
After rebirth in the apocalypse, my whole family is a big boss

Bai Xirong only lived for three years before dying in the apocalypse. Returning to the pre-apocalyptic world, a portable space was accidentally opened, which also included ancient mountain and sea beasts. Unexpectedly, this time, the whole family would become big bosses. Before the end of the world - Bai Yifan asked his sister, "Did you dream that the end of the world was coming? How am I doing?" "You can't run as fast as our parents. Fortunately - the wealth will not go to outsiders!" Bai Xi Lu's face was calm. Bai Yifan:? ? ? After the apocalypse - Embalmer Bai Mu casually waved her hand, and the zombies were chopped by the lightning power. The outside was charred and the inside was tender. Bai Mu frowned subconsciously, "I really want to put makeup on them!" Grandma Bai's family, who was a forensic doctor . Digging out the crystal core calmly, "It has a protruding jaw. It looks like it's all over the place at first glance, and it doesn't look good even if you apply makeup." Bai Yifan shook his hands and held the sack to collect the crystal core, and was strong enough not to cry. Grandpa Bai, a people's teacher, and Father Bai, a gold medal lawyer, heated a pot with oil, used their strongest powers, endured the harshest beatings, and cooked the most delicious meal. Mountain and sea monsters with unique skills - Qin Yuan, who was being rubbed on the ground by Bai Xi: "Master, you look as gentle and kind today as before!" Ying Zhu: "Rang, stop me from drying the master's clothes." " Shui Hu: "Come here, use my tree as a clothesline." Leng Yebai's chapter - Leng Yebai has been dreaming recently that he was being sliced ​​into pieces, and there was also a pretty girl being sliced ​​together. . He always thought it was a dream, until one day, the person in the dream appeared in front of him. Keywords of the novel: After the Rebirth of the Doomsday,

wina_aubre · Fantasia
Classificações insuficientes
100 Chs

Chapter 51, Third-order Crystal Core

 "Sister, is this dog a zombie dog?" Bai Yifan frowned and looked at the mutated golden retriever with a mouth full of black blood.

  If it weren't for the long orange hair, it would be impossible to tell that it was a warm man before the mutation.

  "These are mutant animals. They are not zombies themselves. They are not as crazy as zombie animals and are more ferocious than ordinary animals. They are immune to zombie viruses. Some mutant animals will not turn into zombies even if they eat zombies."

  Bai Xili took out The dagger stabbed straight into the mutant dog's head.

  The mutated dog was dead, and its fur was so loose that it was easy to cut open its brain.

  A crystal core was cut out, and the crystal core showed a translucent light yellow color, shining brightly.

  This crystal core contains powerful energy.

  Ordinary crystal nuclei are white and can be absorbed by all superpowers.

  There are some high-level zombies, and the crystal nuclei in the brains of high-level zombie animals and mutated animals will show different colors.

  The light yellow color represents the metal attribute. The mutated dog's fur just now is as hard as iron, which is the attribute of the metal element.

  This special crystal core can also be absorbed by ordinary superpowers, but it is just a waste.

  If it is absorbed by a person with powers of the metal system, the benefits obtained are far greater than those of other systems.

  "It's an advantage for you!"

  Bai Xirong threw the light yellow crystal core to Bai Yifan.

  As soon as he got the crystal core, Bai Yifan felt the difference.

  The energy above seemed to be integrated with his own abilities.

  He had a hunch that it would be absorbed faster than ordinary crystal nuclei.

  "This energy is the same as the energy in me." Bai Yifan touched the crystal core with a smile.

  He is one step closer to becoming the strongest high school student in history.

  "It is a mutated animal of the metal system. The crystal nucleus in its brain is most suitable for people with metal superpowers to absorb." Bai Xili said.

  "It turns out that animals also have different powers!" Bai Yifan touched his chin, "That ferocious beast in our house is very tough. Could it be that it also has a crystal core in its brain?"

  "If you can open it, The brain, the crystal core is given to you." The corner of Bai Xirong's mouth twitched.

  "...Forget it."

  Bai Yifan glanced at the mutated golden hair's bitten throat and his face trembled.

  You can't risk your life just for a crystal core!

  "Let's go! Keep collecting gasoline."

  Bai Xirui waved his hand and took the mutated golden retriever into the space, stood up and prepared to collect gasoline.

  "You want this thing?" Wang Yiyun glared.

  The mouth of this golden retriever is full of black blood. If he eats it, he will turn into a zombie!

  "Give it to Xiaofan, it will help improve his metal power!" Bai Xirong glanced at Bai Yifan calmly, "Just take out the black blood in his mouth and stomach. If Xiaofan becomes a zombie "It's his fault!"

  Bai Yifan: ...

  He doesn't have to eat it!

