
All Beginnings

Imagine a world where you live in peace without any responsibility to work in order just to survive. A world where fresh seawater are free, running down from gorgeous mountains supplying it limitlessly, bounty of different kinds of fishes are unlimited and most of all it's clear water is so healthy to drink safely. This is a world where earth are so rich that vegetables, pastures, flowers, trees, grasses you name it! With such richness, they grow so huge and heavy even a 5 foot strong man can't carry. These greeneries and clear unlimited water begins to be worshiped by its consumers, the arrival of mankind. These consumers slowly adopts the world's environment without any regrets, they felt blessed and satisfied without craving for more! This amazing world was named by its people, Titanus.

Citizens of Titanus has an average standing of 12 foot tall while those 5 foots are just a size of their new born babies. These people started to grow in numbers forming their own civilization using their unmeasurable strengths to build everyone's shelter made solely on huge and heavy rocks. As the community enlarges, the division of labors became unequal. Their discomfort and worries reached out to GOD and he descend upon them. That day, Titanus became a bloody battleground! A battleground where all titans must fight following the guidance of the GOD. Proclaiming those who proven himself as the strongest and has more power to sacrifice everything for his people are destined to be the most honorable leader of Titanus.

The battleground became so brutal that all female and children stepped out to participate. Then a wise and strongest man stood up rejoicing his victory! He spoke in a loud voice shouting as hard as he can to awaken his people. He announced that fighting is very unjust and no one should fight against each other anymore unless GOD descend again. They will fight but not against each other anymore instead they will fight together to bend GOD's resolve . The man became the leader of the glorified Titanus and along with his journey to empower his men, he found out that he is the destined child to overthrow his father, GOD. The missing youngest son of GOD, Zeus.

What journey lies before him?