
All-people machine war: I started with a strong attack freedom

(I only translated and edited.) Through a parallel world, this world is actually an era of all-people mecha. Get the mecha mall system, you can get mecha from film and television anime novels. The opening newbie gift package draws the [Attack Freedom] design drawings, as well as a material package! And [Raid Freedom] is just the beginning…. When the Red Knight [Infinite Justice] and the golden dawn [Dawn Gundam] landed in this world, a generation of mecha gods rose. And in the end, when Lin Tian appeared in a [Super Galaxy Red Lotus Spiral Rock] that was larger than the observed universe, the entire universe would bow down under his feet.

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113 Chs

069: The idea of mecha hitting workers and forming a mecha team!!

Lin Tian has already purchased the design drawings of the abnormal energy lock, so even if it is to make the abnormal energy lock in the future, the only cost will be some materials.

Therefore, Gu Qingxue and Lin Tian of Yun Zhi had already done a good job, because if they were on the Phoenix, they would temporarily divide these two aircraft combat divisions.

Xiang Kunlun and the others did not belong to the Phoenix's combat division, but only came to the Phoenix temporarily to perform hunting tasks.

But now, they have returned to the Jiangnan, the main reason is that Lin Tian is too strong, they have little impact on the Phoenix or not, it is better to return to the Jiangnan to help other hunting teams.

But looking at the appearance of Gu Qingxue and Yun Zhi, they didn't seem to detonate their alien energy.

It seems that it will take time to slowly refine, so it seems that Lin Tian's talent can be regarded as a demon level.

But this is normal, after all, Lin Tian has a super adjuster's body, which is beyond ordinary people, which is understandable.

In the following time, Lin Tian was assembling and transforming the Super Beast God every day.

Except for the time when he went out on a mission, Lin Tian spent all of his time on the assembly of the Super Beast God.

Because of the last space mecha decisive battle, although it seems that the space mecha alliance has provided shelter to the earth, Lin Tian does not like this feeling of fate being controlled by others, so Lin Tian desperately wants to obtain the power to protect the earth more.

And that Xingnuo civilization will definitely come back, unless the earth is stagnant, otherwise when the earth becomes an interstellar civilization, it will inevitably be attacked to that time, if you want to protect the earth, the only way is to rely on the super beast god seven in one.

And during these days, Lin Tian occasionally killed some level star beasts, and also earned a lot of star coins for himself.

At the same time, inside the Xingnuo civilization.

In a sci-fi room, I saw the commander of the Xingnuo civilization who attacked the earth sitting there with a gloomy face at this time.

He was reprimanded just now, because he didn't take the earth this time, so that many enemies criticized him.

Although he is not hurt because he is the commander of a large fleet, he will undoubtedly gain a bad impression in the eyes of Emperor Xingnuo.

So his mood at this time can be imagined, he wants to urgently achieve some results, and then save his image in the heart of the Great Emperor.

After a long silence, he took out his communicator, in fact, if he walked out of the solar system, the earth would find that the entire universe was actually connected.

It's just that the place where the earth is located is too remote, even more remote than the so-called rural tribes on the earth, so they don't understand the universe.

Today's universe has a cosmic network coverage, so as long as you have contact with other civilizations, you can connect to this all-universe communication network through communication equipment.

Similar to social networks on Earth, there should be everything, and there is also something that the earth should not have.

"Vin, do you have anything to do with me?"

A virtual projection appeared in front of Viin, the commander of the Xingnuo civilization fleet, and it was an alien.

Wein, the commander of the Star Civilization Fleet, looked at his friend in front of him, and then took a deep breath and said his thoughts.

After listening to his words, the alien gasped.

"Are you crazy? How do you want to do this? "

"And how can I help you, although you helped me in the first place, if you really do this and be discovered, I will be finished!"

Obviously, this alien was very surprised that Viin, the commander of the Xingnuo civilization fleet, would actually come up with such a method.

"If you want, I am willing to give you 100 million sublimation crystals!"

After listening to Viin's words, the alien was instantly silent.

As we all know, sublimation crystals are things used for mecha upgrades, so in the universe, this is one of the most precious treasures and can also be called the most universal currency.

A mecha only needs 10,000 sublimation crystals to upgrade once, while S-class mecha needs 100,000 to upgrade once.

It can be imagined that this 100 million sublimation crystallization is such a huge amount.

