
Chapter 4

The next morning the students are in the cafeteria eating breakfast. Most of them are eating, some are studying but everyone is talking about last night's skirmish.

When Dante walks in they quiet down and start whispering to each other. They all get nervous and start watching him walk towards the food. Most of them are scared. Some stare at him with disdain for what he did, others keep an eye on him out of fear he might attack them too and the ones truly terrified look down at their food afraid to lift their head.

Dante fills a tray with food and heads to a nearby table. As he sits down the two girls sitting there pick up their stuff and get up.

He starts eating with an annoyed look on his face. While he chews his food he looks around the room with a disinterested look.

Suddenly Katerine, Tanja and Anne walk into the room. Tanja and Anne seem fine but Katerine has visible cuts and bruises. They see Dante and stop for a second. Katerine clenches her fists and start walking with determination towards Dante and her friends follow.

[You shameless pig! You have the nerve to sit there and act like nothing happened! I don't know what you did to get the Head Master on your side, but since you listen to your superiors you seem to know that you cant do whatever you want and even you have to follow the rules. So you will atone for what you did and you will act like a gentleman while you attend here!]

{Fuck off.] Replied Dante, disinterested in the conversation while he focused on his food.

Katerine 's face turned red with frustration. Tanja looked at Dante's tray and reached towards it with her hand.

[Oh! The big, scary psychopath like cookies.]

As she was reaching Dante grabbed his knife and impaled it in the table. If Tanja didn't pull her hand back at the last second she would have been stabbed.

The whole room went silent, all eyes were on him.

Dante turned to her. His eyes were filled with rage.

[Touch my food and i'll tear you to shreds.]

He turned and faced the students.

[That goes for everybody.]

Anne started to blush and with a creepy smile on her face tried to touch Dante's food but Katerine grabbed her hand and stared her down.

[What is wrong with you!? Who cares if she takes a cookie? The food is free, if you want more you can just go get more! Are you crazy!]

Dante pulled out the knife and went back to eating.

The girls reluctantly went to get their food, frustrated that they are powerless against him.

After Dante finished his food he left the cafeteria.

[What is his problem!?] Katerine's voice echoed across the room.

[It's not a secret that on account of the great cost of the war orphanages get almost no funding.] Replied Claudia who was reading a book at another table.

[So one can assume there is a shortage of food there. And when there's not enough to go around and one might be forced to fight for his food.]

When the students heard that they looked at each other with sad looks.

[That's still no excuse!]

[I never said it was. However you mentioned the Head Master and am more curious about that.]

[If you must know while i was in the infirmary she came to have a talk with me.]

[Oh! A talk about what?]

[She tried to make it seem like it was my fault, that i provoked him and that i should be friendly with him and avoid upsetting him. Unbelievable!]

[Well he was only going after you so there's that.]

[What i did is irrelevant! He assaulted the instructor and tried to kill me. Any other student would've been expelled immediately and sent straight to the front lines but they are pretending like it didn't happen.]

[Hm. You're right. There's something big going on that we aren't informed about, something bad.]

The students become uneasy when they hear that.

[What makes you think that?] Asks Tanja.

[For them to make a deal with some one dangerous and unstable and tolerate his behavior means that whatever it is it's worth risking the safety of this Academy.]

The students start to get worried.

[Oh please. He is still following the rules. He isn't running around doing whatever he wants. Which means he knows his place and that he can't go against the kingdom.The Head Master can't fool me. She is trying to keep this quiet to protect the Academy's reputation.]

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