
Alpha's Bride

On her way home from her 18-year-old Bar Mitzvah, she and her best friend Emma go to a nightclub to celebrate, and the drunken heroine gets caught by a divided man and ends her first time in a dark forest, one night later, the male lead disappeared, while the female lead was found pregnant by her family not long after. Her father ordered her to abort the child, but the female lead refused, and was driven out of the family by her angry father. Five months later, the mother gave birth to a baby boy who was born with a congenital defect and has been in hospital since birth. A few years later, her parents came to her, and in exchange for the child's treatment, they asked the female lead to marry the male lead. For the sake of her son, the female lead had to marry the male lead who was supposed to be her brother-in-law. After marriage, the male lead soon found out that the female lead was married under an assumed name. He originally wanted to drive the female lead away and use this as an excuse to suppress the female lead's family, but coincidentally, the male lead's pheromone went haywire, in the female lead under the comfort gradually restore calm, this let the male lead found an unexpected surprise, female lead pheromone can calm his body riot pheromone, not to let him go mad, become irrational wolf. He kept the female lead by his side and made a contract with her. If the female lead could help him cure his pheromone disorder, he could let the female lead go and give her an expensive therapeutic napkin, it was enough to keep her safe for the rest of her life. She accepted the offer, releasing pheromones to bring him back to normal every time he went berserk, and the two were constantly attracted to each other in this kind of contact. However, at this time, the female lead's son, who was lying in the hospital, was found to have heart failure. He had to find a suitable heart transplant as soon as possible. In despair, the female lead could only pray to the male lead. She hoped that the male lead would use his influence, he helped her find a suitable heart source, so the male lead made use of the female lead's urgent psychology to make her become his person. The female lead had no choice but to agree. Since then, the female lead not only needed to release pheromones, but also became the male lead's bed partner, the male lead does not know this kind is called“Love” the sentiment, he only hoped that the female lead can stay at his side, no longer leaves. After the child was successfully discharged from the hospital, the elder sister of the female lead eloped suddenly came back. She cried to the female lead about the pain she had suffered and asked the female lead to return the male lead to her so that everything could return to normal. It happened at this time, the female lead accidentally overheard the conversation between the male lead and others. He said that the female lead was just a tool for his treatment. The female lead was dying of heart and was determined to leave the male lead with the child. However, she did not know that all of this was the male lead's plan, the male lead's older brother had always resented his status as the heir of his family. In order to prevent his older brother from hurting the female lead, the male lead could only pretend to be cold and let the female lead leave. After that, he and the female lead's older sister showed a very close relationship, he let his brother think that the person he cared about was his sister, and when his brother planned to get rid of them, the male The Wrestler finally broke his brother's plot and became the true ruler of the family, and he did so in the same way, the heroine sister will be sent to the position of the family heir, and he himself is in all the end to find the heroine, a family of three happy life together.

DaoistSR7hQy · Urbano
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8 Chs

2-The child is ill

In the blink of an eye, Angelo was three years old. Not long ago, he had just celebrated his third birthday. I had planned to send him to kindergarten, where a professional kindergarten teacher would give Angelo a better education. But something went wrong with Angelo's body, and he became lethargic, barely staying awake for an hour a day.

"Mommy, did I fall asleep again?"

"Yes, baby," I said softly, rubbing his hair. "I think we need to go to the hospital. What do you think?"

Angelo is much smarter than the average child, not because his mother brags, but because Angelo is unusually intelligent, and at the age of three, Angelo is already reading with no barriers, i could even do some interesting experiments on my own. He was very interested in academia. I never had to worry about him doing anything out of line. He was always calm and restrained, i could talk to him directly instead of having to use so-called candy wrappers.

"I'm Sorry Mom, I always worry you so much."

"Honey, you don't have to be sorry about this. If you get better soon, I'll be so happy."

"I love you, Mom."

With these words he fell back into a deep sleep.

I leaned over and kissed him on the forehead. "I love you too, baby."

Early in the morning, I took a taxi to the hospital with a sleeping Angelo. Angelo had been sick since he was a child. I had been to the children's hospital many times. I was greeted by Dr. Charles, she's an experienced pediatrician and a very easygoing person, and I'm not very good with people, but she's one of the few people I can talk to.

