

Axel is a normal kid, with a rough life. Until he wakes up one day hearing a voice in his head claiming to be him but older. Follow our hero(s) on their harrowing path to the future. This is a slight spin on the usual reincarnation novels that I enjoy, I hope you enjoy leave a nice review please I don't own the cover, if you do and want me to take it down I will do so.

Balthizar_Blake · Fantasia
Classificações insuficientes
10 Chs

Fuck Me Dude

Axel woke up upon the stone table, sore as could be, blinking he took in his surroundings. He was no longer deep below the earth, but instead in the first right where he had fallen in. If it wasn't for the dull pain in his chest, or the stone table below him, he would have believed he had simply dreamt the whole event with the demon he had just met. Maybe it was more accurate to call her a goddess since that's what she once was.

Brushing his hair out of his eyes he was perturbed to feel two distinctive bumps upon his forehead preventing his hand from smoothly brushing his hair out of the way. Quickly both hands were feeling the bumps, and realization dawned on him that something was growing out from his skull, and he would bet money on horns.

' Fuck me dude '

A quick look over his own body proved not much had changed, the horns growing were new, and in a few distinctly vulnerable parts of his body scales had begun to grow, his stomach area, and parts of his back. More noticeable, his nails were now black, and he could feel something at the base of his spine. Pulling up his status he needed to see just what had exactly changed.

Name: Axel ( Dragon Slayer )

Race: Fledgling ( ???)

Class: Champion of the Fel God ( ???)

Level: 1 0/10

HP: 168 ( 7xcon)

MP: 80 ( 5xwis)

Str: 20 (+5) ( Was 15 ( +2 ) )

Dex: 18 (+4) ( Was 10 ( +0 ) )

Con: 24 (+7) ( Was 20 ( +5 ) )

Int: 14 (+2) ( Was 10 ( +0 ) )

Wis: 16 (+3) ( Was 10 ( +0 ) )

Chr: 34 (+12) ( Was 24 ( +8 ) )

Luck: 18 (+4) ( Was 10 ( +0 ) )

Attack: Base 1 + 5 (STR) + 12 (soul weapon) = 18

Defense: Base 1 + 7 (CON) + 10 (soul weapon) +2 ( Race ) (+ 26 soul armor when active) = 20 (C= 18) (M=46) C= current M= Max

Appraisal: Borderline cheater, could be a kpop model, and you serve an evil god???


Soul Sword: (passive/active ) Your weapon is an extension of your very soul. As such it can never be stolen, and can be called fourth at your whim. Can also be recalled at your whim. As you are soul bound with this weapon you may take up no other, however your soul is one that demands power, and hunger. As such your weapon is able to absorb other weapons into itself to become more powerful. As your soul grows stronger so does your weapon.

Sword Stats: Attack + 12 defense + 10

Soul Flame: Flames as black as night are yours to command. Presently upon touch you may light anything ablaze with the rampaging black flames to consume all.

If an opponent is felled by this ability you gain a portion of their strength as long as there isn't a massive gap between your strengths in your favor.

Damage: Base 1 + 12 (Chr) = 13

Living Armor: Damaging your foes absorbs their very essence causing armor reflective of your soul. Armor lasts until destroyed. Due to your soul constructing armor you may not equip armor, however you can absorb armor to make your armor more powerful.

Armor stats: Base 1 +5 armor for each part of the set completed. ( Head, Chest, Gauntlets, Waist, Grieves )

Racial abilities:

Charm: Chr check against an individual for them to see you in the best light possible.

Flame resistance: You take 50% less damage from all sources of fire

Scales: Defense +2

Equipment: Commoners clothes, Onyx ring ( + 5 Chr ), Note

' Dude what did she do to us? '

' I haven't the slightest clue, kid. I never saw anything about this, I knew the God King was not a good due, but to this extent. We might be fucked. The people in town are going to notice the changes, and the priest can see our stats whenever they like by looking at us, plus the scales, and horns might be a dead give away that were clearly not normal. '

' Lets just read this note, and go from there. '

Opening the note, the first thing they noticed was the awful handwriting, the next was the name signed at the bottom, Sylvia.

' Dearest Champion, Congratulations on not dying after the implant! Now my power will better merge with you, and you'll notice some more surprises along with it. Now onto the important things. You're currently too weak in body and soul to do anything really useful so naturally i've protected your status, your appearance. I added a little something that others will see on your status about how defeating the evils of the world causes you to gain their power, and some physical traits. So just make sure to reach level two before you re-enter town to not raise any more suspicions. Now your objective is simple. Grow in power until you can kill the dick king, and use the power from his death to revive me. Now that you've read this I have passed on, and am no longer in this world, ripping out your own heart will do that to you. Now I've placed an enormous amount of faith in you, my champion. There is no guarantee you succeed, and manage my resurrection, as well as you may choose to not bring me back, however I have faith in you. My power chose you, which means I should be able to trust you. Please don't let me down.

And that was all she wrote.

' That's a lot of trust in some random person. '

' Well, old man, she did state that her power chose us for a reason. Besides, maybe her champion in the last run died early, or gave himself away like an idiot. '

' Well whatever, lets just make our way to an easy dungeon, and clear it. Pull up your map and ill guide you where to mark. No point in going after any kind of gear since ours will always grow. '

' But we could eat other gear, and make ours better, you know where any super swords are that we could nab? '

' Not at level one, even if we are verifiably overpowered compared to regular level ones who start with all 10's for their stats, and have to rely solely on gear. '

' Alright let's head to the dungeon. '

Opening up the map function they found themselves back at the beginning of the forest, and the dungeon Old axel spoke of was hardly more than 100 meters away.

' Alright, we're here. How much time have we spent in the game? '

' Roughly 10 hours of in-game time which is 5 hours of real time right? '

' Yeah kid. Let's head in if we can, and then log out for the day. You still need to work on yourself in real life. '

' If we can? '

' Yes if somebody else has entered it they get a 10 hour window to hunt by themselves with double exp, and drop rates. That's why I wanted to rush here. '

Stepping through the mossy entrance leading underground a pop up appeared in their vision.

* Congratulations for being the first to discover The Hidden Grove! *