
2.Making Plans

After waking up Agon was left under observation for a month before the Hospital released him, while he waited Agon gathered information on his new body.

This world's Agon Kongo was still a child, 6 years old living in New York, A japanese American the family was similar to his own, with some changes, his father was more present, and his twin Unsui is now 3 years older than him.

It turns out the reason behind this world's mysterious "death" was he was involved in a hit and run with a drunk driver, hearing this Agon shivered and vowed never to touch alcohol again.

After he awoke, and had his episode the doctors noticed a rapid improvement in his body and after observation for a month and some rehabilitation.

His bodies condition was surprising to his doctors as he showed glimpses as his body grew accustomed with the God Speed Impulse.

His reactive speed and fine motor skills were already beginning to be more advanced than the average person of his age.

His body was also recovering much faster than he was expected and after 2 weeks.

After he ran some more test, the Doctor gave his mother his card and he was allowed to leave.

But being stuck in the body of a child made Agon feel annoyed at the thought of having to deal with puberty again, and waiting for his voice to break so he sounded more like a man.

Being an adult in the body of a child was bad enough, but since he was a teenager in Highschool Agon was known for his promiscuous nature, and was very appreciative of the female form, the thought of dealing with his body might be the biggest crisis of his second life.

And so he sat quietly in the back, while his mother drove him home.

"Agon, baby, we are home now" his mother's soft concerned voice caused Agon to turn his attention to her before sighing.

"Yes!" he internally fumed at the pre-pubescent squeak that his voice made as he answered her, they exited the car and Agon followed her to the entrance of a townhouse, his family was rather well off due to his father's success as a sports agent.

Opening the door they walked in and Agon noticed a banner hanging, "Welcome Home", surrounded by friends and family friends who cheered as he entered.

His brother Unsui came over and hugged saying, "I'm glad you are okay"

This made Agon awkwardly pat the crying boys back as his parents watched, before his father hugged him lifting him in a bear hug, "My Boy is so Strong! Look at you! You look so healthy Agon!"

Wriggling out of his father's grip he goes to sit in the corner and sighs tiredly at the attention he receives.

He watched bored until he noticed a young woman with long blonde hair, and an amazing figure caught his attention, and as his eyes followed her she caught his eye following an annoyingly familiar glint appeared in her teal green eyes.

As she came up to him her voice was almost teasing as she greeted him with a "Hi! Agon!"

Her hand ruffled his hair, much to his displeasure and he snorted and replied "who are you hag?!"

The woman's eye twitched slightly as she said, "I don't get what Lily was talking about, You aren't cute at all"

Hearing this Agon let out a tsk, "who asked you anway?"

The woman smirked and said, "Hi my name is Alexandra, your mum coached me in college."

Hearing this Agon was shocked, in his past life his mum was not interested in sports at all but here she was a coach?

Seeing his confusion Alexandra let out a bark of laughter, "What's wrong? You didn't know? Your mum is a bit of a legend in Women's Basketball, first Asian female to get the championship in basketball."

This caused Agon to stare at his mum in shock, watching the homemaker chatting with her acquaintance the image of an athlete didn't overlap at all.

Suddenly he remembers the deal he made and so he got up and walked to her, "Ma!"

Internally wincing at the loud squeaky voice caught the attention of everyone causing to look at him, his mother also looked shocked as she turned to him, "Wha? Agon what is it?"

Taking a breath he said, "Ma! I want to play Basketball!"

After a beat of silence Alexandra let out a roaring laughter as he heard his mum saying "all of a sudden?!"

Hearing the blonde woman's laughter Agon's face started to heat up, Alexandra joined them holding her stomach and said, "Lily! I finally understand you! This boy is too cute!"

Hearing this his mother turned to her in confusion waiting for her to calm down.

Once gathering her composure Alexandra finally explained, "I was just mentioning to Agon that his mom used to be an awesome basketball player"

Hearing this a look of understanding appeared on his mother's face before she looked at him with fondness while his face burned from all the tittering and sly glances from the party guests.

Then his mother nodded, "Sure that's fine, this weekend i'll teach you how to play basketball."

Fine, That was a little embarrassing, but with this I can start getting prepared, he thought slyly as he composed himself and returned to the corner with everyone watching him.

The weekend came and Agon stood with his mom in the back of the house with a basketball in his hand, but she looked different from the homemaker he was used to, her eyes were sharp and she said, "You won't be needing that ball today."

Hearing this made Agon look at her for a moment before dropping the ball, from there began what he will remember as a training from hell.

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