"What happened to Angelo?"

Dr. Charles came up to us. She put the stethoscope on Angelo's chest and, without looking up, continued, "His heart is very weak. Has He had any problems lately?"

"He's been sleeping a lot lately, and he doesn't stay awake very long," I said, glancing down at Angelo in my arms. "Dr. Charles, What's wrong with Angelo?"

"It's going to take a lot more careful examination to figure that out, so hand him over to me."

I pulled Angelo into Dr. Charles's arms. As she was about to take Angelo for a checkup, I suddenly panicked and reached out to grab him. "Angelo, is he going to be okay?" I asked

Dr. Charles told me calmly, "The test results aren't in yet. I Can't promise anything, but I Promise I'll do everything I can to help him

I resisted the impulse of Tears, heavy nodded his head.

Yes, I should be brave.

I am Angelo's most important support, and whenever he opens his eyes, I will always be where he can see me.

But God played a joke on me, and as soon as the test results came back, Dr. Charles, who had always been gentle and calm, became very serious. "Angelo's heart is failing badly," he said. "I don't think that's a good sign."

"Heart, how..."

"He had werewolf blood, and he should have been stronger, but his father didn't give him enough nourishment when he was pregnant," Dr. Charles said, trying to comfort me, "It's not your fault. You're a great mother. You've done everything for Angelo for three years."

I clenched my fists and, in the confusion of my thoughts, asked the most important question of the moment, "Dr. Charles, Can Angelo be cured?"

"If you have a suitable heart transplant, do it early, but as you know, a heart for Angelo's age is very difficult to find, and a heart transplant can be very expensive."

"I'll see what I can do, but the heart..."

Dr. Charles put his right hand on my shoulder and said very seriously, "Listen, Calista, you can't go down right now. Angelo needs you."

I took a deep breath, and, yes, Angelo needed me, and I couldn't fall here!

My glands were damaged, and I couldn't get any more research in the short term. The hospital had turned me down, and I couldn't raise that kind of money in the short term.

My father, Ryan DeWitt, showed up at my rental house just when I was at my wit's end.

Three years later, I still remember when he kicked me out of the house, but now he seems a little tired.

Well, it shouldn't have been him. My father, Ryan, the fifth-generation DeWitt, was always above all things, even his own daughter.

"Father," he said, thinking that I had been banished from the family, I had to call myself something else. "Mr. dewitt, what can I do for You?"

My father lit a cigar in front of me, and looked at me with a look that was hard to fathom. "Calista, don't you want to call your father now?"

I laughed at myself. "I'm not a DeWitt anymore."

"But you still have my blood," his father said, his face softening. "Listen, Calista, I can take you home, but only if you get rid of that bastard."

I opened my mouth wide. I couldn't believe my father would say such a thing.

Almost subconsciously, I immediately retorted, "No, I would never leave my children!"

"Calista, are you disobeying me?"

"I'm sorry, Mr. Dewitt. Angelo is my son. I would never leave him."

No matter how hard the years were, I never thought about giving up on Angelo. He was my angel, the one thing that kept me going, and now that he's in the hospital, I can't leave him alone.

Going back to DeWitt means I'll be rich again, I won't have to worry about next month's rent, I won't have to worry about what I'll eat tomorrow, and besides, the name dewitt, bring me not only the material life of satisfaction, more importantly, it carries the family honor.

That is a tempting offer, but it is worth nothing to Angelo.

"Calista, you were my proud daughter. I placed all my hopes on you, but what did you do, like the lowest whore, bear the child of God knows who, and now you're going to turn your back on your family for this child?"

Every word my father said was like a sharp knife in my heart. I couldn't help but laugh bitterly, "Father, no, it's Mr. DeWitt. I stopped being a DeWitt three years ago. Now you have no right to accuse me!"

"You Shameless Bitch!"

My father slapped me hard. He looked angry, and his breathing became short. "I gave you the best life and the best education. Is this how you repay me?"

His face burning pain, I can even taste the taste of blood in his mouth, his strength is very heavy, like in the vent of anger, but also because of this slap, I seem to recognize what.