  "Actually, even if some people are bitten by zombies, they will not turn into zombies." Bai Xili patted Bai Yifan's shoulder with a comforting expression.

  "Really? Then I don't have to worry about being caught by zombies, right?" Bai Yifan's face softened slightly.

  He feels that he is the younger brother of a proud man, so he is somehow different from others, right?

  After all, his sister is a prophet.

  "I think our family should not be so lucky." Bai Xirui said calmly, "Have you forgotten that the fat water will not flow to outsiders?"

  Bai Yifan:...

  "Whoever likes to eat will eat it, anyway, I don't Eat!"

  Wang Yiyun touched the wound with lingering fear.

  "Don't worry, Xiaofan. When the time comes, I will personally take charge and I will definitely not turn you into a zombie!" Bai Xi said teasingly.

  Bai Yifan: ...

  can you just give it to me?

  Leng Yebai glanced at Bai Yifan, with a trace of...envy in his eyes?

  Yes, Bai Yifan received such "love" from Xiao Xi, which made him very envious.

  Leng Yebai was envious of being given both crystal nuclei and meat.

  Bai Yifan was so frightened by Leng Yebai's look that he ran back to the bus and continued to look at the bus.

  He has no idea what his unlucky brother-in-law is envious of!

  "Mom, let me take a look at your wound."

  Bai Xirong held Wang Yiyun's arm.

  There was a bloody scratch on his arm. Fortunately, Wang Yiyun hid quickly, otherwise the wound would have been even more terrifying.

  Bai Xilu's fingers covered the wound, and light green energy overflowed, slowly covering the bloody scratches.

  "Hey, I don't feel that much pain anymore!"

  Wang Yiyun looked at the green hands of the Bai Xi Ramie God with slight surprise.

  "The wood power represents vitality and can heal wounds and stimulate the growth of plants." Bai Xirong explained.

  "Really?" Bai Zhengxuan suddenly became excited, "I also have wood-type powers!"

  His childhood dream was to become a doctor who could save lives and help the wounded.

  I didn't expect that in my seventies, I could still have the addiction of being a doctor!

  In a moment of excitement, another green vine grew out of Bai Zhengxuan's gray hair.

  The green vines are much greener than before the end of the world.

  "As long as you control the wood power well, you can become an excellent doctor." Bai Xili said, "You just have to control the wood power well, otherwise the healing power will become an attack power."

  The end of the world There are many wood-type superpowers among them, most of them are female wood-type superpowers who will act as doctors.

  Women are more attentive and have better control.

  Many male wood-type psychics basically major in attack, and few specialize in being doctors.

  "Come on, let me try!"

  Bai Zhengxuan said and was about to treat Wang Yiyun's arm.

  "No, no, no, I think I can tolerate it without treatment!"

  Wang Yiyun quickly took a step back and refused decisively.

  It's not that she doesn't trust her father-in-law, it's just that she cherishes her life.

  Bai Zhengxuan, as an elderly person with three series of superpowers, absorbs superpowers very quickly in order to be able to eat sour elbows legitimately.

  The energy in his body swells from time to time, making his hair rough, and sometimes he can't control his powers at all.

  I was really afraid that he would suddenly wrap her up with green vines.

  Throughout the ages, there have been conflicts between mother-in-law and daughter-in-law, as well as between father-in-law and daughter-in-law.

  The Bai family is a big, happy family, and presumably there are no conflicts.

  But Wang Yiyun always felt that her father-in-law wanted to take revenge for not giving him sour elbow!

  "Am I so unreliable?" Bai Zhengxuan stretched out his hand to pinch off the vines on his head and looked at Bai Anhai, "Whenever you are injured, don't bandage it. Just tell me and I will treat your wound!"

  Bai Anhai: ...

  did you see it?

  This is my biological father!

  He hopes that his own son will be injured every day!

  After the mutated golden retriever incident, the family became more cautious in their behavior.

  When going to other houses to collect crystal cores, let Bai Anhai and Bai Zhengxuan go to the mine first.

  No problem, Liu Jing and Wang Yiyun went in to collect the crystal cores.

  Bai Xirong took away most of the gasoline and diesel from the gas station, and also went to the nearby canteen to collect some supplies.

  Returned with a full load.

  The family got on the bus again. Bai Xixi rolled up her sleeves and started cooking with a mutated dog leg.

  The mutant dog is so big that one leg can feed a whole family.

  The delicious smell permeated the bus. The mutated animal's meat was plump. Despite its ugly appearance, the meat smelled very delicious.

  The higher the level of the animal, the more delicious it tastes.

  As soon as it was put into the pot and stir-fried, the aroma that wafted out instantly captured the hearts of the Bai family.

  "It smells so good!"

  Wang Yiyun stood next to Bai Xirong and took a breath.