

"Just bloody great." I muttered as I threw the covers off of me and stood up. The cold stone floor of the medical wing of Hogwarts met my feet. Immediately, I tugged at the pajamas that covered my form and peeled back my shirt to look at my shoulder. I was hoping that because of my obvious plot-armor, I would be immune to the bite of a werewolf.

I was wrong. Exactly where my memories told me it would be, were a myriad of bite-mark shaped scars that started at my upper right chest area and I knew would extend over my shoulder onto my shoulder blade. All the evidence pointed to me surviving the bite, but suffering the consequences.

'But good news, I don't need those awful glasses anymore.' I thought as Ilooked around with the best vision I had in either of my lives.

The sounds of feet hitting stone hit my ears, and I turned to the hallway. At least three people were hurrying towards me. Just what I wanted, to be treated like a child and told that I was now a werewolf. No doubt Dumbledore would tell me to be optimistic about the future despite the coming conflict with Voldemort on top of the inconvenience of the full moon every month or so.

Just as I expected, Dumbledore was one of the three people that stormed into the medical wing. The other two were Madam Pompfrey and Professor Mcgonnogal. All of them had worry plastered onto their faces. Although Dumbledore was much more curious than anything else.

"Mr. Potter, you should not be out of bed." Madam Pompfrey scolded, as soon as she saw me standing up.

'Alert charms? To notify them when I woke up?' I pondered, thinking about their response time and how efficient it was.

"I feel fine." I responded evenly, even though I wanted to rage about the fact that everyone saw me as a child, when I was much older mentally. "Something I will attribute to my new biology." I commented, testing the three of them.

Of course, all of their eyes widened, telling me everything I needed to know. "So it's true, the bite took?"

Pompfrey and Mcgonnogal looked at Dumbledore at the same time, with questioning gazes. He just looked at me evenly, deciding how to break the news to me. It was obvious this was not how he expected our meeting to go.

"I'm afraid so, Harry." He replied somberly. He was either a fantastic actor, or he was actually sad to deliver the news. I wasn't sure which one to believe, so I put it out of my mind.

"How long have I been asleep?" I asked, curious as to how bad the damage was.

"Two days, as is common with this… affliction." Madam Pompfrey answered, before the other two could.

'Fuck, too late to deny everything then.'

"Then by now the Daily Prophet has gotten a hold of the information, and the entire Wizarding World knows?" I asked rhetorically, as I realized I was well and truly fucked for the near future.

Once again, that caused the adults in the room to pause. I can only imagine how odd it must be for them. I'm sure I was expected to cry and moan about how fucked up my life was. I had no time for that. Voldemort would try to fuck with the tournament next year, a tournament that I would try like hell not to participate in. Not to mention that I would have monthly meetings with the Wolfsbane Potion and the transformations that would ensue.

Looks like Potions just became my favorite class. I thought as I realized I couldn't rely on someone else to brew the potions for me. Snape wouldn't live forever, and I doubt he would want to brew that for me for longer than he had to.

"Unfortunately, that does seem to be the case." Dumbledore replied as he clasped his hands together around his waist.

"Ha it's going to be interesting to see everyone who used to worship me, shun me. Maybe I'll finally be left alone." I chuckled when I said it, trying to find the humor in the situation. I also realized that the Merge between Harry and my other self had caused me to be a little more sensitive than normal, or maybe that was the thrown off hormones?

I could feel the pity they directed at me after that statement, and I fucking hated it. It was written all over their faces. "I do not need your pity, nor do I want it." I muttered, more angrily than I probably should have.

"Sorry my boy, I cannot express the guilt that I feel at the situation." Dumbledore responded, looking as guilty as he sounded.

"Where is everyone?" I asked in an obvious attempt at changing the subject. I looked around the medical wing, normally there were at least one or two students with injuries at almost all times. I was the only one at the moment.

"It is June 11th, the term ended yesterday Harry." Dumbledore answered quickly.

'Oh that's right, he said two days…'

"So it's time for me to go back to Privet Drive?" I asked as I realized that I had a summer of hell awaiting me. Why was luck so bad? It wasn't enough to be a teenager again? It had to be as a werewolf Boy-Who-Lived!

