INTRODUCTION: Lisa sits on the ground being held by Charley Keys shortly after Allie is taken by her grandfather JOHN and the aliens.. Lisa spots something in the grass near the spot that the beam held Allie and finds a silver star that belonged to her great grandmother. Lisa turns to Charley and shows him the silver star... "Charley she left it behind know what this means she's coming back . She's going to come back!... Charley reaches out and gives her a smile and a long hug... "Yes it does Lisa." Flash back in time to 1947 , ,Va. Andrew Hart was walking late at night down the holler towards his girlfriends ..soon to be his wife he hoped.. Lucinda Carter's house. Andrew was still 1/2 mile yet from getting there down that old lonely holler dirt road.. when he heard something and the a bright light enfolded him and he blacked out ... Andrew had been taken aboard a UFO and had been subjected to many differing tests some of which where extremely painful... Two hours latter Andrew much dazed and staggering found himself back on that old holler road exactly where he had been taken from...except without any memory as to what had happened to him and why he was missing 2 hours from his life... of course he didn't find this out until he reached Lucinda's house