In the end, greed prevailed over reason, the alien who projected the virtual projection looked at the commander of the Star Civilization fleet, Viin, and said.

"I will operate, at most one cycle of the cosmic calendar, I can do this."

"At that time, it will be possible to list the Earth civilization as an interstellar civilization."

Wein smiled at the moment, this was his plan.

By buying off the staff of the Supreme Temple, and then operating it, the earth will be judged to be an interstellar civilization by the Supreme Temple in advance, so that it will no longer be protected by the protection law of the new civilization.

At that time, how their Xingnuo civilization wants to invade the earth is not something that others can control.

Previously, because of the damned space mecha alliance, they could only use mecha duels to seek Earth.

But as long as the earth becomes an interstellar civilization, then they can use their own methods to directly crush the past with force value, and at that time, they can atone for their merits.

This was what Vin thought, and a smile appeared on his face when he thought of it.

As for a cosmic cycle, according to the time of the earth, it is less than a year!

That is to say, in less than a year, the Xingnuo civilization can launch an attack on the earth.

As for Lin Tian's side, of course, it is impossible to know this news, but even so, Lin Tian is still working overtime to make the Super Beast God.

After all, the sense of crisis in his heart forced him to want to make the supergod as soon as possible, which would become the bottom card for the earth to stand proudly in the universe.

One day, Phoenix once again came to an asteroid outside the solar system.

There is a first-class star beast here, and today's mission is to hunt this star beast.

But Lin Tian did not appear, in fact, these days, he basically did not make a move.

And the star beast of the rank was not killed by Gu Qingxue, because she was more often the captain of the ship.

In fact, these star beasts were all killed by strong attack freedom and infinite justice.

Don't forget, Lin Tian's two mecha, milk is a life mecha at this time, which means that both mecha have their own life and wisdom.

They inherited most of Lin Tian's fighting habits, so their strength was very strong, and ordinary level star beasts, Wanjin would not be their opponent.

But now Lin Tian knows why the life mecha also needs to have an organic fighter, that is, after controlling the energy of the mecha, this mecha and the mecha are completely different.

Lin Tian tried it before, he drove a strong attack on freedom, and then when he attacked the free body with a strong attack to drive the foreign energy, the power that erupted was simply terrifying.

But when the strong attack is free to move on its own, without the provision of foreign energy, the power will return to normal, this gap is related to the size of Lin Tian's foreign energy, so it is foreseeable that the truly powerful machine fighter in the universe must also have its own machine combat energy, otherwise even if the mecha is strong, it may be defeated by the counterattack.

"Attack freedom, infinite justice, this time you two go together."

Lin Tian said to the two mecha with a smile, the last time he let the two mecha kill the star beast by himself, he didn't expect that the star beast killed by the two mecha was also his own gain!

In other words, the star beast that the two mecha slashed can also get star coins!

This made Lin Tian change his mind in the future, after all, he can also get star coins in the system by slashing star beasts! This is what is really engaged in something, something that other aircraft fighters do not have, after all, they do not have a system.

So if you have enough life mecha, let's say you have made up a mecha team, won't there be countless mecha working for yourself at that time?

What a lot! They kill enough star beasts, and they will become rich themselves.

Therefore, when Lin Tianping is fine, he sits inside the Destiny Gundam, and when he occasionally has to go out for activities, he also drives the Destiny Gundam to fight.

Strive to turn the Destiny Gundam into a life mecha, so that you can have one more worker.

Listening to Lin Tian's order, he knelt down on one knee for freedom and infinite justice, and then said respectfully.

"Yes, my master."

Then the two mechs came directly to the launch orbit.

Looking at the two mecha, Chen Duo smiled slightly.

"Are you two going by yourselves again? Lin Tian this guy doesn't know what he's doing, and has become very lazy recently! "

Listening to Chen Duo's words, the eyes of the two mecha flashed, but they did not speak, although they had their own wisdom, but the words of the life mecha were the most loyal existence, because Lin Tian gave them life, so they treated Lin Tian like a god.

If it weren't for the fact that Chen Duo and Lin Tian were comrades-in-arms and friends, just arranging Lin Tian would have made the two mecha unhappy.

"Okay, finish the task as soon as possible."

Gu Qingxue's voice sounded in the preparation area, and then I saw her say solemnly.

"Attack freedom, unlimited justice, fight!"

With her order, the two mecha instantly burst out, directly to the cosmic starry sky, and flew towards the asteroid below.