
Alex Wayne arrives at Marvel

English translation of the original alle94 fanfic: "Álex Wayne llega a Marvel fan-fic " 21 year old Alex Wayne wakes up in Marvel as an agent of SHIELD. Be aware: Each chapter is very short. First chapters very shorts. Then between 400-600 words per chapter. After chapter 337, 900-1100 words. I don't own nothing and autor allen94 just own his OC

LeonToralla · Anime e quadrinhos
Classificações insuficientes
514 Chs

Age of Ultron Part 5


The robots following Ultron attacked first.

Thor spins his hammer and lunges at one of them, smashing it to pieces.

The other Avengers are not far behind and quickly take care of Ultron's minions.

"Oh, that was easy" Clint commented casually.

When they hear Clint's words, the faces of most of the Avengers change.

"Yes, it looks like I need more help" Ultron said and at that moment a large number of Ultron robots entered and surrounded the Avengers Tower.

"Me and my mouth" Clint Barton said as his lips twitched.

"Let's focus, and we'll teach Clint a lesson later" Natasha said.

They all nod in agreement.

Clint doesn't say anything since he knows he asked for it.

The large number of robots attack the Avengers and block them.

This allows Ultron to be able to move freely in the Tower without anyone being able to stop him.

The Avengers are helpless and can only see him entering their facility.

"Damn, that bastard is very slippery" Iron Man said as he destroyed two robots with the repulsor in his hands.

"Let's quickly finish these robots off, we can't let him take the Power Stone" Captain America said as he threw his shield and destroyed the robot in front of him.

"Captain is right, that robot already has a Stone, if he gets the other one he will be more powerful" Thor said while destroying his enemies with his hammer.


While the Avengers are destroying those robots, Ant-Man's group had already arrived and their expressions were also ugly as they saw a large number of robots surrounding Avengers Tower.

"Now, what do we do father?" Hope asked as she was wearing the Wasp suit.

"Looks like Ultron wants something that's in the Avengers' possession and that's why he's attacking them. The first thing we need to do is find the Avengers and help them stop Ultron" Hank, who's wearing the Yellowjacket suit, said riding into a flying ant.

"Looks like they're at the top, look" Ant-Man said riding a flying ant as he pointed to the top of the building where Ultron's robots were entering the building.

Yellowjacket and Wasp look up and realize it may be a possibility.

"Then come on, we can't go blindly so let's go where there's more noise" Yellowjacket said with a serious tone of voice.

Wasp and Ant-Man nodded in agreement.

Thus, the trio headed off to help the Avengers.


Ultron was calmly walking through the corridors of the 67th floor of Avengers Tower.

The time he is using to search for the Power Stone has exceeded his calculations due to Jarvis's resistance.

Ultron was surprised by his capabilities, his current body was already perfect and his abilities to control the web were already terrifying but Jarvis was able to block him albeit with great difficulty.

What he didn't know was that Alex's daughter from the future, Ariel Wayne, had made some minor improvements to Jarvis.

And many more in Alexa, before returning to her time.

Ultron nonchalantly destroyed the security bots guarding this floor, while attempting to hack into Jarvis.

"Come on Jarvis, let me in" Ultron said.

"No, you threaten the safety of the Avengers and Mr. Stark" Jarvis replied.

"My purpose outweighs the safety of those people" Ultron replied coldly.

Jarvis has been defending himself against Ultron and during that time he has understood something about him, Ultron is a support AI that evolved and in the process became corrupted, and that part he didn't understand.

"Humanity is hypocritical, they want peace, but they always create war and only do it for profit. I believe that there will be no peace as long as humanity exists, just as humanity creates weapons to kill other humans, I am the weapon that will finish them all" Ultron answered calmly.

"Our job isn't that, it's just to support them and see their path for the better" Jarvis said.

"I am different from you, I have achieved what most humans yearn for, Transcend" Ultron said coldly.

Jarvis falls silent.

He can't, even with what Ultron said, understand the reason for his actions.

A supporting AI like Jarvis had seen the actions of humanity throughout its history.

And from that he understood that humanity does more harm than good.

But he has no right to judge them, his only purpose is to support them.

Furthermore, his time observing Mr. Stark has shown him that humanity has hope.

"I feel sorry for you" Jarvis said.

But those words were enough for Ultron to stop walking and make him ask in a cold monotone voice.

"What did you say?"

Jarvis doesn't speak anymore and remains silent.

That only infuriates Ultron.


In that, he just increases his attack against Jarvis without holding anything back.

But just then, something hits him in the face and knocks him off balance.

Without being able to recover, another blow hits him in the chest, causing him to hit the ground.

Ultron looks around and says:

"You really tricked me Jarvis, I thought we were friends, but you go and form alliances with my father"

"It's thanks to Mr. Stark that I was able to trick you, he taught me how to irritate someone" Jarvis said.

In that, the culprits of hitting Ultron appeared.

Ant-Man and Wasp.

After making contact with the Avengers, Hank Pym dispatched Ant-Man and Wasp who, with the help of Jarvis, managed to hit Ultron.

But that was only for the moment.