
Alone forever

A tomboy who is very quiet but a basketball prodigy is very distant with other people. Until she meets a certain someone who changes her life but doesn't realize how much he needs help himself. Will she be able to help him or will she only bring more suffering upon him.

eddiechang24 · Urbano
Classificações insuficientes
34 Chs


Kenji's POV

Madoka won her game last night, beating the other team 134-78. Madoka scored 98 points and it was all over the news.

"Your friend Madoka chan is a great basketball player." said Akari

"She is." I replied

"Okay senpai I'm heading out." said Akari, "Good luck on your game tomorrow."

"I have a game today." I said, "And tomorrow's the weekend."

But she left, not hearing me and I just sighed. I don't get any customers for a while since it's only 1:30 right now. I have a game today and I heard that we were out of their league. A calm calm for us since that school hardly won any games.

That's when I got a text message. I pulled out my phone and looked at it. It was from some random number but I recognized that number. It was from that girl yesterday who I bumped into in the hallway.

I opened the text message and she sent a text message, telling me her name and age. Her name was Rikka Takarada.

'Isn't that a character name?'

In fact, the more I think about it the more Rikka looks like the character she was named after. She sent me another text message asking me if I was free right now. I told her that I was and she asked me where I was. I sent her my location and about 20 minutes later she walked in.

"Hey Kenji Kun." greeted Rikka, "You work here?"

"Yea." I replied

"You don't have class?" asked Rikka

"No I don't." I replied, "Do you?"

"I have class in 30 minutes." she said

"I see." I replied

"Hey Kenji kun." she whispered, "Are you single?"

I nodded.

'Why this again?'

"Do you want to be part of my sex group?" she asked

"No, I'm not interested." I sighed

"Come on it'll be fun." said Rikka

"Sorry I'm just not into doing that." I replied

"Really? I mean I'm sure you like my body." she said

She began to lean in and I kind of backed up.

"Judging by the girls you hang out with, they're all as thick as me." said Rikka, "Madoka chan, Aiko chan, Hina chan, even my close friend Akari chan."

"Sorry I'm not interested." I bluntly said

"Of course everyone says that at first." said Rikka

"Everyone?" I asked, "How many people are in your friend group?"

"Almost 20." she said

I was a bit confused and disturbed to why she had so many friends.

"Want to be part of it?" asked Rikka

"No." I replied

She seemed a bit disappointed but just smiled.

"You can text me if you're interested." said Rikka, "We're having a huge orgy tonight so if you're interested stop by."

She hands me a post it and winks at me before leaving. I opened the post it and just sighed as I saw a dorm number on it.

'20 people having sex all at once. I feel bad for the people next door.'

I was about to close the post it but then I remembered something.

'This room... it's Homura's room.'


8 hours later

Madoka's POV

"An orgy?" I questioned in disgust

He nodded and Aiko stood next to him.

"Well you can deal with that yourself." said Aiko, "I'm going off to practice. Oh and tomorrow, make some time after practice."

"Yes Aiko chan." he quickly replied

She got off the train a stop earlier the\an us.

"So what are you going to do?" I asked

Kenji shrugged so I thought of something.

"Come stay over at my dorm." I said

"Okay but I need to grab something first." said Kenji

"Okay, I'll be waiting." I said

We got off our stop and headed over to the campus.

"I'll be waiting at my dorm. I need to clean it up." I said

"Okay. Give me 10 minutes." said Kenji

Kenji's POV

I ran down the hallway but then I bumped into two short kids.

'What are kids doing on campus?'

I ignored them and continued running down the hallway. I began to hear moans in the distance and it got louder as I got closer to my room.

I got to my dorm room and quickly entered it and grabbed my stuff. I grabbed my guitar, laptop and some fresh clothes. I got out of my room but just as I was about to lock the door I heard the door behind me open.



I turned around and I saw Akari standing there with short shorts and a bra on but she looked tired.

"Kenji you came!" she excitedly said

"No no I needed to get-"

"Rikka! Kenji's here!" Akari yelled into the room

"I'm going to get going." I quickly

"Wait come join us." said Akari

That's when Rikka came out. She looked really tired and her cheeks were red.

"Kenji come in." she said

"No I'm-"

"Onee chan!"

I turned to see the two kids.

'Wait... no way...'

The two kids entered the room and I wanted to run away so badly.

"Kenji kun come join us." said Rikka

She opened the door and the moans were no longer muffled. My eyes widened as I saw ode girls and boys fucking each other.

"I'll pass." I said

"Come on please, senpai?" begged Akari

"No, I have to go somewhere. I'm sorry." I quickly apologized

I ran off leaving the two of them and headed over to Madoka's room.

Madoka's POV

I opened for Kenji but Kenji's face was pretty pale.

"What happened?" I asked as he entered my room

"I saw it..." he whispered

"Saw the... you saw them having sex?" I asked

He nodded and I sighed.

"There were even kids, no older than 15." said Kenji, "They have to be in like high school or middle school."

"Kids? No way." I said

"I saw what I saw." whispered Kenji

"Just get it out of your head." I comforted him

"Kids... kids..." whispered Kenji, "I can never look at Akari and Rikka the same way."