"Actually, the day is still young, and with your affliction being known by the general public we have to make a stop by the Ministry and Diagon Alley." Dumbledore corrected.

I frowned, not understanding. I didn't even have to ask the question before I was told why.

"All werewolves must be registered, Harry." Dumbledore explained in his grandfatherly voice. His educational voice.

"Albus!" McGonnogal berated. "To do so would be to condemn him to…"

Dumbledore jerked his head towards my head of house and transfiguration professor. She quieted immediately. Dumbledore's face had changed from a guilty/somber one to a hardened and authoritative one. She was obviously about to tell me something he didn't want me to know.

"The public already knows Minerva. If we were to ignore it, they could use it against him in the future. The legislation is already loose and such a high profile case would warrant new precedent. I would not allow the current Wizengamot the opportunity. It's best we get ahead of the situation and just register him." Dumbledore expanded, all the while keeping up a stern look on his face.

"Smart." I muttered as I processed the new information. It probably was best that I just registered. Plus, all it would really do would be confirm what everyone already knows. Would it affect job opportunities in the future? Yes. But my memories already told me just how well off I was, income wouldn't be a worry for a long long time.

'At least I'm filthy rich…'

"He's just a boy…" My professor retorted as her emotions got the best of her. Her lip quivered slightly, but I did not see any tears in her eyes.

"Thank you for your concern Professor, but he's right. I can't run from this. I might even be able to change the public's opinion of werewolves." I told her with a smile, trying to lighten the mood a bit. It miffed me to be called a boy again, but she wasn't wrong technically. I would have to earn their respect by acting like an adult, not whining about being called a boy.

"Thank you Harry." Dumbledore said as he reached into his robes and pulled out a tiny object. He sat it on my bed before whipping his wrist slightly. Without warning, his wand leapt into his hands, from somewhere within his robes.

'Day one and I get to see the Elder Wand.'

I stared at the wand in wonder as he lowered the tip of it to the object he was just holding. Immediately, the object expanded to reveal my trunk.

"What's this about Diagon Alley, Headmaster?" I asked as I remembered his words from earlier.

"Ah, I almost forgot. It seems that when you were attacked your wand was destroyed. We'll have to procure a new one." Dumbledore said, delivering the worst news of the day.

I actually took that news harder than any of the other news that day. That was my wand, something that was an integral part of me and my experience as a wizard. I had known of others that needed to replace wands, but not me. That wand was special…

My mood darkened significantly. "I see." I said as I walked over to my trunk and opened it. I tried to make it as obvious as possible that I did not want to talk anymore. Thankfully, Dumbledore got the message.

"Get dressed. Madam Pompfrey will want to run a few tests and then we'll be off." Dumbledore said as he walked away.

I wanted to protest but allowed the good nurse to do her work.


When I stepped foot on Diagon Alley, I couldn't help but smile at the memories I had of the place. Whether that be from my first visit as a wizard, or watching it through a television screen. The stones were well kept, but obviously old. I couldn't help but wonder how many shops had graced the Alley since its inception. Perhaps all of them had been there since the beginning… wishful thinking.

The first person I saw walking down the street was a man of no notable features, but he looked right at me. The way my hair was, my scar was visible for all to see. Normally, people would see my face, and then their eyes would flicker to my scar before they would stare in wonder and awe. It was awfully annoying.

But this random man did not look at me in wonder and awe. He saw my scar, as I watched his eyes flicker up to my forehead. Disgust and a snarl was the reaction I got before the man looked away and picked up his pace to put distance between us.

That was a bit more dramatic than I expected.

I brushed off the encounter and looked to where another man sat on a bench, with a newspaper in his hands. It was held in the air to where I could read the headlines, and I could have eye-rolled at what I read.

'Harry Potter, Boy-Who-lived by day, WEREWOLF by night!'

I will have to become even better at ignoring people and their opinions of me. I deduced as I looked around at all the looks of disgust directed towards me.

"Why the wand first, Headmaster?" I asked as a green light bounced off of the brick beside me, signaling a successful floo trip.

"I thought it would be wiser to cheer you up before your trip to the Ministry." He responded as he strode beside me.

You dropped the fucking ball on that didn't you Dumblefuck. I thought in a fit of immaturity.

