
Akashi Seijuro in RWBY

After an incident in his world Akashi suddenly appears in the world of RWBY. What will happen in this world? Who knows? ___________________________________________ Yeah I am shit author so don't expect much. I had this idea for awhile now so I decided to post this. Enjoy

Asce · Anime e quadrinhos
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16 Chs

Chapter 14

Akashi sat on the bed in the hotel as he thought about what happened when he went to the police station.

' That made no sense. ' Akashi thought.

' I only agreed to go with Glynda to the police station because of the incident. The standard procedure would have been just me and Ruby telling what happened from our perspective.

Considering they had cameras, they would checked the footage and related it to our statement. At most it would have taken around 10 minutes before we left.

However we were put in an interrogation room for a simple robbery by a known criminal. Once more the head master of Beacon also came and had a conversation with Ruby as the focus.

Glynda entered before him and scolded Ruby which was the right call. She was reckless and would have gotten seriously injured if Glynda didn't save her.

However Ozpin instead praised her for her skills. That's fine as her skill in using her semblance and weapon is pretty advanced for her age but even then most people her age could have done the same thing or maybe even better than her as his henchmen were easy to deal with.

Roman himself was just trying to escape so they wouldn't be in really danger as Glynda would show up and save them like with Ruby.

Then there was the action of placing a plate of cookies in front of her. That itself doesn't make sense. He wouldn't do that to someone else. Plus Ruby devoured the entire plate really quickly meaning cookies are one of her favourites.

He must have known since her uncle is Qrow Branwen who probably works with Ozpin. But then there is the question of why he would let Ruby into Beacon 2 years in advanced.

She is quite skilled and has potential but even then there must be some students at Signal who are better than Ruby or at least on par with her.

The reason why would be...

" Ruby Rose... You have silver eyes. "

It would be because of her silver eyes. They are beautiful but the way Ozpin talked, it was like he knew what they could do. That's the only thing that separates Ruby from anyone else. '

Akashi quickly searched online and checked for team STRQ. He looked through the members and found the one he was looking for.

' Summer Rose. The mother of Ruby. She has silver eyes as well. If this is the reason why Ruby was admitted into Beacon, then what can the silver eyes do? '

Akashi sighed as layed on the bed and looked at the ceiling.

" For now there are to many unknown factors. Ozpin himself is a mystery. Right now though I just need to get some sleep and wait till I get to Beacon.

Once admitted I can take my time to observe and put this whole thing together. That woman who was with Roman was much more powerful than him.

She must be the brains and Roman is just a pawn. The way she used fire was different. It could be a semblance.

Seems that the first year of Beacon will be quite interesting. " Akashi said as he smiled.




Akashi sat on the bullhead headed for Beacon while reading a book.

At the same time he observed all the other students that wanted to go to Beacon.

' There are many people here who have potential. Plus I can tell that some worked extremely hard with their semblance.

Beacon students are put into 4 man teams. How they are chosen isn't revealed. That will interesting. '

Akashi continued to read as the bullhead kept flying. The tv inside the bullhead was on as it talked about theft.

Akashi ignored it as he kept reading till...

" Watch where you put your stupid legs! "

Akashi looked up to see the person who almost fell after hitting his legs. He had quite the face as he looked at Akashi. He had short straight black hair and had blue eyes.

' Hot headed. ' Akashi thought. ' Let's see where this goes. '

" Yes how can I help you? " Akashi asked.

" I said, watch where you put your stupid legs!"

" Why? " Akashi asked with the same blank look on his face. He watched as the person in front of him Was getting incredibly annoyed by his remarks as tick marks appeared on his forehead.

' Is this how Kuroko felt everytime he scared someone on purpose? If so I should've tried this sooner. '

" If you don't then I will make sure you will never be able to do again. " He said in a threating tone as is aura flickered.

" Interesting but... " Akashi said before looking at him with a cold look as he looked at him.

" Are you sure you have the ability to do so? " Akashi asked with a calm tone.

The person in front of him flinched as he as he stood there. He couldn't move as his body refused to take a single step.

He couldn't remove his gaze from Akashis eyes which bore into him. However he soon kept calm as he looked at Akashi as his body tensed.

After a few seconds Akashi let up as the person let out the breath he was holding in.

' Interesting. ' Akashi thought.

" What's your name? " Akashi asked.

" Oh it's Percy Grace. What's yours? "

" Seijuro Akashi. "

" Ehh??" Percy said as he slowly looked at Akashi again. He took a few seconds before he freaked out inside his mind.

' Shit! Shit!! ShitShitShit... How did I not recognise him?!!... '

Signing Akahsi looked at him. Percy saw him look at him and tensed up again.

" Just call down. " Akashi said. Percy looked at him and nodded. He took a few breathes as he calmed down.

" Sorry about that. " Percy said as sat down.

" It's alright. " Akashi said. " Though I have to ask why did you act like that? "

" Oh that. I thought it was going to be boring at Beacon so I tried to see if anyone here is worth hanging out with. "

" Interesting but makes sense. " Akashi said.

" You thought the same."

" Indeed. I thought it was going to be a boring 4 years but I was proven wrong. So where are you from? "

" Vacou. "

" I see. That's why you could keep calm. It will be interesting when we fight. "

" Yeah that's true. I want to fight you. "

" Alright then. "

Suddenly a hologram of Glynda appeared in the bullhead.

" Hello. My name is Glynda Goodwitch and I am a professor here at Beacon. Once you land here at Beacon please head towards the auditorium. The headmaster will give his speech there.

That's all. Have a good day. "

The hologram then shut off as everyone on board headed towards the windows to take a look at Beacon.

Akashi kept sitting waiting for the bullhead to land as Percy looked out the window to see the Beacon academy.



So like I said I was going to give Akashis side to the situation in the last chapter.

As for Akashi agreeing to go with Glynda it was mainly to follow the procedure to give his side of the story for the robbery. They also had cameras which they could use to see what happened.

Considering this he would have only stayed there for about 10 minutes max before leaving but instead watched Ozpin talk to Ruby.

As seen I'll be giving Akashi his own team. The reason is that at the end of initiation if students who have no partners they get paired with each other.

Anyway I hope you enjoyed.

Have a nice day.