"Just forget about them." I said

"How can I? Akari is my coworker and Rikka is close friends with her." sighed Kenji

Kenji rubbed his eyes and I just comforted him.

"Oh Kenji, how many points did you score today?" I asked, trying to change the topic

"67 points." said Kenji

"How about a bet?" I said

Kenji looked up at me.

"Whoever scores 100 points in the next game wins." I said

"But what if we both score 100 points." asked Kenji

"Then whoever has the most." I said

"I see..." said Kenji

"My next game is in three days and yours is in two days." I said

"Fine. We'll bet on it." said Kenji

We shook hands on it.

"If I win you buy me food." I said

"If I win you uhh...." trailed off Kenji

He seemed to think about it.

"I don't know I'll go with movies." said Kenji

"Movies?" I questioned

"Yea. Movies." replied Kenji

"Okay deal." I said


The next day

Kenji's POV

"Good morning senpai." excitedly said Akari

I looked up and my eyes widened.

"A-Akari it's winter aren't you cold?" I asked

She was wearing a crop top with some short tennis shorts with her apron and hat.

"I have thicker clothes to change into after I finish my shift." said Akari as she winked

I was a bit confused but I just went back to work.

'Are we out of bananas already?'

I went into the storage room and began checking the boxes as Akari watched.

"Okay everything's the same." I mumbled to myself

"Senpai you're a hard worker." said Akari

I shrugged and bent down to look at the bottom shelf but then Akari back hugged me and placed her chin on top of my head. I felt her breast press against my back and I began to feel hot.

"Uhh do you mind uhh getting off...?" I asked

"Aww do you not like it when I hug you senpai?" asked Akari and she hugged a bit tighter

"No it's not that I don't like it-"

"Then let's stay like this for a while." said Akari

"I uhh don't really know about this." I said

"Are you uncomfortable?" asked Akari

"Well it's definitely out of my comfort zone." I replied

"Aww you've experienced sex but you don't like it when I hug you senpai?" asked Akari in a sad tone

She began to cry a bit and I felt bad.

"W-wait Akari that's not what I uhh meant." I quickly said as I stood up

"Do you not like me senpai?" sadly asked Akari

She looked up at me and she was covering her mouth and nose but her eyes were all teary.

'Oh no what did I do?'

"N-no I don't not like you. You're a uhh good person." I said

"Senpai, why are you so mean to me?" cried Akari

"I-I'm sorry i-if I hurt your feelings I didn't mean it that way." I quickly said

She wiped her tears and looked up at me.

"Senpai you need to make it up to me." said Akari

She suddenly pulled the collar of her shirt revealing the top part of her breasts.

"W-wait A-Akari I'm-"

"Senpai you owe me." pleaded Akari

I didn't know what to do but then that's when I heard the door to the cafe open.

"Oh shit customer." I quickly said

I quickly left and confronted the customer. I quickly made his order and he left and sat on a chair and began reading his newspaper.

"Senpai...?" whispered Akari

"Akari how about I just uhh treat you to dinner. Does that sound fine?" I asked

Akari nodded.

"Okay I'm uhh free today... No, I'm free in three days." I said

"Okay senpai." said Akari

She smiled a bit but still looked a bit sad.

'What am I going to do?'


7 hours later

Kenji's POV

"See you tomorrow." I said to Madoka

"Later Kenji." replied Madoka

I jogged back to my dorm since I was 10 minutes late.

'I hope Aiko chan isn't there.'

I turned the corner and let out a sigh of relief as I saw that Aiko chan wasn't there. I unlocked my door and entered, putting my stuff away and changing into some normal clothes. That's when someone knocked on the door. I opened the door and Aiko came in but she didn't look happy.

"Lay on your bed right now." she immediately ordered me

I slightly hesitated as I laid down on my bed. She sat on top of me and I was already scared.

"I overheard a girl in my class. She was talking about you." said Aiko

She leaned in and I began to tremble.

"She likes you yet she thinks you're single." said Aiko

I stayed silent so Aiko just sighed.

"Well, looks like I'm going to have to mark you again." said Aiko

I thought about it and realized that marking myself might not be such a bad idea but the only problem with it was that I have a game tomorrow.

"Put your hands under your pillow." said Aiko

I hesitantly put it under my pillow and Aiko lifted up my shirt and I was already sweating.

"Stop fucking squirming." growled Aiko, "You should be glad this isn't punishment."

"S-sorry." I quickly apologized

She leaned down and began to kiss and suck my neck and chest and I grit my teeth, trying not to moan. I grip my pillow sheet so tight I thought I was going to rip it.

She kept moving to different spots on my body but she aimed for the most sensitive spots. After a while she stopped and sat back up and looked at her work.

"There." she said while smiling

I let out a sigh of relief and slowly pulled my arms out but I saw Aiko raise an eyebrow.

"You think I'm done here?" asked Aiko

"H-huh?" I asked in fear

"Your dick is throbbing underneath me." she said

She began rubbing it with her hand.

"N-no..." I gasped

"I hope you like coffee. Cause we'll be fucking non stop tonight." whispered Aiko