As soon as I heard him reply, I began walking in the direction of Olivanders. I knew it intimately, and it was not very far at all from the floo entrance to the Alley. Dumbledore kept stride with me easily.

"How will it work on the full moon then?" I asked. It had been bouncing around in my head for a while now. Obviously I wouldn't be allowed to stay at Privet Drive the entire time.

"I have taken it upon myself to supply you with Wolfsbane potion. Professor Snape will brew it and have it delivered before the full moon every month with strict instructions on how to take it. I will personally come retrieve you and bring you to Hogwarts until a more permanent solution is found." Dumbledore answered, having already thought of a plan for the near future.

"You're not worried about having me that close to the staff, or Hogsmeade?" I asked curiously. Apparently werewolves were notoriously blood thirsty and I wasn't too keen on eating peoples faces regularly.

"As long as you take the Wolfsbane, you will retain your mind during the transformation." Dumbledore said as we reached the front doors of Olivanders. I didn't even hesitate to open the door and step inside, causing a bell on the door to go off.

"Coming!" The old wand maker called out from somewhere in the back of his shop.

I took a moment to look around at the shop, and breathe in the nostalgia that was summoned at the sight of all the wands on the shelves. Some, I could have sworn that I had touched before, although there were so many I couldn't be sure.

"Mr. Potter. I admit, I did not expect to see you here again. Albus." Ollivander greeted both of us with a nod. "To what do I owe the pleasure?" He asked, as if people ever visited him for any other reason but to buy a wand.

"This might surprise you." I started with a grin. "But I'm here to buy a wand." I finished with a full smile as I leaned on the counter in front of me, towards him.

Ollivander's face also broke into a smile at my sarcasm, and his eyes shifted between me and Dumbledore. "Yes well it's nice to pretend you might be here for another reason." He said as he turned around and grabbed a wand behind him.

"Do you have your old wand on your person, Mr. Potter?" Ollivander asked as he handed me a wand as black as charcoal.

I barely even felt a spark from the wand, and it was almost uninviting towards me. "I'm afraid not, Garrick." Dumbledore answered for me as I handed him the wand back.

"Destroyed, then." He commented as he put that wand up and reached for another. "Truly a shame for such a wand. Try this one, I think you fit well." Ollivander commented as he offered me another wand.

"No, no that's not it."

I resigned myself to another difficult process of finding a wand.


As soon as Ollivander picked the wand off of the shelf, I fell in love with it. It was so white that it bordered ivory, although you could see the grain in the wood. The tip was round, but not obnoxiously so. It was conjoined with a straight shaft that got thicker as it traveled to the handle. There was a slightly raised ring that signified the start of the smooth handle and another ring that ended at the base of the wand.

As soon as I could I snatched the wand from Ollivander, and the effect was just as I remembered with my old wand. Warmth spread from the tips of my fingers into my arm and then my body. It just felt so right.

"Aspen and Unicorn hair, 12.3 inches. You never disappoint, do you Mr. Potter?" Ollivander asked as he smiled at my newest wand.

"I'm not so sure about that, sir." I responded as I twirled my wand in a distinct pattern that I had memorized last year. I directed my magic to the wand as I had been taught. It was like opening a dam from inside my chest that flowed from my body to my wand. "Lumos."

A bright white light emanated from the tip of my wand in accordance with my will and I couldn't help but smile. 'I'm actually doing real magic right now!' A part of me thought with giddy excitement.

"Nox." I whispered lazily while doing the perfect wand motion. The light was extinguished immediately.

As Harry Potter, this was a normal and not very important spell. But for the part of me from another life, this was brand new and incredible. The warm feeling of my magic flowing in my body was obvious now that I was holding my wand. Without my wand it was almost unnoticeable or dull. I did my best to memorize the warmth of it underneath my skin.

"I'll have to remind you that underage magic is not allowed, Harry. I believe we can forgive you this once, however." Dumbledore said, causing me to look up to him. The twinkling in his eyes told me that his words held no teeth, he looked almost proud at my casting.

'Forgot that I can't use magic outside of Hogwarts.'

It took me a moment to realize that wasn't exactly true. In places where a high volume of magic is normally cast, the ministry couldn't track the small amounts of magic underage wizards or witches. I pondered the odds of me somehow getting to visit Grimmauld Place. The house was sure to be warded enough to hide the use of magic.

