
4. Basic training.

Valerie sat and watched as I did some katas that the scroll suggested, this would help stretch my body making it more flexible and work out my muscles. It's not as fast as a hard work out routine but it's more stable for building a solid foundation.

After that I did leaf sticking exercises. The point was to find the right amount of chakra and stick the leaf to a portion of your body. Too much it blows off, too little and it doesnr stick.

"Why are you sticking leaves to your head?" Valerie asks.

"It helps me control the energy in my body and teaches me how to move my chakra the way I want. I'll also be able to use it to walk up trees or over water." I tell her as she looks at me with disbelieving eyes.

I just shrug and walk over to a tree before laying on my back and pressing my feet against it. My chakra reserves are quite large already due to my bloodline and my control is exquisite due to being able to see my chakra and memorize the best amount to use.

A minute later I take a step up the tree and stick perfectly before walking horizontally right up the tree much to her shock.

It's much harder to do than I imagined. Do you know how much strength it takes to be able to walk like that up a tree? Its killer on the core.

"This chakra, do you think I could learn it?" She asks curiously.

"Possible." I tell her walking down the tree.

Looking at her body she does seem to have a blue glow around and inside of her.

"How do I do it?" She asks eagerly.

"If I put my hand on your back and help it might work easier but here make this hand sign." I show her the Ram, handsign.

She copies.

I walk behind her and place my palms on her back.

"Now close your eyes and imagine a blue flow deep in your stomach." I tell her pushing chakra into her body and she shivers slightly.

I lock onto the blue glow and tug.

Then it explodes around her pushes me off into the distance.

She let's out a satisfied sigh as he body creaks and pops.

"This feels amazing." She says with a grin while I pick myself up from the dirt and brush myself off.

"You have alot of chakra, I would suggest trying the tree walking exercise I just did. Should help you gain control of it faster." I offer.

With an eager look she heads over to the tree I used and puts her foot against it. However a large burst of chakra explodes out of her foot blasting the tree in half as it falls backwards.

I just look at it in shock.

"Wayyyy too much there." She says with a chuckle.

I just shake my head before going towards the pond. I take off my shoes and step into the shallow water before trying to stand on top of it. It takes much longer for me to adjust to walking on water but once I have it then it's no more issue.

However it makes me frown.

"I need something more energy draining to train my reserves." I mutter.

At this point Valerie has destroyed quite a few of her trees in the yard. However she seems more eager than ever.

"Seems like you are excited?" I ask the vampire.

"Of course! I havent been able to learn much for the past few hundred years, it's been rather boring for me. That's why I got a job at the guild." She says with a large grin.

"Is that because of your level or something?" I ask.

"Yeah, due to not being able to level up, I can't acquire any new magics." She says with a frown before grinning. "However this is new."

"Glad you are enjoying yourself." I chuckle before thinking about my problem.

'Maybe the Rasengan? I can just pump chakra into it constantly.' I think looking at my hand.

"Now what was it? Rotation, Power, and Containment?" I mutter before I push chakra out of my hand. It doesnt really form anything it just kind of disperses into the air.

"Finally a challenge!" I smile happily focusing more on making it into a ball shape and holding it in place.

It's much more of a chakra drain than water walking and I dont think I'll get it down anytime soon.

When I feel tired I sit down and drink some water and eat a food bar before resting. After a few hours Valerie stopped blowing up trees and is finally able to walk on them with a grin.

The yard looks destroyed though.

Oh well, not my yard.

After my break I get back to practicing.

Chakra shape manipulation is much harder than just water walking. I figured it would be a walk in the park. I was wrong.

It's kind of like trying to force air to do what you want it to do. Plus once the chakra leaves my body, I lose a great portion of control over it.

Maybe try less in a constant stream?

A small guest of chakra slowly starts to seep from my palm at a constant pace while I try my hardest to force it into a ball shape by rotating it.

I'm sweating heavily at this point, seriously it's like I'm just running a marathon. Even my arm is kind of sore from pushing so much chakra through it and feels kind of swollen. So I swap to my left arm and keep trying.

I wonder if there is some kind of item I could use to gather liquid chakra? I'll have to look into that. Would be great to store excess chakra and I could probably find a use for it.

I also probably shouldnt be thinking about random things when trying to make a rasengan.

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