
Aim for the Sky

She endures it all, with the hope that she will reach the sky one day. Her life will change once again for better or worse?You will never know unless you read and follow her on her rollercoaster ride.

Writingforinfinity · Adolescente
Classificações insuficientes
17 Chs

Chapter 14

Ana's POV

I was shocked when Alessio knocked on my door, yesterday.

"I am sorry for making you give up on your passion. Yesterday showed me how much it meant to you. Therefore, you can go for it again. For now, do not tell any other brothers about it," he tells me. I could only nod. Even though he says that I can continue doing the one thing I love, I do not have the skates anymore. How am I going to skate if I do not have the right shoes.

I cannot afford one anyways. I just laid onto my bed thinking of what I should do.

"Come on, we are going to the mall. I owe you a pair of skating shoes" Alessio says, surprising me once again.

I had fun shopping with Alessio, he made sure I had the best and perfect skates for me. I thanked him nonstop until he gave me a glare.

I messaged Jordan, Arjuna and his brother about me returning to figure skating. They were delighted and want to celebrate it tonight at the ice arena. Jordan also stated, that he will be starting my core training from tonight, and I will not be having time to rest for the rest of the months left before my competition.

I could not control my excitement while eating my dinner, my legs kept moving through out the whole dinner.

"Come on Ana! How many times do I have to tell you to be more relaxed?!" Jordan was shouting out his instructions from the outside of the ice.

He let me take a five minutes water break before getting back on the ice.

"This is what happens when you stop practicing for six months" Jordan chided me , as I drank my water. I was smiling despite the tough training he was putting me through.

"Are you that happy to be back?" Jordan asked me softly,

"Yes, I feel alive, I missed it Jor. I feel like myself again" I skated backwards my hands wide open. I felt eyes on me, I scanned the place, and at one corner I saw all my brothers standing and watching me.

I staggered on my skates and fell on my butt. My mouth agape in shock and fear. As they run towards me, I stood up quickly.

What are they doing here? I thought I sneaked out without anyone knowing about it. Will I be in trouble, what punishments will they give me?

I gave Jordan, a scared look. Knowing what I am scared of, he walked over to me and placed his arm over my shoulder.

"I think it is time you guys talked to each other properly" Jordan tells us. But I was still shivering in fear.

Arjuna stood next to me, protectively.

"Ana, I think, I will start first. It is my fault that Alessio made you give up skating. I was dating someone who is a professional figure skater. She broke my heart terribly. Since then, I was always depressed when I saw anything related to ice skating. Silently, everyone in the family avoided anything that had to do with it as well. To protect my heart and feeling, Alessio threaten you." James tells me softly, I could hear his sadness in his voice.

"And I apologize on behalf of all our brothers, we made you feel like you could not share with us your happiness. And to not hurt us you were willing to give up that one thing that kept you happy. I am sorry Ana" Vincent looks at me with sincerity in his eyes. After him, everyone told me their apologizes. I was shocked,

"I did not know that this sport, hurt you guys so much. But I am truly sorry, that I cannot give it up again. These past few months have showed me, how much this sport have impacted and plays an important role for my happiness and sanity. The only thing I can do is that, I will not ask for you support or help related to this sport. You guys can forget that I am a figure skater." I bowed to them to show them my sincere apology.

I cannot keeping giving up to make other happy. Arjuna is right it is time I stood my ground and fought for my own happiness.

People come and go, but your hobbies and passions stay if you work hard for it.

Life is short, I am not going to waste my time making others happy when all they do are hurting me.

"Darling, no, we are not taking this away from you ever again. Now and forever, you will have our full support. Do not hide anything, that makes you happy, from us," James tells me softly. I looked at him in shocked. He was the one that was hurt too much from this sport. And yet he is ready to once again get involved in this just to make me happy.

I look at Arjuna, Vijay and Jordan. They just nod their head, encouragingly.

"Fine, but lets take it step by step. You do not have to give me your full support. Just whenever you are comfortable and ready" I negotiated with them, and they nod in agreement.

"Alright, enough chit chat!" Jordan broke us with a clap of his hands. He turned to me,

"Get back on the ice, we are going to do the full routine two times, to see where we need to work on next training" he instructed me.

"You guys can go first; I will crash at their house tonight" I said pointing towards Arjuna and Vijay, who are working on their skating skills. They play ice hockey, times like this they do some basic moves with me to help me practice.

They only started playing ice hockey to make me continue with ice skating. These boys will do anything and everything to make me happy.

"No way!" Alessio said loudly making me to flinch back into Vijay who was standing behind me. He placed his hands on my shoulder making me relax slightly..

"There is so much you need to learn about Ana. One of the most important things is that you cannot talk to her loudly or scream at her, until you are very close with her like us" Arjuna huffed in anger.

"Sorry Ana, what our brother was trying to convey was, that we will wait till your training is done, and we will bring you home with us" Vince glared at his younger brother.

"And what Ana wants to tell you guys is that, our parents have prepared her supper, as usual whenever she has night trainings like this" Vijay explain to them softly.

"Oh okay. I will stay over with her as well" James stated.

"Sure, I think ma will love that" Vij shrugged.

We went back to training, during the training, I saw that all of them were looking at me and not once did they look away.

I saw Vince standing next to Jordan and chatting with him. I am not sure about what, but I know that Jordan will tell me if it affects me.

"Alright, that is all for this session Ana. And I have seen where you can improve on for the next training. Also, I talked with your oldest brother here and agreed that you will no longer have to do night training. And if need to do, we can use the ice rink in your house," Jor informs me. I nod my head, only processing half of it as I was tired.

"Alright, princess, ma has started to prepare everything, we need to be there soon" Arjuna carried me, while Vij carried our things.

"Is she okay?" James asked worriedly.

"Yup, she is just tired" Vij explained.