How could Ryan DeWitt, a man whose life depended on his family's honor, care about a daughter who had been banished from the family, unless he wanted something else.

"Mr. dewitt, May I wonder if you've come to see me because something has happened to the family?"

In fact, my sixth sense is terrifyingly accurate.

My Sister, Eve DeWitt, ran away!

When I saw the unnatural expression on my father's face, I couldn't help but marvel at how this Eve, who had regarded her father's order as a royal decree since she was a child, could do such a crazy thing. This doesn't seem like the eve that I know, she worships her father so much, sees him as a religion when she is young, and she disobeys his order and runs away from marriage?

It's just incredible, and I can't imagine Eve making this decision, because to me, she's the second Ryan dewitt, and my father has been grooming her as the next in line, but how could such an accident happen.

"I'm beginning to wonder if I did something wrong, why my daughter is always going against my wishes, once it was you, now it's Eve."

There was a look of bewilderment on his face as he said this. For years the DeWitt family had lived by the principle of putting the family first, as his father had always done, but he had forgotten one thing, eve and I are human beings. We have human feelings, not ruthless machines programmed to take the next step.

On the one hand, I felt some sympathy for my father, who had been betrayed by his most trusted Eve, and who knows what disaster the dewitt family would face next.

My Sister, Eve de Witt, is married to Arthur, the youngest son of the Brix family, a werewolf family that has been around for nearly a hundred years, and we can't afford to offend them if they find out we're running away, the dewitt family will probably be crushed on all fronts.

"Have you come to me for a marriage?"

Father looked at me, he was silent for a long time, it seems that the answer has been acquiesced.

Eve is so smart, since the choice to escape, must be prepared for all, in a short time will not be found by his father. Now I understand why the father who threw me out of the family came to me himself.

"If Eve were here, you wouldn't have a chance."

To this day, my father is still on his high horse, and I can not help but laugh at his tired face, as if he were certain that I would agree to his terms.

In fact, without Angelo, I would have agreed, without hesitation, that I had suffered so much out there that a little sugar would have changed my mind.

But I've got Angelo, and I'm not going to enjoy life without him anytime soon.

"Father, I can not abandon Angelo."

"How long are you going to keep a bastard who doesn't even know his father? !"

"Father, he is my son. Unlike You, I love my son. No matter what he becomes, I love him because my blood runs through his body."

For the first time, I rebutted my father, for Angelo, that sweet little angel, my son.

"Calista, you've changed."

"People grow up. You taught me that."

My father was silent for a long time because of this, which sounded like sarcasm and sarcasm, but it wasn't, and I'm glad I made the decision that I might not have been able to meet Angelo if it hadn't been for him.

"Do you hate me, Calista?"

It didn't sound like something my father would say. He was always so rational, as if nothing could sway him, but now he was asking me this question.

Should I say no? I can not deceive myself, in he does not listen to my explanation, mercilessly drove me out of a few doors, I really hate.

But, he is still my father, I look up to the existence.

A unilateral repudiation of the Brix Alliance would mean the decline of the DeWitt family's former glory. My father, who saw family honour as his life, would never allow this to happen. He came to me in the hope that I would replace my sister in the marriage of the youngest son, Brix.

My father knew how crazy this was, and what would happen if the Brix family found out we were lying to them.

"I never thought you would make such a ridiculous decision, but you've got the wrong man. I don't want to go back to DeWitt, and I certainly don't want to marry Arthur Brooksville."

I made way for my father to leave. After all, I had more important things to do. Angelo was waiting for me. I didn't want to waste my time on those things.

"Calista, if -- if I let you bring home that sin, that child, would you agree to the terms of the Union?"

As tempting as that sounds, I can't guarantee that my father will try to kill Angelo when I marry into the Brix family. I Can't take any chances. But now there was a problem that I couldn't solve. It was the cost of Angelo's surgery and the source of the heart transplant. Perhaps my father could help.

Seeing that my expression was somewhat relaxed, my father offered more seductive terms.

"I can cover all of his expenses until he comes of age. Look, Calista, this is definitely a lot of money, and if you take this deal, I Promise I will never hurt him again."