"Yes, I believe so." Ollivander said as he crossed his arms and tried not to let his smile grow too large.

"That'll be 7 Galleons, Mr. Potter." Ollivander expanded, signaling the end of our conversations and interaction. I looked around for a moment, as a thought entered in my mind.

"Would you happen to sell wand holsters here, Mr. Ollivander?"


The stares at the Ministry were worse than in Diagon Alley. I attributed this to the higher traffic of magical people here than in Diagon Alley. It was actually astounding to see the raw number of people milling about in the Ministry daily. Why? As far as I knew, all they did was create more unneeded laws and problems for the average witch or wizard.

"Are you paying attention Harry?" Dumbledore asked, breaking me out of my thoughts.

In front of me was a piece of paper with only four or five lines of information that needed to be filled out. Name, age, any masteries that I might hold, current address, and lastly the date.

'Werewolf Registry' sat at the top of the paper in bold, as if this was supposed to be official or something.

"This has to be a joke right?" I asked, looking up to Dumbledore with a skeptical look on my face. He didn't respond, but he didn't have to. It was easy to tell this was all that I had to do.

I shrugged and grabbed a quill that sat on the desk. Why they didn't have pens yet, I'll never be able to answer. Although, I would buy some shortly for personal use. I knew how dangerous quills could be if they were enchanted properly.

It took me no time to fill the information out and hand it back to the relatively young but ugly looking receptionist that sat behind the desk. She literally refused to look me in the eye or even acknowledge anyone but Dumbledore's presence in the room. I tried not to let my temper get too out of control but I couldn't help it.

"Let's be off, Harry." Dumbledore said as he led me around by my shoulder and out of the ministry.

I ignored the flash and bang of a camera as we walked out of the room.


I stumbled, and nearly fell to the ground, only barely managing to get my legs underneath me. My stomach churned at the unfamiliar feeling of teleporting in this new world. I was beginning to regret asking Dumbledore to apparate me to Privet Drive.

"It gets better with time." Dumbledore said as he patted me on the back and chuckled at my reaction.

He took a step towards the door, but I reached out and grabbed him. "I'll take it from here, Headmaster. Thank you for everything you've done today." I told him as I held him from moving forward.

He stopped and looked back at me, without the notorious twinkle in his eyes. I was beginning to form a theory that the twinkle was actually a piece of magic that he wielded. It would explain how I was able to catch him off guard sometimes and cause it to disappear.

It took a moment for him to respond. "As you wish." He conceded as he stepped back and folded his hands, waiting for me to go inside.

"I'll see you in about a month I suppose." I nodded to him and moved forward. My wand was in its holster on my right wrist and my trunk was in the pockets of the muggle jeans I wore. For all intents and purposes, I was a muggle until the next term.

I reached forward and knocked on the door as soon as I arrived.

"Coming." I heard Aunt Petunia's voice sing from inside the house.

I looked straight at the keyhole, and could see when she began looking through it. I also heard her scoff behind the door and I took a small victory knowing that I annoyed her enough to get a reaction.

She opened the door quickly and her long face was pulled into a frown. "We thought you were never coming back." She rested in her normal unpleasant manner.

"If only we were all so lucky." I said as I stepped past her and immediately headed upstairs to my room.

"You have chores to do before going to your room." Petunia said as she reached out and grabbed my arm.

I whipped around to face her and wrung my arm from her grip aggressively. "I am no longer your slave, do you understand me!?" I practically yelled at my aunt. "I will do MY laundry, I will cook MY food, I will stay in my room, or I will be outside. You may act like I do not exist, but I WILL NOT do YOUR chores!"

Petunia's eyes widened, her breath hitched, and she backed away from me in fear. I took that opportunity to turn away from her and move to my room. I was not normally one to disrespect adults, but when her, Vernon, and Dudley treated me the way they did, this was the treatment they got. I would not be their slave, I wouldn't even entertain them in conversation.

I reached the door to my room and stopped when I saw the locks that Vernon had installed to keep me in the room until he wanted. My blood boiled at the thought of someone doing that to a child, and then I got ragingly mad when I remembered the feeling of them doing it to me. My first thought was to pull out my wand and fix the problem that way, but I held my hand.

