
Aim for the Sky

She endures it all, with the hope that she will reach the sky one day. Her life will change once again for better or worse?You will never know unless you read and follow her on her rollercoaster ride.

Writingforinfinity · Adolescente
Classificações insuficientes
17 Chs

Chapter 4

In the end I had to stay with Jack for one week. I fell sick, and I did not want to let go off Jack. Seeing my pitful condition, Vincent allowed me to stay with Jack, on one condition, James my fourth brother as to stay with us. James is a doctor, and he has my medical records. Therefore he will be able to take better care of me.

I had fun with Jack and James, despite me being sick.

"I wish I can stay with you forever," I smiled at Jack.

"Hey, your brother has agreed that you will be staying over every weekend," he kissed my cheeks as he rang the doorbell.

"I know, but I am scared to be back here" I whisper which he heard,

"Ana, I am a call away" he smiles as the door opens,

It was one of the twins, Alexander.

"Welcome home, Ana!" he calls out with a smile. And pulls me in while glaring at Jack.

"Bye bye Jack! Hope to never see you again" he smiles at Jack.

"Too bad. You will be seeing me every weekend" Jack smiles back brightly making Alex's glare to deepen.

"Alex, stop bothering Ana's brother" Vincent cuts in,

"But we are her biological ones" Alex grumbles,

"Alex, a relations can be create in many ways. The bond created by trust and love are stronger than blood" Vince scolds his brother.

"I am sorry, Vince. But I am jealous that she has a brother that is not us. We lost many years of time with her, while he spend them with her," Alex grumbles sadly.

"Well, she is living with you now, treasure those moments with her" Jack warns before leaving.

"Okay, later in the afternoon, James and the twins will be accompanying you to the mall for your shopping. Remember to get anything and everything you need, if you cannot find something, let James know and we will order it for you" Vincent smiles at. Despite his cold expression that is pasted to his face 99% of the time. I think I love the time I spend with him.

I do not have to hide or act. And he does not impose his feelings on me. And he listens. He has been calling me everyday just to check on me and to make sure I am feeling okay, physically and mentally.

Sometime he will just share about this busy day and does not force me to talk.

It is safe to say that I like him more than I like Luke.

I like Ethan and James on the same level. And the twins are still in the both.

I do not feel safe with the twins like I feel with the other four brothers.

"Come on! Get in the car!" James shouts for the twins,

"You know what, if they are not here in the next two minutes we are leaving them. And I will not regret anything" James smirks as he speaks loudly knowing the intercomn is on.

It has not even been a minute since he said that, the twins were in the car.

James smiles at me knowingly, while I look guilty.

I mean, I really was hoping for a duo trip with just me and James.

"Why do you look unhappy? Did you not want us to come along?" Alexander asks softly, reading my expression.

"Uh, no. I am just scared of shopping" I throw out a small fact.

"Why?" Alessio asks making me jump in my seat.

I am really sacred of Alessio more than this brothers.

"Um, I hate crowds. I always get hurt when I visit crowded place" I tell them.

Jack told me that he has not shared any of my past to my brothers yet. He is waiting for me to trust them.

So this information that I am sharing is just a small portion.

"Do not worry, with us. Those who intend to hurt you will be hurt instead," Alex smiles as he pats my head from the back seat.

"Alright, for the first hour, Ana and I will shop around. Then I will have to go get some things for Vince. SO the twins will be with her" James ordered.

"Vince asked me to pass you this" James passes me a gold card.

"He is paying for your things, so he said do not look at the price" James tries to speak in his brothers voice and failing miserably.

"I will try. It will be hard" I answered him honestly.

He nods. The twins left saying they want to get something to eat. Even though they just ate lunch before we left.

We walked into the first shop. It was a thrift styled shop, the clothes were cheap.

And I know who owns this shop. But I do not want that person to know I am here at the moment. Or his family will not leave alone, in a good way.

I wonder how Jack has not bump into them yet.

I took some of my favourite collection. Which was like five pieces. But when the cashier told me the price I was shocked.

"The total will be $100. Payment by?" she speaks rudely as she chew her gum loudly.

James reaches out to pay but I held his hand back.

"Are you sure that is the price?" I look at her, she looks at me, rolls her eyes.

"Yes, if you cannot afford it please feel free to leave" she smirks eyeing me from up to down.

"James, can I borrow your phone for a while" I look at me brother. He nods passing me his phone, looking at me curiously.

I dialled the number that I remember in the back of my head.

"Hello, this is Reed, who is on the line?" a rough voice spoke,

"Lau, its me, Ana," I smiled as I spoke.

"Ana!. Hey how are you? Whats up?" he speaks softly.

"I am fine, I am actually at AARL thrift. I got like five shirts but the price totaled up to $!00 dollars. Did you incease the price?" I asked him, at this point the cashier was gulping.

"No, there is no price increase on any product, which mall are you at?" he asks me seriously.

"About that, I am in the XMC mall" I chuckled nervously.

There was silence on the other line.

"I am at the same, mall. I will there in two minutes, and you young lady have some explaintion to do," he hangs up.

"James, no matter what happens later. Do not react and do not introduce yourself. I will do it" I pass James his phone back. He nods still confused.


"Hi!" I smiled at him.

"Hi? I am screaming and that is what you reply me?" he glares at me yet his eyes filled with happiness.

"I missed you darling," he pulls me into a hug.

"Now, Ms, Jane, why is my sister is telling me that you are overcharging her?" Laurent looks at his staff in anger.

"Oliver, I want you to check the CCTV and see how many times she has done this and she has to pay all the extra money to the affected customers," he snapped his fingers at his assistant.

"Laurent, give respect to Oliver. Do not snap your fingers at him" I smacked his arm.

"Sorry, Oliver, it will not happen again" he apologies to his staff. Who stares at his boss agape.

"Now, my dearest sister, who is that man staring at us?" Lau sent a look towards James.

"About that," I rubbed my neck.