
Afterlife:The Dark Divine

Adam, a soul from actual Earth, a great divine learning, being and beyond after his passing from body. Ruler of his own universe and finding that he is God was barely the beginning. He had to use more than just so many senses to realise he is not alone. The Gods of all universes must come together for their leader and send away the dark energy/ the dark beings from destroying the multiverse. All creation is at stake but none of this is the threat that will change the fate of all universe and Gods.

SilverJones · Fantasia
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23 Chs

An Insight Sub-Chapter- 4.5. Into Screeching Darkness

I had a mind once, limited to thoughts and senses those of one planet. This entity which was me had a vessel, just a wall for my ever more growing limits inside. My body was passed on for the living beings underneath and the soul-

It is what I am now but a much different yet the same kind of spirit who just can comprehend what its old version couldn't. That much is enough to tell how much I have seen and became from the event of passing on.

Now when I see more than what anyone or anything can another noble soul( who as he calls himself a friend of 'this' universe ) had fed something my mind never really seemed to sought but after his speech my soul was craving for more, well knowledge. I can go on telling how the world inside my head reacts...but the universe is at stake.

Pardon me, our friend says," Universes rely on me." A typical sentence my daughter read in her comic books. A mundane fiction that is rather peculiar but after all of it is seen, the reality does seem stranger. I will tell you what I am hinting at here. The Multiverse is what the noblest of souls would deal with. The multiverse..is not what I thought it was or at the very least my ancient human mind thought. It is well, a transcending super being commanding its most unlocked and omnipotent entities to save it.

It's asking rather to not just save..it. It would rather sound bad if I speak ill of the great lords. He, she, or they seek companionship as the darkness that homes them is starting to feel less peaceful and more actually dark.

I must protect and nurture it...else what must we do, I have nothing else to do except well my creation.

I don't seek vengeance, not doing it in the name of it but don't get me wrong the ones who betrayed me taking over such a majestic place is not a calm thought and I don't think it will ever be.

So acting is what I prefer to do more than just being. I am as I do is what I tell myself. It takes me a good amount of cosmic light from the depths of the soul and releases it as the energy of the divine. The drive of such things that form nebula and roguelike entities and forms of planets are what make the part of the universe, unknown and unreachable. The only bad thing is the more light there be, the more darkness that seeks it. And darkness tries consuming light and when it cannot sends a wave of disastrous cunning forces of destruction, eliminating all in its path and then through its dust forming what is known amongst the place I'm from as a black hole, the divine sucker of everything.

No. No. I do not ask you to be afraid to delve into darkness for it is true now and I for one moment think it is unjust for any mortal to see more and do less...even for a guy like me. Well actually for one like me it's a harder thing to know.

The fabrics of whatever the realities are willingly relying on me and as I'm about to find why I'm also about to know that the Multiverses are not just separated by dimensions or parallel 'things' it is rather a weird word to say but the condition that I am has made me say it. It's complicated and yes it is.

To the point now rather than notorious juggling of verbal speech. I have seen what it is, so listen. It's dark and it's violent and I mean it in a human way and the way that this is. There's paint and there's nothing, there are souls without bodies without minds and bodies without souls, and hmm, vessels with more than too many spirits. These are not the beings that exist within the Gracious Seeker-(name of the multiverse) they are rather the supreme themselves that carry the beings within their sons of suns.

"The lords have spoken we must leave."

Our friend calls us with might and we must see how the plays play for what it is played, being already and how.

I'm a juggler of words and spree of sense and now what reality I enter will be a wild take inside the very heart of black souls. The Realm is beyond what I can call neighboring which is spectacular to just tell you how much the realm differs. You will be the one to know how it is and what and share this knowledge with me. I'm much intrigued.

Hah. This mighty place we now enter is known as...no perhaps I must put it this way. It 'calls' itself The Wreaker Galante the home of a giant speaking universe with laws that bend even the minds of the great noble beings for how it plays in the far away blackness of black.

Every now and then the universe sparkles with light as it gives birth to it in every second only to consume for more darkness. He says that he walks in a vessel of something that grants even the mindless objects with life and knowledge to the level of gods. But the most supreme humanoids come with mortalities like it cannot be worn by anyone else.

I would call it 'immortality a great lie' for the name of his suit. The one he gives a home for is a pleasing most dark unseeing senseless beings who tend to rely on light for food. They are so black even after consuming light for years from the supreme and I mean years as in eons greater than eons, they have developed a sense of seeing through their black eyes.

Must I say they played a part of everything even if little-but more will I tell as you seek from here on.

Goodbye, my little palace friend. I will store more as I tell you more. Do kindly send to the beings in my universe subconsciously, it might aid their ways of living and learning. Take command and show yourself as much as they ask. Farewell till next time.