'I'll have to do it the muggle way. Good thing I know how.' I thought as I headed back downstairs and into the garage.

I knew exactly where all the tools were, from my years of manual labor under the Dursley's thumb. I grabbed the red box that held all the hammers and screwdrivers I needed to accomplish the task and walked it back upstairs.

In thirty minutes, I had every single screw out of the door, besides the normal door handle, and the locks were in my room. Another thirty minutes and I installed them on the other side, allowing me to keep the Dursley's out of my room, instead of the other way around.

With that done, I pulled out my trunk and laid it on my bed. With a quick motion I had my wand in my hand and I touched it to the trunk, making my will known. It expanded immediately.


I wasted no time in getting Hedwig's cage out and hanging it on the hook that Vernon had installed for me, the one thing he had done at my request. Before I opened the door, I pulled out some parchment with my quill and ink. I had a couple of letters to write.

"I'll let you out in a bit, girl." I told her as she continued to cry at me.


I licked the letter closed and walked over to Hedwig's cage. As soon as I did, I held out a treat in my right hand to which she graciously plucked out of my hand.

"Good girl. You're going to be busy for the next few days, alright?" I half asked, half told her.

She swallowed her treat and held out a talon, to which I put the first letter I wrote in it. She took it and held it while looking at the window. I followed her gaze and realized she was telling me to 'open the window you fucking dolt'. I looked back at her and nodded before going to the window and opening it.

She flew out immediately.

I almost closed the window, but decided against it at the last moment. It felt good outside, so why not leave it open for Hedwig to return whenever she wanted. I put my hands on my hips, as I was resigned to wait for her to return with the documents that I asked for from Gringotts.

'What now? Ah I know.'

"Dobby." I called out.


'Wow it really works like that.'

"Mr. Harry Potter has called for Dobby?" Dobby said with hope and joy in his eyes. I took a moment to look at him and realized that his skin was doing much better, and he looked well fed. Well he looked as well fed as any other skinny house elf I had seen.

"Dobby, it's good to see you." I said genuinely as I smiled at the little house elf.

He immediately got tears in his eyes, and became dramatic just like I expected. "Master Harry Potter has always been so kind!" He wailed at me, as he raised his hands to me in a manner that I can't describe.

"How would you like for that to be permanent, Dobby?" I asked, interrupting his wailing and crying.

Dobby's cries stopped, and his voice hitched, but I could tell that he didn't have the words to speak.

"How about I pay you two galleons a week to be my personal House Elf?" I asked, knowing that he was making only one a week at Hogwarts.

Dobby's eyes stopped crying, and he stood as still as a board. In fact, he hadn't breathed in a couple of moments and I was beginning to get worried.


I jumped as Dobby screamed in joy at the proposal.

"Dobby will serve Master Harry Potter well, he promises this!" He said as he moved forward and latched himself onto my leg. The crying and wailing continued, as expected from him.

At the same time, I felt my magic surge a bit as I felt the bond take hold. It caused me to take a deep breath in the same manner as jumping into a cold shower would. It was an odd feeling for a moment before it settled onto my magic, and then it was gone.

I let Dobby cry for a moment before I spoke to him again.

"Alright, time to give you my expectations, Dobby." I said in an authoritative voice. He immediately unlatched himself from my leg and stood at attention in front of me, waiting for instructions.

"I expect you to do my laundry, I expect for it to be hung up in my closet color coordinated. I expect a meal for breakfast, lunch, and dinner full of protein and not very many carbs. I expect the floors to be vacuumed, and the countertops to be cleaned. Hedwig will need to be fed every day and I may occasionally ask you to run errands for me. Do you agree with these expectations?" I asked, as I ended my basic list.

"Yes, Master Harry Potter." Dobby said, almost like a small soldier would.

"Good, this is the start of a beautiful friendship."


A/N: Boom!

Welcome to the new story.

Harry is a werewolf, what the fuck? I know it surprised me too, but I was fascinated with the idea when it popped into my head. How will this affect his relationships with his friends? With Remus? With Sirius?

And to throw a SI into the mix and really make things crazy? I love it.

We'll see if it turns out any good or not.

Let me know what you guys think!

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Lc_The_Second · Literatura e Livros
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13 Chs


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