
3.Prelude to A New Battle

It has been 10 years since he began his training with Lily, and Agon had basketball drilled into him, he had basketball to learn everything from the warm ups, drills, basic skills and tactics, over the years he soaked up everything.

Lily was both surprised and overjoyed by how quickly Agon soaked up what she taught him, that before she knew it she was drilling him on everything she could about the history of the game and he found himself enjoying the sport more than he thought he would.

Lily took him to see the Knicks as they Played against the Lakers, he watched the dominant play of Sadiq O'riley, the most dominant big man in the NBA, and watched him and the dominant play that the Lakers team displayed caused Agon's blood to boil.

This man did not have God Speed Impulse but his talent was almost similar, that increased his drive to play as he thought about competing against players of this level.

At the age of 11 he joined the AAU team New York Jayhawks, and led them began the story of the most dominant figure in junior Basketball.

After his father realised just how good he was he made it his mission to act as Agon's agent, of course Agon grew curious about the American football scene as he was not able to play in America as a child before, but he was disappointed they were a far cry from the level of those he played with in Japan in his old life.

Still he played both Basketball and American football as a Utility Player and became famous for being dominant in each position, Scouts and Players from the NBA and NFL would come to see him play.

He was the most talked about youth right after another young adult, LaMont Jones known as "The King" who was close to being drafted and is considered to be a generational talent.

Agon met him by chance and they played a One on One game, even with the God Speed Impulse he was unable to react to him and was defeated, 8-21, as a result he vowed to work even harder and crush him in the NBA.

Soon he became known by another name by the media and his games were appearing on ESPN, Agon was nicknamed "The Beast" and his power and ferocity could not be matched and was voted the MVP, becoming the youngest player to be on the cover of "Sports Illustration" at 15 however most shocking to the public was the title, "The Beast goes East".

Agon's father was given the position of CEO of his agency's branch in Japan, as a result his family was going to move to Japan, as his father told him that he also mentioned something interesting.

"Huh? All of a sudden we are going to Japan?" to say Agon was not amused would be an obvious understatement. Beside him his brother moved away slightly as he felt Agon slowly begin to heat up.

Lily sighed, having expected this kind of reaction and said, "Aggy calm down, it's not like it's forever you can come back for college after all even in Japan it is highly unlikely your prospect will dwindle."

Hearing this his father quickly nodded, "exactly instead it's possible that it will increase the prospect of Players in Japan, especially if the rumors I have heard are true."

Agon focused his eyes at him while Lily spoke up, "wait rumours? What rumours are you talking about? This is the first I heard about this."

Hearing this caused Agon's father to gain a mischievous glint as he leaned forward, "actually I have been hearing rumours in Japan about a group of kids around Agon's age who are apparently being held as the future of japanese Basketball, each one is said to be really good and they are being called 'The Generation of Miracles', isn't it interesting?"

Hearing this Agon could only slowly nod his head, "Sure that does sound a little interesting but what good does that do me?"

However Lily was not of the same mind, she tilted her head and spoke slowly, "No Aggy your Idiot father might be right…"

Hearing his wife call him an idiot made Agon's father jolt but he got over it quickly after hearing her agree and began to quickly nod.

Lily ignored him and continued looking at Agon, "...so far you have been dominating the Basketball scene here, but going to Japan for a while will not only allow you to play in an unfamiliar environment if these kids are really so good you may even learn something more, plus your rivals here can grow stronger without your shadow hanging over them."

Agon considered carefully before agreeing that this might be good for him and so he found himself in Japan.

Agon had grown back out his patented Dreads and so as he walked through the streets he stood out quite a bit, walking with his hands in his pocket.

Agon learned from his dad that Teiko Middle School, the team which the generation of miracles represent had a game today and so he had to see for himself.

He entered into the Gym, sitting at the back but instantly what caught his eye was the Meiko Jr high schools, Number 7, he was quite fast and he had solid foundation, but other than that there was nothing special, as he watched number 7 layup to bring the ball to 11-0, Agon noticed that nobody chased him.

He was growing bored until suddenly Teiko began to move, what happened next was a one sided slaughter as Teiko completely destroyed Meiko, Agon was a little shocked by the viciousness and the skill shown by Teiko, but what caught his attention was even as they were being crushed Number 7 still chased after the ball while the rest of his team just watched.

Beside him he heard someone say, "hey, isn't this a bit much?"

But he replied without turning "No why show mercy to someone weak, rather its best to crush them if they aren't going to play seriously, Meiko seems to be trash. But I admit Number 7 might be a little interesting."

The game ended with a dominating 111-11 win to Teiko and the Gym was empty save for Meiko Jr high.

He didn't bother looking at who he was talking to as he watched Number 7, behind him he could see an annoying blood devil as he thinks of his old world, feeling nostalgic, Agon walked up to the downed boy who was panting,

He crouched down next to him and spoke nonchalantly. "You guys really suck, I don't think I have ever seen such a pathetic group of trash before this."

Hearing this the entire Meiko team turned to him before the teams Center, angrily tsked and grabbed him lifting him by his collar roughly he shouted,"What did you say you Bas-"

However before he could finish Agon twisted his wrist while glaring coldly, "What are you angry about? Where was all that spirit earlier when you just stood here watching your teammate run around on his own."

Hearing this caused Number 7 to look at hims startled while the rest of the team turned away in shame.

He glanced at the downed Player by his feet and said, "Hey number 7 what's your name?"

The player gulped in deep breaths of air before saying, "Shigehiro... Ogiwara"

He smirked, "hey shiggy, you have a pretty good foundation in basketball, however there's nothing that particularly stands out about you, to put it bluntly you suck..."

Hearing this Ogiwara winced, however Agon was not done, "...there is nothing special about it and honestly I would call you Average at best, however you have a lot of spirit!"

Hearing this caused Ogiwara to look at him again with wide eyes, Agon had a vicious grin on his face, "It's too bad your guts can't make up for skill, so what are you going to do now? Just let these guys get away with embarrassing you?"

Hearing this Ogiwara could only grit his teeth as tears flowed, "If not what can I do? You said yourself guts can't make up for skill."

Nodding Agon, "Of course not but I have decided, you might be a fun new toy, this summer you are training with me on one condition."

Hearing this the Center scoffed, "Who are you supposed to be anyway?"

Hearing this Agon grinned showing sharp teeth and walked over to the basketball in the corner using his foot to flick it in the air.

He began dribbling slowly in a lax rhythm before exploding forward to the rim and leaping from the free throw line and slamming down the ball with a single hand, he hung there for a few seconds before dropping lightly.

The Center was shaking as he thought with cold sweats, What an Insane Drive, with that kind of momentum I would have been sent flying trying to stop him,

The rest of the team also watched him before Ogiwara struggled to his feet. "Your condition, what is it?"

Hearing this, Agon turned to him, "Simple you are going to join me to crush those generations of Miracles in High School, all you have to do is follow me to my highschool of choice."

Hearing this caused the team to turn to look at him in shock, "What did you say crush the Generation of Miracles?!"

Hearing this Ogiwara was stunned before bowing and saying, "I accept this condition! Please teach me!"

Nodding at this Agon nodded and said "alright let's go!"

Walking ahead, Ogiwara ran up to walk a little behind him saying as they exited the Gym, "So which highschool are we joining?"

Agon as they exited turned to him and said, "there's a pretty interesting team in Tokyo, called Senshinkan…"

Neither of them noticed they were being watched by a small figure nor did they hear the figure say, "Senshinkan? Interesting, maybe I should go too?"

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