

Him guk was a normal student, he played a lot of games and he liked them especially rpg games, but one day was woken up in a frail and failing body and unlike what he thought the owner of the body was still there and he himself had a very faint presence in the body but day by day the orignal soul started to disappear and he started to have a more permanent existence and as he had expected the world was no ordinary world and he also found out the body's ne was :₹-#;_?"!#..... read the book for more information.....

Chilled_duck_ · Anime e quadrinhos
Classificações insuficientes
19 Chs


As Asahi jumped in and hoped for the best to happen, the sage looked at the boy with great amusement and excitement, because no matter what the outcome may come. Because If Asahi lost he would be turned into his corrupt general, basically being sage's pupet but if he won then it would still benifit it.

As Asahi fell down the hole he saw an injured captain, a fainted tank and porter who was trying to wake them up. And when Asahi came in he helped the ported to wake up the tank and used basic first aid on the captain, because it would be an overkill to bring a healing potions which costs hefty amount of money to F ranked dungeon.

After putting some bandages and cleaning the wound, they all say down for a while and a conversation took place. In which the tank said, "We should try to go up, and retreat from this dungeon", responding to the tank Asahi said, "Are you dumb?, I don't mean any sarcasm or hate but think properly, if the door would be open why would I come down? wouldn't I just go out and call for reinforcement or some kind of help?"

Hearing Amori the tank at first was angry at the fact that he called him dumb, but the more he listened the more dumber he felt and then finally got the grasp of full picture, so in response and in a little apologetic tone he said, "So what should we do?, this dungeon looks like atleast of A rank but we all present here are well below C rank and there might be need of atleast two A rankers to clear this dungeon."

Hearing him Asahi said, "Yes it might be very difficult but not impossible, you see if it is a high ranking dungeon then there must be good equipments so using there might be a slim chance that we might survive and get out of this dungeon, so give up your hope too soon." Hearing those words definitely lifted the tank and the porter a little, seeing it Asahi then said, "Now that the mood is calmed, how about we choose a temporary leader because this man is currently wasted." while ponting at the captain.

And as soon as he said so both the tank and porter looked at each other before nodding and both looking at Ashi with faithful eyes. Asahi after a little nagging finally agreed and decided to assume the post of the temporary leader. At first Asahi made others explain their unique skills. And in the tank's case he had pretty useful skills such as: energy barrier, Safe zone, Alpha's territory, impaling walls, sheild up, sheild lowering and force tackle.

And for the porter he had, Speedster, greedy hands and iron will. After learning about their skills, Asahi decided to go on so he told the tank to carry the captain and come with them. Asahi then suddenly got a notification.


congratulations to player for earning enough exp in a specific sect to gain the ' monk's brain ' skill.


As Amori looked and left it (just like your crush did to your message) he went on to the path but then he suddenly remembered then he had the path finder skill which can help him very significantly. As Amori used his skill he saw thre arrows, in which two were orange/ the mix of red and yellow, and the one arrow was red but the red arrow.was much more thicker so he decided to take a risk and went in the red arrow way because one thing he had additionally learnt was that the thicker the arrow better the loot. And as he went in he saw a huge door with ominous aura behind.

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