
Aim for the Sky

She endures it all, with the hope that she will reach the sky one day. Her life will change once again for better or worse?You will never know unless you read and follow her on her rollercoaster ride.

Writingforinfinity · Adolescente
Classificações insuficientes
17 Chs

Chapter 15

James's POV

When she bowed to apologize for hurting us, I was shocked and sad. That my sister is saying sorry for something that was not her fault.

I was proud when she fought for her happiness. Her skating style was breathtaking, it was like she was just dancing on ice. It was smooth and relaxed.

Each step was done with perfection. Even better than my ex girlfriend. Ana was our source of happiness and every feeling.

Vincent was talking to her coach Jordan who I learnt was Vince's best friend. He also used to be an assassin until he gave it all up. I am shocked to see that he is now a skate coach. Anyways Vince was telling him about stopping her night trainings and if there was a necessary for night trainings, they can use the ice rink in our house.

Jordan conveyed it to Ana, who nodded.

I saw our brothers watching her like a hawk. They held their breath when she was doing a dangerous move and let go of their breath when she finish it safely.

"She is a queen," Alessio whispers.

Everyone nodded their head, agreeing to their brother.

She completed the routine and was breathing hard. But the smile never left her face as she panted.

"Lets' go, James and Ana will crash at the brothers' home," Vincent ushered our brothers out of the arena. They followed him obediently not putting up a fight.

They all were deep in thoughts.

We reached the brothers' home; Ana woke up when reaching the house. She rushed into the house happily. She shouted for the boys' mum. She looked so carefree and was acting her age. This is the first time I saw this side of her. Unknowingly it brought a smile on my face.

"She only felt free in our house. She always found reasons to crash over. Understanding her situation, we welcomed her into our family with open arms. Now she is like our sibling" Arjuna explains to me.

I was happy to know that my sister found someone to love her. She has people to keep her safe.

"But we do not know what happened to her after we left her, she seems worse than the last time we saw her. Jordan does not know anything as well. She has closed us off as well" Arjuna sighed as he watched my sister worriedly.

"Why you say that?" I asked him,

"She tells us everything. She is never embarrassed to tell us things. Hell, she even told her when she got her first period. We had to buy her pads and teach her how to wear them. Mum was away for work" he explained with a faraway look and a soft smile.

"Since then, we never lie to each other. But we hold back information from each other. The withheld information will come out one day or another, but the shock will be lesser. And we know Ana better than anyone. We can tell that she is hiding something" Vijay sighed sadly.

"I am sure, she will tell you guys about it soon, she trusts you both with her life" I patted their shoulders as we walked into their home.

"Thank you, James, it means a lot to us that you have accept us as a part of her life" they smiled.

"Jam, hurry up, mama made my favorite dishes, come and try it" she pulled me into the dining room with a big smile.

She fed me food from her plate, she did not let me move. She was clingy on to me. I was shocked and happy that the same time.

'She is scared that you will leave her alone,' Vij wrote a small note and passed it to me when she fell asleep in my arms.

I was shocked that she was feeling that way. Right away, I messaged the family group and asked them to prepare tomorrow for a family time.

They all agreed, Vince asked me for the reason behind the sudden message, I told him what happened.

I can feel his sadness for his sister.

I promised her then in my heart, that I will never give up on her or leave her.

I will protect her even if I have to die to achieve it.

Third POV

While the brothers were planning and preparing for the family time. Kaden was planning his revenge against a girl that has been stepping on him since he lost a fight with her.

He got the people he needs to destroy her once and for all. He is happy that for once he will be stronger than her. He thought, her brothers hate her. So despite, his fear of them, he thought they will be happy for his action. For taking a burden off their hands.

On the other side, Ana is deep asleep cuddling with her brother. You can see that she is truly relaxed and is feeling peaceful. She had a small smile on her lips.

"She is happy," Vijay's mum commented to her husband, as they watched their not blooded daughter sleeping happily.

"Yup, she is finally home" the father rubbed his wife's shoulder affectionately. They watched the siblings a few more seconds before closing the door softly and going into their room to end their day.

"Did she tell you anything?" Vijay and his brother were talking to Jordan, to figure what they missed out in their best friend/sister's life while they were in another country.

"Nope, she stopped talking three weeks after you both left. She disappeared for two weeks after she stopped speaking. I am not sure what happened to her. Did you ask him? If he knows anything" Jordan asked us, we shook our head.

"We do not contact him, he contacts us and only to ask us about Ana. He will end the call right away," Arjuna sighs.

"Maybe we can send him a message with the full report on how she is doing along with our observation, he will then help to investigate it" Vijay asked with a big smile, while the other two looked troubled,

"We are breaching her privacy if he does that bro. We do not want to lose her trust," Arjuna informs his brother.

"That is true as well" Vijay sighs.

The three of them decided to give her sometime to open up before looking for help.

The next day, Ana and James left after having a stomach filling breakfast.

"What are we doing today?" Ana asked her brother, who was driving them back home in his car.

"It is a surprise, and also our way of asking you for forgiveness and to give us one more chance," he explains.

"I have forgave you guys the moment, you allowed to keep ice skating," she smiles while looking at her shocked brother.

"Then, do not let them know that. Let them work more for it. Let them show how much your forgiveness means to them" James suggested to her, which she agrees with only for a short time.

She does not like to play with anyone's feeling at all. She will make an exception this time to see if she can trust them. But something tells her, that today, their trust and bond will be put to the test.

"Surprise!" the whole room echoed with the screams, making Ana to jump into the closest brother's arms, but it was Alessio, the brother who made it seem like he hated her the most.

"I am sorry, I did not mean to jump into you, I just hate loud noise, it scares me a lot" she started to ramble to make sure that he will not arm her.

She rarely shows her weakness to people who she does not trust. But unknowingly she has started to open up to her brothers the minute she came here and felt the bond of her family.

"It is okay," he mumbles as he gently let her down, but still held onto her to make sure she is able to stand and walk to the sofa steadily.

"Aww, is Alessio worried about his baby?" James teased his brother who gave him a glare that did not scare or faze anyone at all.

"Anyways, Ana, we are going to spend the whole day together, do let us know if you want to do anything as well" Luke informs her to make sure that she has rights to voice out as well.

"Thank you, Luke, I truly appreciate it," Ana thanks him sincerely making every to proud of her polite attitude.

"I wish Alessio had this attitude" James started to sniffle while wiping off a fake tear from his cheeks.

"Shut up James!" Alessio grumbles annoyed with the fact that James was picking on him nonstop.

"One more thing before we start to get ready for the day. Our cousins are joining us as well, it will also allow them to bond with Ana" Vincent announced before letting his sibling to get ready for their day.