"You look really worried."

In fact, the only problem I have right now is Angelo's heart transplant, which would be a lot easier if I had the family's help, and who knows.

Even if I had agreed to his terms, I wouldn't have been able to be a permanent substitute. Too many lies would have come true. I didn't want Angelo to suffer in the future, but for now, working with my father was my best option.

"Calista, don't Test My Patience!"

Father lowered his voice. It was obvious that he was getting angry.

"It was you who wanted to deal with me, father, and I always wanted more for myself."

Now, we are no longer father and daughter, it should be said that from the moment he kicked me out of the house, we are no longer a normal father and daughter, not to mention, he was the first to propose a deal, I just follow his words.

"You are acting like a shameless street rat, fussing over a little bit of profit."

"You should know better than me who did this to me, Father."

My father was about to speak when I interrupted him, "I don't want to hear you humiliate me anymore. I don't regret being pregnant. This is also the basis of our deal. I hope you can respect the person you're dealing with."

He looked at me like I was trash, but I didn't care anymore. I was making a deal, so I made my own terms.

"I agree to co-operate, but only if you come up with a paper contract."

"You don't believe me?"

"It's just an empty promise. If you change your mind, my poor Angelo won't get a second chance."

It was like stabbing my father in the back with a knife. It was a Measure for Measure. At the height of my isolation, my father, Ryan DeWitt, cast me out without mercy, i had despaired of him at that time, how could I hope for the mercy of a father who would abandon me at any moment, rather than a legally binding contract to be more secure.

Angelo's treatment was secured, and I agreed to marry Arthur Brooksville as Eve DeWitt.

Three weeks later, it was my wedding to him, and I was about to marry the heir to a werewolf family I'd never even met.

It was said that he was a madman. He had been with many women, but none of them came out of his bed alive.

Now I Knew Why Eve had run away, and who would marry a madman who could kill herself at any moment.

But I have no way out.

I spent more time with Angelo before the wedding. My father did provide Angelo with the best medical team he could, as he had promised me, and his body recovered a little bit, giving him more time to wait for the right source of heart surgery.

"Mom, you don't look so happy lately. Is it because of my illness? I'll get better soon."

Angelo put out his little finger and touched my face. His serious, baby voice healed my heart.

I couldn't tell him that I was getting married to a madman and that I would probably never come back.

Angelo is so young that I may never see him grow up again. I promised him that I would grow up with him, and now I'm going to break that promise.

"Angelo, I may be away for a while."

"Where are you going? Can't You Take Me with you?"

"I'm afraid not, my dear," I couldn't even look him in the eye, for fear of telling him the truth, and I held him tight, "I got a good-paying job taking care of a patient in a private courtyard, and I may not be able to see you for a long time, but Angelo, you be good, okay?"

I lied to Angelo.

Lord knows, it's a white lie. I can't let Angelo Know What I'm going to do. He can't take any more stressors.

"Thanks, Mom," Angelo said, putting his little hand around my back. "I'll be better soon, so you won't have to work so hard."

Angelo was a gift. He was always so understanding.

I kissed him on the forehead, baby, I hope you get better soon.

Unfortunately, I may not see this day. After the wedding, how long can I Live? Ten Days or twenty days? In short, who knows? Since I have agreed to the conditions put forward by my father, then I can not break the contract, if I can, i want to be able to escape after Angelo's surgery.

Yes, I made a crazy decision. I'd do anything for Angelo.

I could not pin my fate on a strange madman, but since he was a madman, perhaps I could take advantage of it.

When I left the room, my father's nurse had arrived, and she called out respectfully to Miss Calista.

I told him that Angelo was a sensible boy, and that he didn't like to trouble people, so he didn't say it out loud when he wasn't feeling well, and that he needed to be looked after more carefully. The caregiver, a slightly overweight woman of forty, took my advice seriously and promised to take good care of Angelo.

Even with her assurance, I could not rest easy. From the moment he was born, I have been taking care of him, without a moment of separation.

The last time I looked through the door, Angelo Smiled at me.

I quickly turned my back and left, because I was afraid that if I looked at him one more time, I would be reluctant to leave.

Goodbye, Angelo, my dear son