
Chapter 2

Adena gasps and glares at us. "I don't even want to talk to you people anymore. I might have caught your uncoolness, or worse, your ugliness." She says then leaves in a few hurried steps but not before giving us the middle finger.

And yet they wonder why no one seems to like them.

"I hate them so much." I mutter.

"I know right. They're so aggravating." Riley replies with an annoyed tone as we both stare at the direction she left in.

"Eberlyn, how do you tolerate her?" I ask as we bundle out of the toilet and off to the torture dungeon that is called a classroom. Her mother had married( mated) Adena's father a year ago and they'd really tried to get along with each other earlier in the year but now they'd just given up. As if anyone could ever get along with Adena or her group. And no, there was another one. Her name is Daisy. She is literally the only person in the group and I'm still quite baffled how she ended up with those mean girls.

"To be honest, I just ignore her. Unless she does something annoying and mean to me then I tell her dad." She says. We give her a sympathetic look. "You have our best wishes." Riley says. I cock my head to the left at her. "You're still not used to being related to her?"

"No." she answers limply.

"I know I'm supposed to for mum and all but I- I can't." She says her voice cracking at the end. Riley and I exchange worried glances. "You don't have to if you can't. Besides, that doesn't make you a terrible person not liking Adena." Riley says going to hug her. She looks up at us her amber eyes filled with tears threatening to fall. My heart broke and I soon joined the hug. "I-I'm not?" She asks her eyes wide as she looked at us.

We both nod our heads. "You're really not. In fact, you're the most kind, most honest and most helpful person we have the honor of calling our best friend." We say in unison as we wipe her fallen tears away. "I love you guys."

She says as she wraps her arms around us. "We love you too." We chime.

Then, "Shouldn't we be going to class?" I ask, remembering that we had in fact missed first period and if we didn't get our asses moving we'd be in more trouble than we probably already were.

"We should. Thankfully, we all have the same class right now." Eberlyn says going in the direction of the biology lab and Riley and I look at each other confusedly. "Eberlyn it's not biology we have together, its physics we have." I call out to her immediately making her halt her steps, turning around and facing us with a sheepish smile. "I knew that." She says slinking off towards the right direction this time. I grin knowingly as does Riley on my lips.

We then amble toward the physics classroom.