
14. Call me Asterion

Ether could feel his hot breath over her face. Her brain was already in chaos. She hadn't experienced anything like that in her life before.

Not to mention such proximity, but no man had ever held her hand or simply touched her. Hence whatever Prince Asterion was doing to her was way beyond her imagination. His presence was overwhelming, but she didn't dislike it at all.

Instead her body was reacting to it in ways she had never known before. 

"Answer me Ether?" Asterion repeated in a stern tone, oblivious to the tornado he had started within her.

"Huh?" Ether was completely confused, unable to understand how to respond to Asterion.

"You dislike me that much?" His voice lowered by several degrees as Ether felt a chill down her spine.

All the confusion, those sparks she felt, that light headed feeling - gone. What replaced was a bone chilling fear that sucked life out of her body.

"I wouldn't dare to, your highness." Ether fisted her hands, braving herself when all she could feel was fear.

All those years of princess lessons were once again at work, as she was taught that fearing something was one thing but showing it was another. A princess was never supposed to reveal what she feared. Hence her tone came out more arrogant than she

"Is that so?" Asterion was slowly unleashing his rage as he was not content with the reply.

"Yes, your highness." Ether replied without stuttering while subconsciously her body shrank beneath his gigantic size, truly fearing Asterion for the first time since yesterday.

Her voice was laced with bravery while her body showed the opposite.

Asterion, for the first time saw how weak and vulnerable she looked. He didn't want to scare her, but the way she avoided him was unnerving for him.

Even he hadn't imagined losing his control by her simple actions. Gone was the cool natured, calm demeanour crown prince. And he regretted it almost instantly after watching her barely noticeable action of sliding away from him.

"You don't have to fear me. I am your husband. Stop avoiding me, Ether." He tried to be as gentle as possible.

"Ye.. yes, your highness." Ether could no more understand what was happening between her and Prince Asterion.

One moment he was as cold as some iceberg meant to freeze you to death, another he was gentle and calm.

"I will never hurt you. Trust me." He lifted his hands before gently cupping her cheeks, feeling guilty.

"Yes your-" Ether said, feeling a little better, the way one did after avoiding a storm.

"Asterion." He smiled.

"Huhh?" She looked at him, eyes wide with confusion.

"Call me Asterion." He explained.

"No, your highness. How can-" Ether shaked her head in a 'No' but Asterion was a step ahead.

He placed his finger on her lip, successfully shutting her down. Ether, shocked to her core, just stood there like a statue.

"Asterion." He smiled again.

"As.. ahem.. Aste.. Asterion." Ether said, her heart beats quickening to an unbelievable speed.

"Come here. I wanted to discuss something important with you." Asterion held her hand gently before walking towards the bed and sitting on the edge.

'What is his true self? The one he showed moments ago, or the one that I am facing now? I had never felt that terror ever before, as if he was barely caging the beast inside. But all my experiences with the Prince have been gentle, except this one.

Maybe he actually thinks that I dislike him. But I don't. Maybe I should remain more attentive towards the Prince. I shouldn't make him feel avoided or neglected when he has been doing so much for me.' Ether made up her mind.

"Ether." Asterion called her again, as she was lost in her thoughts.

"Yes, your high-" Ether came out of her daze when she saw the Prince raising his brow.

"Yes, Asterion." Ether said while lowering her head.

"Now tell me something. What exactly happened to your sister?" Asterion asked in all seriousness.

"Vesta?" Ether said in a doubtful voice, not sure how the topic suddenly diverted to her wicked sister.

"Yes, Princess Vesta. How did she disappear?" Asterion repeated.

"I was the last person she met. She was acting a little mysterious on the day previous to.. wedding." Ether cleared her throat, uncomfortable about the topic of the wedding.

"Mysterious? Like what?" Asterion asked, not minding anything about the topic at all.

"She was constantly on alert, looking here and there as if something might happen or maybe like she was waiting for someone.

She went to mother and father before hugging them and returning to our chamber.

They both felt she was getting emotional because of the wedding. But it wasn't about the wedding.

After returning she looked out of the window, then turned to face me. 'We won't be meeting each other again.' This was the only statement she said before jumping right out of the window.

I went running towards the window, only to find her climbing her horse before speeding away. 

By the time I informed mother and father, she was long gone. They summoned her personal maid who relayed that Vesta had left for a very important mission and she won't be marrying.. you. She also said that if father was to search for her, she would kill herself." Ether said before taking a deep breath.

"Father immediately sent our minister to inform Her Majesty Lady Krystal, who then suggested our marriage. After that you know everything." Ether finished telling her part of the story.

"Was there anything strange in her behaviour before that? Because if she ran away for whatever reason, she must have had it planned beforehand." Asterion pointed out.

"I am not completely sure, but there was one thing I did notice. Vesta was fine when she met Her Majesty Lady Krystal for the first time. But after their second meeting, she was being mysterious.

To be honest, I had this feeling that she was up to something." Ether looked confused, as she had no idea why this topic was suddenly brought up.

"Then why didn't you do something about it? I mean she is your sister. If you felt that something was suspicious, why didn't you ask her directly or maybe inform someone?" Asterion said in all seriousness, as if thinking all this through.


Guys!! Our novel recieved a contract!!!! 

Congratulations to us... grateful for having you all by my side! Thank you!!

- Kizy

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