

(Anna's pov)

"Oi! You little shit, look where you're going, ay?" Roxanne, the schools biggest bully and troublemaker, said to my friend, Emma, who bumped into her.

"A-ah, s-sorry. I didn't mean to" she said in a trembling voice with fear in her eyes. I should I really go help her but my friend, Oliver, got there before me.

"Hey! Why do you have to be so rude to everyone?" He said, demanding answers he knew he wouldn't get. He did get a black eye though.

"Shut the fuck up! Or you'll end up like Rodger if you don't stop talking!"

You're possibly wondering "who's Rodger?" And to that I answer with, he was the kid that ended up having to move schools because of the damage Roxanne had done to him. This is not what I'm here to write about though so let's not get into that and let m start over by introducing myself and others.

Oliver, one of my very best friends and one of the few people who has the courage to stand up to Roxanne. He may look like a nerd but he's a really sporty person. Dark brown hair put into a ponytail and dark green eyes that can calm you down in an instant. Average height, 5'6.

Emma, another of my very best friends and a really sweet girl. Really shy though so people think she's weird because of how quiet she is. She's actually a really loud person who's full of energy around people she knows. Ginger curly hair put into a braid that reaches her waist, light blue eyes like the sky on a hot summer morning that can bring joy to anyone who looks at them. Freckles all over her face with glasses that makes her eyes stand out. Pretty short, 5'4.

Then there's Roxanne, a real troublemaker and the schools biggest bully. Despite this she's actually a real softie (uwu). Beautiful what dirty blonde hair that seems so soft and fluffy that you could instantly fall asleep which is pretty long. Wonderful hazel eyes that can see right through you and that you could get lost in, really shows her kind and soft side. Cute ears that turn red when she blushes and curves just at the right places. She has no flaws, no edges. Her short self, 5'1 to be exact, is simply adorable.

You may be wondering "Anna, why are you talking about her like this? Seems like you like her even though she's a band person," and to that I say, if you knew her better you would understand why I love her so shut up, will you?

And then there's me, Anna. Dyed pink hair up to my shoulders and turquoise eyes. A pretty tall girl, 6'2. Oh and I can't forget that my family owns a flower shop, after all that is where my love for Roxanne bloomed.